Alien Anthology ("Egg" Limited Edition) [Worldwide]


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Apr 12, 2009
As discussed in my Alien thread there are numerous editions coming of this set. I am pulling out the "stand outs" for anyone that wants to track separate eds.



This "Egg" set is also available in Germany, France, UK, etc.

US Ed comes with 75th Anniversary Alien poster while supplies last if ordered at this link. The "Egg" set is possibly limited to 5000 pieces, per staff at Comic-Con (thanks Horhay), but it is not clear if this is worldwide, or just US.



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Can anyone in the UK confirm if the one from HMV is numbered. If not what is the difference between the one from HMV and Fox Connect. IF its identical aside from being "numbered " than I'm not too sure there are only 5000 copies of this. I hope there are though that would be cool.
Got mine this morning. I'm 2754/5000






Just some quick pics from the phone. I didn't have a screwdriver nearby to but the batteries in to light the egg up, I will do that later. Don't know why people are having issues getting the movies out of the base mine opened right up.
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hiya's all,
i just got finished watching the first 2 back to back :scat:
oh yeah, the transfers were awesome,
when Alien first came out, i only saw it 1 time, when Aliens came out in theatres, i saw it 4 times i loved it that much lol.

i watched the extended versions of both, to me it was awesome to see these again FINALLY on blu lol.........:scat:
Burnt, I too watched the Extended cuts of each, and will finish Aliens today. Though it was widely reported that Cameron said Aliens had been "scrubbed of all grain", I still saw an appropriate amount that preserved the "gritty" look of the film, especially during the scenes where the Marines arrive on the planet to check out LV-426. Gorgeous detail on Aliens, as well, with no "waxy" overprocessing. Enjoy the rest!
heya DB,
i watched 1, 2 & 3 so far,
i watched the extended version of Alien 3 cause i havent watched it in forever lol, but it was great :)
will watch last one this coming weekend
Hey Burnt, saw Alien Director's Cut (loved it, gorgeous detail), Aliens Extended 2 (loved it, also very detailed, but had more grain, than Cameron hinted at, for me (no complaints), but obviously looked infinitely better than my old VHS, ha!) and Alien 3 Theatrical. I've always disliked Alien 3, especially because Ripley dies. But the effects were also bad, IMO-I prefer puppetry and or actors/suits, over those bad CGI/Blue Screen effects. And the story took a bit long for me to take off. Sigourney has some fantastic lines written for her ("Then I must make you nervous", in reference to being 1st woman the prisoners had seen in years, etc). I hope to watch "Resurrection" soon, and then start the series over again at some point with the other versions. I was disappointed to learn that Sigourney did not have time to record a new audio commentary that was originally supposed to be included (time constraints due to Avatar promos), but given the breadth of extra features in this set, there should be no shortage, otherwise:) Overall, I am very excited about this release, in terms of quality, and for me, it's never looked or sounded better. We may fire up the 103" screen/projector (recently set aside for a bit during move). I love this series!:)
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yeah have watched them all,the director's cut/extended think back to the day's of watching these on vhs,these look great on blu.i shall start again with the theatrical versions & then on to the extras:scat:
So now that the set is released, anyone have a chance to watch them yet?

watched Alien Resurrection extended version last night, it was awesome, and while i was watching i noticed something, i recognized 2 of the actors. no, not ron perlman lol
the black guy was from CSI, the original
and the hispanic guy, well, he is currently on the show The Closer, which is one of my fav shows :)
Alien Abducted

Well it's a sad day for me. It's official my copy of the Alien Anthology is lost. Probably stolen by Philpost/ Philippines Customs. HMV issued a refund yesterday evening. Now I have to try to source one from elsewhere now. What with my M.I.A. Iron Man 2 Steelbook I am REALLY pissed off.:angry::angry:
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