[WINNERS CHOSEN] [Challenge Coin] Who would you most like to meet on HDN and why?

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Dec 28, 2012
Hey forum members, now you've got a taste for ninja week, show us what you have!

Q: What's the challenge?
A: Who would you most like to meet on HDN and why?

Q: How many winners are there?
A: We'll choose 5 random winners from all the replies on this thread.

Q: What about duplicate entries?
A: Only one challenge coin per winner.

FIVE (5) WINNERS GET A COIN. A group of FIVE winners will be picked from all entries.

REMEMBER. You can win ONLY ONE challenge coin, per member, but enter more challenges to increase your chances!


I Would Love To Meet..
Blu Print..
1.I won His Comp
2. He's A Hip Hop Fan..Just Like ME
3.Very Kind And Generous
4. Its A Trip To The States..
Thanks Apollon Def No offence lol
I would like to meet John aka Masterblaster.

Why? My PM inbox will tell it all :) John aka @Masterblaster is 'my' GB hub leader and we've been in contact because of that. To be honest I haven't been in contact with other members a lot privately.
Besides John lives about a 3 hour drive away from me, that's taking into consideration I will drive about 200km/h on 'der deutsche autobahn' :)

Nevertheless I would like to meet up with many of you all to see some faces that goes along with the names (idea for a new thread?).
Wow. so many people I would love to meet. So many great people!

Have to choose one?Hmm

@bloodsnake007 Dude, you are so funny and you are an awesome ninja. Would love to meet you sometime for some drinks & hot wings! :hilarious:
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This probably won't be his first mention, but it would have to be my Amigo, my Hermano @bloodsnake007

Yes, he is hilarious, fun and the definition of positivity, but he truly is a truly great human being too. :thumbs:

We consider the Candy man, his wife Alyssa and Cowboy as "Familia" in our household. :thumbs:

Going to AZ to see the sights, drink Cervezas and eat Tacos into the night would be awesome :woot:

There are of course, so many more members that would be cool to meet too. :cool:

Thanks for the giveaway and good luck everyone :thumbs:
As i can see @bloodsnake007 can be difficult to catch, cause everyone wold like to meet him.
So not to lose time, i would like to meet @wxlinkswd grab him on some chinese noodles and talk with him
about how it done in HDZeta to make such perfect editions. How do the make artworks, how it looks like
to talk with studios, how they approve all the goodies etc. I am very interested in the whole process, especialy
how does movie rights are aquired and what do they can or can not do.
In the end, i would like to get wasted with him and tell him how much he is helping us by changing artworks and
geting us those magnificant GB's:thumbs:

Tahanks @wxlinkswd :drool::drool::drool:
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Well, since I'm kinda fresh here and haven't had the pleasure of talking with the majority of you (apart from brief encounters), I'd go with @NoDingsNoScratches

I was among the winnder of this Christmas giveaway and he is very kind, friendly and always willing to help. He'll probably block me soon because of all the PMs I'm sending him :p

Thank you for the giveaway :)
Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to meet @earthscope and @bloodsnake007 . We meet in Miami, and we party there all week long. Plus earthscope has model friends so me and franky we are ready :LOL::rofl::drool:

Also in the US i would love to meet @mlmaier84 , @MGD @NoDingsNoScratches @Marina Blue @darczap @Bluprint @Apollon

When i go to the u.k i would love to meet @chunk @Scary Hair @zoneism @kron @XXHAPPY GILMORE @Naughtius Maximus @ricster @Sigill

To the rest of europe, i would love to meet @spass @Hooch @TobinFrost @Hatori @Masterblaster @AnubisNefer
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Cheers for the giveaway!

I would like to meet @digitalbabe so we can chat about our love for horror films.

I will also like to meet @teddyjun cause he is very nice and I always like to visit Korea.
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