[winner chosen] Star Wars Rogue One blufans steelbook full slip giveaway

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Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
up for grabs is the full slip steelbook edition of rogue one blufans. If an International winner wins their is a shipping fee of $20

Which did you like Better Rogue One or The Last Jedi?

Another great giveaway, thank you.

I would have to go with Rogue One. While I did not hate TLJ like a lot of people did I still felt it was a bit lacking. Rogue one on the other hand had a great story line, awesome characters and audio and visuals were top notch.
Thanks for the giveaway! I haven't even seen The Last Jedi yet but judging from the trailers I think I will like it more than Rogue one!:)
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