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You are Miriam, an orphan scarred by an alchemist curse which slowly crystallizes your skin. You must battle your way through a demon-filled castle summoned by Gebel, your old friend whose body has become more crystal than flesh.
The physical copy of the game for Xbox One, Playstation 4, or Steam (PC/Mac/Linux) will include exclusive Kickstarter-only content:
In addition to funding the creation of physical discs, the main purpose of this Kickstarter is to fund stretch goals, which will help IGA expand his vision for this game:
Stretch goals are only the beginning. Unlock enough backer achievements by submitting fanart, making cool things, and joining us on social media, and you’ll unlock Backer Inventory items that will change the campaign and trigger exclusive rewards.
Each inventory item you unlock with your fellow backers will change the Kickstarter, from unlocking the basement stretch goals to getting IGA to cosplay for your amusement. Get 50 achievements and you’ll earn an extra stretch goal.
When you back the Kickstarter at the $100+ level, you'll be eligible to select a Credits Clan. Your name will be displayed under the clan of your choice!
Picked up as an orphan by an Alchemist at a young age, she became a host for the dark Alchemists’ curse. Although the magi-crystals were fused with her body at a young age, for 10 years she lay sleeping while the curse matured to its full form. It was during this period that the demons arrived, meaning that she missed their appearance and awoke with a mild form of amnesia, not quite fully understanding what happened to her.
She is a woman of few words but strong of purpose. Her youth is deceiving, making her seem confrontational and quick to judge, though in reality she is constantly evaluating her next step. The pain she felt as an orphaned child fuels her compassionate desire to protect her loved ones and friends.
Original host for the magi-crystal curse that summons demons to the planet. Gebel (JEE-bill) was the only one to survive its effects at such a high level. He destroyed the guild that created him, but in doing so realized he was no longer human and had no place on Earth. This in turn, lead him to summon the demon castle from hell to appear on the planet.
It is said that his real purpose in summoning the castle was to give Miriam a place of her own, but as his Magi-crystal disease progressed, he soon forgot his own reasoning. The more he surrounded himself with hell-spawn, the quicker the magi-crystals engulfed his body. He continues to plot the downfall of man, and how to best convince (or use) Miriam to achieve his dark ambition.
A member of the defunct Alchemist guild and Gebel’s best friend. Johannes (yo-HAH-nis) was the only Alchemist who dissented with the plan to call demons to the earth to cement Alchemy as the prevalent philosophy. His rejection of the other Alchemists’ scheme is what kept him from sharing their fate. He has a vague understanding that Miriam’s awakening and the demon castle’s appearance are no mere coincidence.
Exploration: Bloodstained's story unfolds as you explore Gebel's hellish castle; a sprawling structure that features a variety of locations. As you explore the massive castle you'll find warp gates that will allow you to travel quickly without having to backtrack too much.
RPG Elements: It's not an Igavania without leveling, and Bloodstained will be no exception. In addition to the classic elements everyone’s come to expect, enemies in Bloodstained will drop a wide variety of items, materials, and magi-crystals necessary to create the items that will get you safely through Gebel’s castle.
Crafting: As you explore, fight enemies, and complete quests you will gain experience and become more powerful, acquiring a variety of weapons along the way. Enemies will also drop materials you can use to craft new weapons and abilities using Miriam's training in alchemy.

- 11:00: Announcement with IGA, Egoraptor, and Colin Moriarty
- 11:30: IGA plays Rogue Legacy
- 12:30: Turbodog702 speedruns Guacamelee with IGA, romscout, Rocco Botte, and Colin Moriarty
- 1:45: IGA plays Shadow Complex with Donald Mustard, and Derrick Acosta
- 2:45: PinkPajamas speed runs Bunny Must Die with IGA and Colin Moriarty
- 3:45: New music from Michiru Yamane and Ippo Yamada
- 4:00: IGA plays Shovel Knight with Yacht Club Games and Rocco Botte
- 5:00: Andy plays Ori and the Blind Forest with Colin Moriarty, romscout, and Fangamer
- 6:00: IGA plays Axiom Verge with Tom Happ and Colin Moriarty

- An exploration-focused, side-scrolling platformer featuring RPG and crafting elements.
- Koji Igarashi, the namesake of "Igavania"-style games, is leading the project, with Michiru Yamane composing the music and Inti Creates leading the development.
- If funded, the game will be developed for XBOX One, Playstation 4, and PC. For the first time on Kickstarter, backers will have the option to receive actual PS4 / XB1 / PC retail discs.

You are Miriam, an orphan scarred by an alchemist curse which slowly crystallizes your skin. You must battle your way through a demon-filled castle summoned by Gebel, your old friend whose body has become more crystal than flesh.

The physical copy of the game for Xbox One, Playstation 4, or Steam (PC/Mac/Linux) will include exclusive Kickstarter-only content:
- The mighty swordwhip
- A super-powerful hidden boss
- A Kickstarter Edition slipcase

In addition to funding the creation of physical discs, the main purpose of this Kickstarter is to fund stretch goals, which will help IGA expand his vision for this game:

Stretch goals are only the beginning. Unlock enough backer achievements by submitting fanart, making cool things, and joining us on social media, and you’ll unlock Backer Inventory items that will change the campaign and trigger exclusive rewards.

- Twitter:

Each inventory item you unlock with your fellow backers will change the Kickstarter, from unlocking the basement stretch goals to getting IGA to cosplay for your amusement. Get 50 achievements and you’ll earn an extra stretch goal.

When you back the Kickstarter at the $100+ level, you'll be eligible to select a Credits Clan. Your name will be displayed under the clan of your choice!

Picked up as an orphan by an Alchemist at a young age, she became a host for the dark Alchemists’ curse. Although the magi-crystals were fused with her body at a young age, for 10 years she lay sleeping while the curse matured to its full form. It was during this period that the demons arrived, meaning that she missed their appearance and awoke with a mild form of amnesia, not quite fully understanding what happened to her.
She is a woman of few words but strong of purpose. Her youth is deceiving, making her seem confrontational and quick to judge, though in reality she is constantly evaluating her next step. The pain she felt as an orphaned child fuels her compassionate desire to protect her loved ones and friends.

Original host for the magi-crystal curse that summons demons to the planet. Gebel (JEE-bill) was the only one to survive its effects at such a high level. He destroyed the guild that created him, but in doing so realized he was no longer human and had no place on Earth. This in turn, lead him to summon the demon castle from hell to appear on the planet.
It is said that his real purpose in summoning the castle was to give Miriam a place of her own, but as his Magi-crystal disease progressed, he soon forgot his own reasoning. The more he surrounded himself with hell-spawn, the quicker the magi-crystals engulfed his body. He continues to plot the downfall of man, and how to best convince (or use) Miriam to achieve his dark ambition.

A member of the defunct Alchemist guild and Gebel’s best friend. Johannes (yo-HAH-nis) was the only Alchemist who dissented with the plan to call demons to the earth to cement Alchemy as the prevalent philosophy. His rejection of the other Alchemists’ scheme is what kept him from sharing their fate. He has a vague understanding that Miriam’s awakening and the demon castle’s appearance are no mere coincidence.

Exploration: Bloodstained's story unfolds as you explore Gebel's hellish castle; a sprawling structure that features a variety of locations. As you explore the massive castle you'll find warp gates that will allow you to travel quickly without having to backtrack too much.

RPG Elements: It's not an Igavania without leveling, and Bloodstained will be no exception. In addition to the classic elements everyone’s come to expect, enemies in Bloodstained will drop a wide variety of items, materials, and magi-crystals necessary to create the items that will get you safely through Gebel’s castle.

Crafting: As you explore, fight enemies, and complete quests you will gain experience and become more powerful, acquiring a variety of weapons along the way. Enemies will also drop materials you can use to craft new weapons and abilities using Miriam's training in alchemy.

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