[WINNER CHOSEN] [NINJA WEEK '15 GIVEAWAY] Amelie Lenticular Slip Steelbook (Kimchi Exclusive)

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Premium Supporter
Feb 28, 2011
This giveaway is now closed!

On behalf of HDN, I present to you one of many prizes which has been kindly donated by @Naughtius Maximus for Ninja Week 2015!

The prize is a brand new copy of Kimchi's Amelie lenticular steelbook.

amelie.jpg steel.jpg

To enter, just answer this simple question...

What's your favourite foreign language film?

One entry per member
Winner: A winner will be announced on March 1st
Shipping: Covered by winner

Thank you and good luck! :thumbs:

If you're not already a Premium Member, then there's no better time than now to upgrade your membership and have access to even more giveaways - become a fully fledged Ninja today!
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This is a very easy answer for me, Akira. This movie introduced me and countless others into the brilliance that is Anime. I had never in my life seen such depth and shape to a film about animation in my life. I watched it at my friends house back in high school when DVD's were still king for the first time. I couldn't find words to describe what I was seeing and when I would tell people to see this film I did not know the word Anime so I just said get ready to watch the most breathtaking visuals and complex storyline you have ever seen in an animated movie. This is my first foreign film I ever saw and I can say easily still my favorite one after all these years.
So many choices.

Definately oldboy. Gets me everytime

Angel A was a close contender

Thanks for the giveaway
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