BioWare is 'really pumped' to be working on PS3

Apr 17, 2009
San Diego, CA
BioWare?s vice president of entertainment and miscellaneous Greg Zeschuk has said that the company is ?really pumped? to be working on its debut project for Sony?s PlayStation 3 console in the form of Dragon Age: Origins.

The fantasy RPG romp marks the first time that the developer has worked on a Sony platform since it churned out shooter MDK 2 for PlayStation 2 way back in early 2001.

Speaking in regards to working with PS3, Zeschuk, who also serves as vice president at Electronic Arts, told ?It's been interesting,? adding, ?It's actually been quite good. We discovered a couple of things we did were pretty beneficial. We have multiple threads going for the game and it looks really great on the PS3. You can just throw them on all different processors, for example.?

?It's new. Because we already had experience on 360, that kind of got ahead a little bit, but now we pretty much caught up. Actually it was very exciting. People on the team were really pumped to work on it. They were like, wow. We have a lot of people that like doing new stuff and trying new things, and they were like, wow another platform, can't wait! It's been good.?

The executive also addressed its reasoning for backing Microsoft platforms in recent years, revealing the decision boiled down to having worked with the U.S. giant for half a decade.

?It's going to be exciting having a PS3 game out finally. We only did one PS2 game ? MDK2 on PS2. It's not like we have anything against Sony by any stretch. It's just that from a publishing perspective we worked with Microsoft for five years - that made it so easy to focus on Xbox and we didn't have to worry about the PlayStation platforms. But now, since being part of EA, it just makes complete sense. It's something we're totally behind.?

Furthermore, not only are the firm psyched to be working on Sony?s black box, it appears they?ve also worked out all the kinks in regards to developing on the platform:

?It's not bad actually,? said Zeschuk. ?It's funny, we had extra graphic memory left over on the PS3. We were like, wow! So we actually started putting some of the audio bits in there and stuff. It's a function of effort. Overall, pretty happy with how it's turning out.?

Finally, Zeschuk touched on any possible differences between the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Dragon Age: ?Oh yeah. I can't say absolutely for sure. There will be elements that will be better... the actual graphics hardware is different on them, so one may be brighter than the other, but definitely the content will be absolutely the same."
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