Ex Machina (Blu-ray Slipcover) [UK]


Est. 2011
Dec 5, 2011
Thunder Bay
RELEASE DATE: June 01, 2015
PRICE (at time of posting): £24.99
ORDER: Amazon.co.uk

Ex Machina.jpg
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Seems UK slipcovers are getting worse and worse, before this it's just rating logos and now they added those digital copy banner? Oh man...
The purple watch it anywhere banner is annoying. There's no reason they should have that there. If they had too then why not make it a sticker.:(
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I sooooooooooo wish that had been the art they had gone with for the steelbook.

This would look stunning if they had left it completely white, as is pass.
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Oh dear UK slip covers are the worst...:facepalm::squint::angry:

Ratings logos ( which could be stickers so they can be removed) Purple banner.....EEK!:banghead:

Reason I stick to Japan, Korea, TW, US, France...:naughty: