The Martian NUMBERED FilmArena Collection

Release Date: TBA (2016)
Release thread: The Martian
Price: 960 CZK (Czech Koruna) (approx. TBC €)
Price Details: 900 CZK (SteelBook) + 60 CZK (Group Buy Fee)
HDN exclusive limit for GB maximum 280 copies
GB limit: 1 copies per member.
I am sourcing these for collectors and not for someone to make profit from it so I hope I wont see any of these end up on EBAY or for triple the price in trading sections,otherwise I will be removing you from all my current and future group buys.
I cant pick any number I want, I just work with what I get. I will do my utmost to match numbers for some of you, but it is not guaranteed and by entering this group buy you accept this rule.
Based on my previous experience I will favor members from abroad rather then Czech members who have the option to order more easily directly from FilmArena.
Only accepting payment via paypal and only in CZK (Czech Koruna). Buyer pays fees. Invoice for each title has to be paid separately (please do not combine multiple payments into one).
Invoices with payment/shipping information will be sent out via PM closer to release date.
Combining with titles from my other group buys is available (maximum 4 titles per package). You will be getting invoice via PM for the steelbook(s) you signed up for. In these invoices you will find two shipping options: SHIP NOW or COMBINE (instructions on how to use them are detailed in invoice, feel free to message @Collector03601 with any questions). New shipping/combining options wont affect your previous requests, but if you are still going to pay for any of the newer titles (Looper, Dredd, Edward, Pixels) please use these new instructions to pay for shipping. Thank you
Costs of the shipping are staying the same just the way of paying is different. The reason for this change is that the number of releases are being increased, larger amount of members participating in GBs and cosntant requests to change titles being combined, which is no longer bearable due to the amount of work included. Thanks for your understanding.
SHIPPING QUOTES - Shipping calculation already includes packing fee of 50 CZK + paypal fee.
1 to 2 steelbooks (1000g) 1st class recorded delivery - 307 CZK
3 to 4 steelbooks (2000g) 1st class recorded delivery - 456 CZK
Rest of the world:
1 to 2 steelbooks (1000g) 1st class recorded delivery - 392 CZK
3 to 4 steelbooks (2000g) 1st class recorded delivery - 615 CZK
Combining limitation is maximum 4 steelbooks per package.
IMPORTANT: I don't speak English so if you will need to ask me something please contact @Collector03601 who is helping me out with this GB and will be answering all your questions/queries/requests for me.
3.4. 1. SK @Collector03601 PAID
24.4. 2. DU @Apollon PAID
3.4. SHIP NOW 3. CA @Actarus* PAID
3.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 4. US @digitalbabe PAID combine with The Martian UN
4.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 5. US @ChoppedUp PAID combine with The Martian UN
4.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 6. DE @tristar6 PAID MAR UN
4.4. 7. UK @Uraki PAID combine with The Martian UN + Edward Scissorhands
5.4. 8. UK @blujazz PAID + BLENTI
17.4. 9. UK @cooey PAID combine with Edward Scissorhands
9.5. 10. DE @dan8885PAID
5.4. SHIP NOW 11. DE @TheHutt PAID
12.4. 12. US @Jericho #191 PAID
10.6. 13. UK @Ill be back PAID
5.4. SHIP NOW /3/ 14. US @Sounder PAID + EDW / MAR UN
25.4. 15. DE @SteelCollz PAID
5.4. SHIP NOW 16. PL @oceanicon PAID
4.4. 17. UK @GoDo PAID + MAR UN
4.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 18. US @rsaotome PAID + MAR UN
5.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 19. UK @Hawesy PAID + EDW
5.4. SHIP NOW 20. DE @godapol PAID
5.4. SHIP NOW 22. SWI @cohelfer PAID
4.4. SHIP NOW /4/ 23. DE @Hatori PAID + PIX/EDW/MAR UN
5.4. SHIP NOW 25. DE @Ardu PAID
5.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 26. CA @stb32 PAID + MAR UN
5.4. SHIP NOW 27. UK @VRob98 PAID
5.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 28. UK @Maximus15 #101 PAID + EDW
3.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 29. RU @megabee PAID + MAR UN
25.4. 30. HU @Kornel PAID combine with Dredd #453
5.4. SHIP NOW 31. UK @dominic PAID
24.4. 32. AT @severo PAID + EDW/UN MAR/EVE NUM
11.4. 33. SL @D3mon PAID + PIX/EDW/EVE
5.4. SHIP NOW 34. UK @AFCFanChris PAID
4.4. SHIP NOW /4/ 35. CA @ran94 PAID combine with The Martian UN + 2xEDW
25.7. 36. ES @chansey PAID
6.4. SHIP NOW /4/ 37. US @Vandamon PAID + PIX/EDW/UN MAR
14.4. 38. CA @Collector_Kyle PAID combine with The Martian UN
6.4. SHIP NOW 39. US @Zyrin PAID
6.4. SHIP NOW 40. UK @Headhunter PAID
6.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 41. UK @jim 80 PAID combine with Edward Scissorhands
4.4. 42. NL @DaneMB PAID + UN MAR
6.4. SHIP NOW 43. UK @reisspsy PAID
11.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 44. UK @lenticularis PAID + EDWARD
10.4. 45. US @jharm PAID + MAR UN
19.5. 46. PT @lost PAID
10.7. 47. UK @kalexan PAID
6.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 48. DE @DonTorleone PAID combine with Edward Scissorhands
21.4. SHIP NOW /3/ 49. FR @Le Marquis PAID + EDW/UN MAR
15.4. SHIP NOW 50. UK @tommyh84 PAID
12.4. 51. HU @Friedel Tamás PAID
6.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 52. DE @Luke_2 PAID + UN MAR combine with other GBs
29.5. 53. UK @thedefector PAID
6.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 54. UK @indiekid85 PAID
8.11. 55. DE @claudius181991 PAID
1.8. 56. DE @Spike Anderson PAID combine with future GBs
13.4. SHIP NOW /4/ 57. PL @meaner PAID combine with Birdman Fullslip #390 + Jurassic World #153 + T5 V2 #30
16.8. 58. AU @ASHGOON PAID
6.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 59. UK @tokaman PAID
23.5. 60. IT @blumetal PAID
23.4. 61. NL @vampire75 PAID combine with Edward Scissorhands
6.4. SHIP NOW /4/ 62. UK @Mobley PAID + PIX/EDW/BF
8.9. 63. AT @Coleco2000 PAID combine with future GBs
10.4. 64. FI @Ranavalone PAID
6.4. SHIP NOW 66. UK @djs1401 PAID
20.4. 67. HU @CityCobra PAID
12.4. 68. US @Bubba Fatt PAID
11.4. 69. DE @Akina PAID + PIX/DREDD/EDW
6.4. SHIP NOW NEW A 70. CA @BLUCanadian PAID combine with The Martian UN
17.5.71. UK @subbuteo PAID
6.4. SHIP NOW /3/ 72. UK @adrianjturner PAID + PIX/EDW
3.5. 73. UK @Aberdonian83 PAID
20.4. 74. CY @harry PAID combine with Dredd + Edward Scissorhands
17.4. SHIP NOW /3/ 75. UK @Noodles PAID + ED + combine with The Martian UN
5.11. 76. CA @djprodikis PAID
6.4. SHIP NOW 77. US @RokSteddi PAID
1.9. 78. UK @thewerepuppygrr PAID
6.4. SHIP NOW 79. UK @adds83 PAID
6.4. SHIP NOW 80. HU @Radi8tor PAID
2.5. 81. JP @Red sign PAID + EVE
13.4. 82. UK @Ali D PAID
29.4. 83. RU @motiv PAID
6.4. SHIP NOW 84. RU @Kvaziboba PAID
6.4. SHIP NOW 85. UK @trikidicky PAID
4.4. 86. US @MvRojo PAID combine with The Martian UN
6.4. SHIP NOW /4/ 87. US @tnguyen13combine with The Martian UN + Edward Scissorhands + PIX
3.8. 88. UK @YellowCake PAID
2.5. 89. UK @augustus PAID combine with other GBs
9.6. 90. ES @icharlie17 PAID
6.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 91. NO @Azur87 PAID + EDW
4.4. 92. UK @matt18[[B]/USER] PAID + MI5V1 / JWOR / UN MAR[/B]
[IMG][/IMG] [B]17.5. [/B]93. CA [USER=16238]@thecardman23 PAID
25.4. 94. NL @SK117 PAID + UN MAR
3.4. SHIP NOW /3/ 95. US @howarmat PAID + LOO / UN MAR
17.4. 96. UK @Jedi clare PAID
4.4. 97. CA @unamused1 PAID PIX/UN MAR/EDW
6.4. SHIP NOW 98. UK @davetherave PAID
28.4. 99. UK @zesty PAID
11.4. 100. US @aj101097 PAID + EVE UN + NUM
14.4. 101. US @kryptonite PAID + EVEREST
6.4. SHIP NOW 102. US @tono06 PAID
6.4. SHIP NOW 103. US @dead000 PAID
14.4. 104. SL @MrsRobinson PAID + EVER UN + NUM
15.4. 105. US @wjasoncul PAID
15.4. 106. US @BaleHardy PAID
30.5. 107. UK @RomanCH PAID combine with Edward Scissorhands
25.4. 108. DE @metal hunter PAID
30.5. 109. JP @GoldenEye0915 PAID
9.5. 111. UK @Kendo76 PAID + EVE
6.4. SHIP NOW 112. US @C.C. 95 PAID
13.4. 113. FR @Kuzco PAID
16.5. 114. PL @MADMEN PAID combine with Edward Scissorhands + future GBs
25.5. 115. TW @jesse liu PAID
15.5.116. UK @spookz PAID combine with other GBs
6.4. SHIP NOW 117. UK @Taz1609 PAID
23.4. 118. HU @afiaf PAID + EVE
21.9. 119. PL @Montana PAID combine with future GBs
6.4. SHIP NOW /4/ 120. UK @Jac PAID + FF7DOD/BF/BLENTI
17.5. 121. US @keyjey PAID
29.4. 122. IN @number33 PAID
4.4. 123. BR @Seth Plate AM PAID
11.4. 124. UK @Mickle_89 PAID + EDW/PIX/EVER NUM
125. ES @oselallo PAID
26.5. 126. US @Shadowscythe85 PAID
7.4. 127. HU @Hardcore PAID combine with Edward Scissorhands
15.4. 128. UK @Zeefy PAID
11.4. 129. US @texansfan26 PAID combine with Pixels + Edward Scissorhans
4.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 130. US @Dano PAID + UN MAR
27.4. 131. UK @Danzigg1979 PAID
19.7.132. US @JCC PAID
4.4. 133. UK @Hellsbells PAID combine with The Martian UN
22.5. 134. US @ocielz PAID combine with other GBs
7.4. SHIP NOW 135. ES @Huguito PAID
7.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 136. CR @nantuko PAID + EDW
7.4. SHIP NOW /4/ 137. UK @Steelselecta PAID + EDW/BF/LOO
26.6. 138. SWE @Hooch PAID
21.6. 139. US @JJEZ225 PAID combine with The Martian UN
14.4. 140. UK @transa100 PAID combine with Pixels
6.4. SHIP NOW 141. US @Askari23 PAID
13.4. 142. RU @golomidov_alex PAID
7.4. SHIP NOW 143. GR @blackbird81 PAID
22.5. 144. US @jaszeron PAID
10.5. 145. FR @residentevil PAID combine with The Martian UN + Edward Scissorhands
29.5. 146. DE @Nobby PAID
7.4. SHIP NOW /3/ 147. UK @chunk PAID + PIX/EDW
7.4. SHIP NOW 148. UK @alphatyrant PAID
7.4. SHIP NOW /3/ 149. US @marmup PAID + PIX/MI5V2/
23.4. 150. UK @HornyRhino PAID
7.4. SHIP NOW 151. CA @mooallna PAID
7.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 152. UK @dagreaser PAID + EDW
29.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 153. US @scorpion83 PAID combine with EDW
28.4. 154. UK @Lollard2002 PAID
7.4. SHIP NOW /4/ 155. BR @fishcp2 PAID + MI5V2/PIX/EDW
21.4. 156. UK @jammmy PAID
7.4. SHIP NOW 157. IRE @paulboland PAID
18.4. 158. SWE @pacman PAID PIX/EVE UN+NUM
10.4. 159. ES @max steelbook PAID
22.4. 160. US @nicblue PAID
23.4. 161. SWE @Halvari PAID
17.4. 162. UK @badgerman PAID + EDW/EVE
5.4. 163. FR @ty233 PAID
7.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 164. HU @zoltan_g PAID combine with Edward Scissorhands
7.4. SHIP NOW 165. UK @jasonupham PAID
7.4. SHIP NOW 166. DE @wongsifu PAID
7.4. SHIP NOW 167. US @blue_J PAID
8.4. SHIP NOW 168. UK @garilar PAID
24.4. 169. UK @Hulkbuster PAID
171. UK @Obi Wan Dandobi PAID + EVE
7.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 171. UK @boldnerd PAID + UN MAR
28.4. SHIP NOW 173. UK @Bigmac PAID
12.5. 174. US @BulleTooth13 PAID + BF/EDW/DREDD
14.4. 175. ES @popolac PAID
7.4. SHIP NOW /4/ 176. SWE @Bengaloo PAID + PIX/EDW/MI5V1
7.4. SHIP NOW 177. UK @earthscope PAID
29.5. 178. UK @rebelrocks PAID combine with other GBs
12.5. 179. UK @Ron Nutmeg PAID
11.4. 180. DE @jailbird_joey PAID
4.4. SHIP NOW /4/ 181. IRE @BluSteel2012 PAID + LOO/MI5/EDW
7.7. SHIP NOW /2/ 182. UK @Soft83 PAID combine with The Martian UN
12.5. 183. FR @Dufresne67 PAID PIX/EVE
24.5. 184. US @SlipcoverGirl PAID
7.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 185. PT @turtle31 PAID combine with Edward Scissorhands
8.4. SHIP NOW 186. DE @BookofSteel PAID
4.4. SHIP NOW 187. US @Manuko13 PAID
27.4. 188. DE @hal9000b PAID
7.4. SHIP NOW 189. US @babylon PAID
7.4. SHIP NOW 190. UK @blubutcher PAID
9.5. 191. US @lesterburnham76 PAID combine with The Martian UN
7.4. SHIP NOW 192. US @imthatguyx PAID
21.4. 193. US @SteelMadien PAID
12.5. 194. FR @arbingers PAID
7.4. SHIP NOW 195. US @jcm PAID
17.5. 196. CA @SavageAmusement PAID
19.4. SHIP NOW /4/ 197. US @mkachanthong PAID + PIX/EDW/EVE
7.4. SHIP NOW 198. FI @Hamill82[/USER PAID
[IMG][/IMG] 7.4. SHIP NOW 199. UK [USER=24355]@williamhamson PAID
7.4. SHIP NOW 200. IRE @luke98 PAID
17.5. 201. PL @harvester84 PAID
23.5. 202. IT @Warmachine PAID [/USER]
[IMG][/IMG] [B]14.4. [/B]203. AU [USER=4022]@rodtp PAID + EVEREST
25.4. SHIP NOW /3/ 204. US @jeffster15 PAID + EDW/PIX
24.4. 205. IT @marcoloz PAID combine with Edward Scissorhands
30.5. 206. US @phishphan192 PAID
9.8. 207. FR @anae31 PAID
11.4. 208. CA @Shanester PAID
22.4. 209. IT @Immanitas PAID
5.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 210. CR @C2V3N PAID + DOD
8.4. SHIP NOW 211. UK @jayscott1969 PAID
28.4. 212. UK @Lester PAID
8.6. 213. FR @mehdi283 PAID
8.4. SHIP NOW 214. US @sminister PAID
8.4. SHIP NOW 215. US @poweredbysteve PAID
1.6. 216. PL @yonyx PAID + T5V2/EVE
5.8. 217. DE @Balidon PAID
16.5. 218. IT @Maurizio PAID
8.4. SHIP NOW 219. US @buzzz04 PAID
21.7. 220. CA @sharanium PAID
24.5. 221. US @NoDingsNoScratches PAID
23.4. 222. IT @Sarao Ida PAID + 2X EDW
8.4. SHIP NOW 223. US @mwatkins02 PAID
23.4. 224. CA @rj531 PAID + JWOR/EDW/EVE NUM
8.4. SHIP NOW 225. UK @Disney_Princess47 PAID
31.8. 226. US @bunkz1211 PAID
8.4. SHIP NOW 227. US @Cash718 PAID
8.4. SHIP NOW 228. US @ash333 PAID
15.4. 229. US @munkyandjess PAID combine with Pixels #104 + Edwards Scissorhands #166
18.4. 230. BA @taher PAID combine with other GBs
8.4. SHIP NOW /4/ 231. MA @kurisu PAID + LOO/2X EDW
20.7. 232. US @Raggle Fraggle! PAID combine with The Martian UN (?)
8.4. SHIP NOW /3/ 233. UK @kingkarl1967 PAID + PIX/EDW
10.4. 234. UK @Blu-devil PAID
8.4. SHIP NOW 235. UK @gbdragon PAID
15.4. SHIP NOW /4/ 236. ES @txohlo PAID + FF7UN/2XEDW
9.6. 237. ES @PadreKarras PAID
10.4. SHIP NOW /4/ 238. ES @FullslipHD PAID + 2X EDW/FF7UN
9.5. 239. UK @demon99 PAID combine with Edward Scissorhands
8.4. SHIP NOW 240. UK @Scarface PAID
18.4. 241. UK @Wickees PAID + EDW
8.4. SHIP NOW 242. RU @Gurrich PAID
3.4. 243. US @Jawcrc PAID
8.4. SHIP NOW 244. DE @believeland90 PAID
245. ES @wilcox PAID
8.4. SHIP NOW 246. FR @Hiroyuki PAID
28.7. 247. DE @shlomo_mk PAID
13.4. 248. UK @Jb162009 PAID combine with T5
20.4. 249. US @Lakerone PAID combine with future GBs
8.4. SHIP NOW 250. US @charleybusko PAID
25.4. 251. UK @Ric PAID
2.5. 252. US @darczap PAID EDW/EVE UN+NUM
15.4. 253. CR @CyberT PAID
8.4. SHIP NOW 254. IRE @Strangerbyday PAID
31.8. 255. ES @distromamon PAID
25.5. 256. DE @eLviS1987 PAID
22.4. 257. FR @Bunk PAID combine with MI5 V1 + Dredd + Edward Scissorhands
7.4. SHIP NOW /4/ 258. CA @Netclone PAID 2XLOO/EDW
14.4. 259. RU @Petr Privalov PAID
27.4. 260. CA @Pegk87 PAID + T5V1/EDW
11.4. 261. UK @ainsleyb PAID
8.4. SHIP NOW 262. UK @cartman69 PAID
8.4. SHIP NOW 263. UK @Tacozilla PAID
20.4. SHIP NOW 264. UK @Covcraig PAID
8.4. SHIP NOW /3/ 265. AT @Engelskind PAID + combine with Edward Scissorhands
19.5.266. BR @boobymcgee PAID
267. UK @Ricardo13 PAID
8.4. SHIP NOW 268. UK @Gadget PAID
8.4. SHIP NOW 269. UK @sieffer PAID
26.5. 270. US @Azulsteel PAID + EVE UN + NUM
8.4. SHIP NOW 271. UK @smabu PAID
24.5. 272. BR @ESM999 PAID
7.4. SHIP NOW /4/ 273. ES @anemake PAID + LOO/EDW/MI5V1
23.4. 274. US @cbs777 PAID
8.4. SHIP NOW /3/ 275. US @PoLskA PAID + PIX/EDW
8.4. SHIP NOW 276. IT @pedrothelion PAID
8.4. SHIP NOW /2/ 277. DE @yy0925 PAID combine with Edward Scissorhands
25.4. 278. US @frankfish44 PAID
8.4. SHIP NOW 279. UK @wozbit PAID
18.7. 280. UK @MrBMT PAID + LOVE,ROSIE
HDN FEE PAID 5.3. 280x $2 total $560
GB CLOSED 26.2.2016
INVOICE 28.2.2016
PAYMENT DEADLINE 4.3.2016[/user][/USER]

Release Date: TBA (2016)
Release thread: The Martian
Price: 960 CZK (Czech Koruna) (approx. TBC €)
Price Details: 900 CZK (SteelBook) + 60 CZK (Group Buy Fee)
HDN exclusive limit for GB maximum 280 copies
GB limit: 1 copies per member.
I am sourcing these for collectors and not for someone to make profit from it so I hope I wont see any of these end up on EBAY or for triple the price in trading sections,otherwise I will be removing you from all my current and future group buys.
I cant pick any number I want, I just work with what I get. I will do my utmost to match numbers for some of you, but it is not guaranteed and by entering this group buy you accept this rule.
Based on my previous experience I will favor members from abroad rather then Czech members who have the option to order more easily directly from FilmArena.
Only accepting payment via paypal and only in CZK (Czech Koruna). Buyer pays fees. Invoice for each title has to be paid separately (please do not combine multiple payments into one).
Invoices with payment/shipping information will be sent out via PM closer to release date.
Combining with titles from my other group buys is available (maximum 4 titles per package). You will be getting invoice via PM for the steelbook(s) you signed up for. In these invoices you will find two shipping options: SHIP NOW or COMBINE (instructions on how to use them are detailed in invoice, feel free to message @Collector03601 with any questions). New shipping/combining options wont affect your previous requests, but if you are still going to pay for any of the newer titles (Looper, Dredd, Edward, Pixels) please use these new instructions to pay for shipping. Thank you
Costs of the shipping are staying the same just the way of paying is different. The reason for this change is that the number of releases are being increased, larger amount of members participating in GBs and cosntant requests to change titles being combined, which is no longer bearable due to the amount of work included. Thanks for your understanding.
SHIPPING QUOTES - Shipping calculation already includes packing fee of 50 CZK + paypal fee.
1 to 2 steelbooks (1000g) 1st class recorded delivery - 307 CZK
3 to 4 steelbooks (2000g) 1st class recorded delivery - 456 CZK
Rest of the world:
1 to 2 steelbooks (1000g) 1st class recorded delivery - 392 CZK
3 to 4 steelbooks (2000g) 1st class recorded delivery - 615 CZK
Combining limitation is maximum 4 steelbooks per package.
IMPORTANT: I don't speak English so if you will need to ask me something please contact @Collector03601 who is helping me out with this GB and will be answering all your questions/queries/requests for me.


[IMG][/IMG] [B]17.5. [/B]93. CA [USER=16238]@thecardman23 PAID


[IMG][/IMG] 7.4. SHIP NOW 199. UK [USER=24355]@williamhamson PAID

[IMG][/IMG] [B]14.4. [/B]203. AU [USER=4022]@rodtp PAID + EVEREST

HDN FEE PAID 5.3. 280x $2 total $560
GB CLOSED 26.2.2016
INVOICE 28.2.2016
PAYMENT DEADLINE 4.3.2016[/user][/USER]
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