Anyone ever considered stopping?

Nov 25, 2020
Seriously. I love collecting, I really do. But surely one day there will come a time when I don't spend hours browsing forums wondering what to get. There will eventually come a time I just don't have the space, the money to keep buying. Or maybe one day I will wake up and say **** it, I just can't be arsed anymore.

But it is not this day.
I have....but then I see an awesome new release and I am back at it:LOL:
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I've been considering it a lot lately. There's no justification for 4K costing £10 more for someone to press a button, and then a steelbook is another £10 on top for no reason when it used to be a free perk for buying early/preordering. Just seen that the new TMNT steel is £34.99 and I struggle to see any value there.
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I've mentioned this before, but I've scaled down considerably to the point where I only go after premiums and/or collector's editions.

Example: In the past I would have grabbed Guardians Vol 3 on release day, irregardless what I think of the art, to have a complete set. Now, however, knowing that more than likely something will come along with a rather nice slip, I'm holding off. If that never worries. Used to really bother me, the incompleteness of a set, but I've kind of gone thru the ringer the past couple years so it no longer means what it once did.
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I've scaled down on purchases too. I'm getting to the point where a few Lego Star Wars models will be dismantled to get some shelf space back, or perhaps I'll consider and be tempted to offload some to continue.
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Getting older and scaling down to just those hundred or so films I know I’m going to really love having over retirement. So… yes, absolutely.
I've scaled down to the point where I'm only keeping the best of my laserdiscs/blu-ray/ 4k and will only buy 100% superb steelbooks now like the recent War of the Worlds 1954. .... Not prepared to buy most of the tat masquerading as premium editions.
I've mostly stopped, this I think is my third time of saying I'm quitting. I don't think I'll ever fully quit, I miss collecting steels. Or just collecting in general. Life need and wife opinion plays a part too though sadly haha. I've said to myself I need to properly finish a home theater setup then I could potentially reconsider re-entering the game. Can't see me ever quitting fully as I said, one swaying factor is the community here. I don't partake lots but the guys and girls here are awesome mostly.
Not yet at that stage but I see what you mean. Currently at (only) around 650 movies in my collection... and I told myself 2k is the tops... So I have many more years hopefully of collecting and enjoying the movies in my collection.
I already have, I stopped collecting steelbooks back in 2019 and the only steelbooks I buy now are ones that complete sets that I've already started like The Fast and Furious and Walking Dead. Now all I buy are regular cased 4K titles and if I get them early on it'll also come with a nice slip to go with it. When I first started collecting steelbooks they were affordable now you can expect to pay upwards of $38 for a standard steelbook and no telling how much for a limited edition one. It's just not affordable anymore now that I'm retired and on a fixed income. I can save for some nice things but when every single steelbook I want is well over $65 and you have 10 or more lined up for that month I'm not left with very much in the end. Believe me when I tell you it's not easy getting out, this hobby is addictive and it's hard to stop buying them. For some it might be easy to wean yourself down buying less and less every month and for others cutting cold turkey may be the best way to go. I weaned myself off a little less each month and it helped to start buying just the standard plastic cased releases in their place. Another issue you'll start facing is space to accommodate all your collected steelbooks, I started running out of space and so when I purchase a standard cased release on 4K I'll sell the steelbook I have of the same title on BR which will balance things out. If you plan on getting out...good luck.
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I already have, I stopped collecting steelbooks back in 2019 and the only steelbooks I buy now are ones that complete sets that I've already started like The Fast and Furious and Walking Dead. Now all I buy are regular cased 4K titles and if I get them early on it'll also come with a nice slip to go with it. When I first started collecting steelbooks they were affordable now you can expect to pay upwards of $38 for a standard steelbook and no telling how much for a limited edition one. It's just not affordable anymore now that I'm retired and on a fixed income. I can save for some nice things but when every single steelbook I want is well over $65 and you have 10 or more lined up for that month I'm not left with very much in the end. Believe me when I tell you it's not easy getting out, this hobby is addictive and it's hard to stop buying them. For some it might be easy to wean yourself down buying less and less every month and for others cutting cold turkey may be the best way to go. I weaned myself off a little less each month and it helped to start buying just the standard plastic cased releases in their place. Another issue you'll start facing is space to accommodate all your collected steelbooks, I started running out of space and so when I purchase a standard cased release on 4K I'll sell the steelbook I have of the same title on BR which will balance things out. If you plan on getting out...good luck.
The crazy prices for standard steels is the main reason I only go premium anymore. If you're going to dole out that kind of money, you may as well up it a little and get something with a bunch of goodies.
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I don’t think so. I enjoy collecting. With everything I collect there eventually becomes a time when I shift to collecting something else and then thin out my collection to only items that are special to me. Steelbook collecting has slowed for me with a lot more worldwide released but I have switched to collecting limited editions from the more boutique distributors.
Same. Have cut back a lot these last few months for a number of reasons... don't find collecting quite as fun any more (re-release after re-release, lacklustre designs and editions blah blah blah). Plus new job, new gf, new priorities/responsibilities etc.
I stopped collecting slowly over the past few years, do to lack of free time and life situation.
Just sold the rest of my collection a few days ago ( about 3000 movies)
Buuuuut....... i already checked some deals to get back a few moves that i sold or never had :whistle: i love the hunt even if i dont catch anything :happy: