(WINNER CHOSEN) [NINJA WEEK'14 GIVEAWAY] Oblivion Steelbook [Korea]

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Premium Supporter
Apr 12, 2009
Hello HDN!

Courtesy of our Trading Manager naughtius maximus via our friends at www.k2dvd.com, comes one of the coolest sci-fi flicks in recent history. You can win a brand new, sealed copy of this beautiful Steelbook right here during Ninja Week!



Contest rules:

Post a scene from your favorite futuristic movie, and share why you love it!

Winner drawn at random during Ninja week.



Winner avenger5:

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Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Bicentennial Man - One is glad to be of service!
Just when part of his face is removed, and he looks at himself in the mirror then screams to high heaven. Made me laugh so much when I first saw it years ago.
My favorite movie growing up was BTTF 2, back then I really thought this was going to happen.:)
I'm going to go with Johnny Mnemonic, old classic I haven't watch in 10 years atleast!
Loved using peoples minds to transfer "large" files!

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Blade Runner. It was just so awsome when i saw it for the first time. It really impressed me.

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Aliens, why cause i think its still one of the best films ever made.even though it
needed more vasquez.

So many Sci-fi films i love but think my personal favourite is Blade Runner. Love the dark atmostphere gritty realism of it. The characters, story, effects and mood of the movie are all top notch. And the end scene with Deckard and Roy is amazing.
Plus it was released in the same year i was born!!!


They keep talking about doing a sequel and i really hope they dont! A genius piece of film making that should be left alone!
(althoguh they did do an awesome old pc game when i was much younger that was nearly as good as the film!)
Serenity Love the series, love the movie :scat:


Thanks for the giveaway :thumbs:
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These is my favourite scene (T2) because its just Badaasss and i remember at the cinema i was like :drool:
Thanks for the give away :thumbs:

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