

Super Moderator
Super Moderator
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Aug 29, 2011
New York, NY
Asmodee is one of the big players in the board game world. Half of my game collection comes from their catalog and I urge you if you start getting into tabletop to check out some of the many games they produce including Splendor, Seven Wonders, Dix It, Mysterium, and many many more. At Toy Fair I was excited to see a The Shining game on their shelves for upcoming games unfortunately though the person familiar with the game was not available as I was passing by so I only have the back cover description but let’s take a look anyway.
The Shining
You’ve traveled into the heart of the Rocky Mountains to take charge of the Overlook Hotel while it is closed for the winter — except you aren’t alone. The Hotel’s bloody history has made some of its past guests a permanent addition to the building, and with them come terrifying visions that begin to corrupt your mind. Snowed in, you desperately explore the rooms of the Hotel, attempting to gain enough willpower to withstand the evil influence around you. Worse still, one of you has already succumbed to the terrible forces of the Hotel and secretly acts to keep you here forever and ever… This cooperative game plays 3-5 players with about a 60 minute game time