Please note that your copy/copies are not secured until payment has been made.
Price includes shipping and fees from supplier to hubs. Shipping to buyer will be separate and invoiced once product is in hand after quality checks. There will be a EU hub ran by me and a US/ROW hub ran by @Wreck
Shipping will be at cost and will be invoiced separately by myself and Wreck once at the hubs and packed and as always you can combine with other GBs to save on shipping.
Once signed up there is no backing out, or you will be blacklisted from future GBs. You can of course combine with future GBs should you so wish to. Unpaid sign-ups will be cancelled and you will also be blacklisted from future GBs.
GB will close when all items are sold out, or on 1500 UK time February 11th, 2019
Orders left unpaid for any longer than 24 hours will be cancelled. Any orders left unpaid after the GB close deadline will be cancelled.
Price includes shipping and fees from supplier to hubs. Shipping to buyer will be separate and invoiced once product is in hand after quality checks. There will be a EU hub ran by me and a US/ROW hub ran by @Wreck
Shipping will be at cost and will be invoiced separately by myself and Wreck once at the hubs and packed and as always you can combine with other GBs to save on shipping.
Once signed up there is no backing out, or you will be blacklisted from future GBs. You can of course combine with future GBs should you so wish to. Unpaid sign-ups will be cancelled and you will also be blacklisted from future GBs.
GB will close when all items are sold out, or on 1500 UK time February 11th, 2019
Orders left unpaid for any longer than 24 hours will be cancelled. Any orders left unpaid after the GB close deadline will be cancelled.