[WINNERS CHOSEN] [Challenge Coin] Really great quotes from awful movies!

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
Hey forum members, now you've got a taste for ninja week, show us what you have!

Q: What's the challenge?
A: Simples, just post a GREAT quote (and perhaps image) from an awful movie!

Q: How can I win a challenge coin for this challenge?
A: Here's an example, from the movie Street Fighter.

M. Bison: "For you, the day Bison came to your village was the defining moment of your life. For me... it was Tuesday."


Q: How many winners are there?
A: We'll choose 5 random winners from all the replies on this thread.

Q: What about duplicate entries?
A: Only one challenge coin per winner.

FIVE (5) WINNERS GET A COIN. A group of FIVE winners will be picked from all entries.

REMEMBER. You can win ONLY ONE challenge coin, per member, but enter more challenges to increase your chances!


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