Formula 1 - Grand Prix


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Feb 28, 2011
Are there any more F1 fans on here? I only really started following it in 2010, so I've still got a lot to learn...

Being British, I'm usually rooting for McLaren! Jenson Button is my favourite driver, obviously followed by Lewis Hamilton. I also like Paul Di Resta and believe he could do a great job if he were in a better team/car. I hate Sebastian Vettel and that annoying finger waving he does as a celebration... although I like his teammate Mark Webber, so I love to see him beat Vettel. :p

I'm also not a big fan of Michael Schumacher, mainly because of what I've seen/heard about his career history... bad attitude and dangerous driving style.

It's sad to see that Rubens Barrichello is no longer in F1, as he was one of the most experienced and respectful drivers/people IMO.

Looking forward to seeing how the 2012 season rolls out (even if I do have to make do with just watching the highlights for half the races), and can't wait to see the first race tomorrow! :D
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Yes qualification was interesting :D

I big fan McLaren and Mercedes looking forward to seeing and can't wait to see the first race tomorrow :oohyeah:

Just finished watching qualifying and the results were somewhat surprising.

Tomorrow's race is definitely going to be interesting! :D
McLaren 1, 2 baby!! Big(ish) F1 fan. Just like Noodles, I support McLaren, and love JBs smooth racing style. Lewis is a fantastic driver as well, and on his day he's unbeatable.

Season will be interesting. Hopefully it looks like McLaren's set up from the start of the season is quite good, rather than them being a slow starter. With both drivers happy with their cars, hopefully the 1,2 in qualifying will also be the final result.

Sebastian Vettel is undoubtedly a very talented driver but I do wonder how we would fair in a different car. Adrian Newey is a bit of a genius. Vettel's very arrogant, but I think anyone would be after back to back world championships. I really like Mark Webber, and it's always great when he gets one up on Vettel.

Impressed with Schumacher's performance in qualifying. Mercedes in general look a lot stronger this year. Even though he has his 7 world titles, I still firmly believe that Senna is the greatest ever driver. He would surely have won more titles. Really tempted to get the Senna kit available in the UK which comes with a scaled model version of his Lotus and the Senna digibook.

However it is a little bit sad to see Ferrari doing so poorly. Such a great institution deserves a better performing car.

Any thoughts on Sky's coverage so far? I suppose we'll only really be able to tell after the race tomorrow.

Ok, I've rambled on enough. Maybe I'm a bigger fan than I thought, :hilarious:

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Couldn't agree more with everything you said, Raj. :)

That was McLaren's downfall last year... they started off pretty badly. And yeah, Vettel is fine when he's out in front, but put him in a different car where he's actually having to battle for top position and I'm sure he'd struggle, as he doesn't seem to handle pressure all that well.

I'm not too fussed about Ferrari, although I was surprised to see them doing so badly. Massa is another driver I can't stand, especially after foul attitude last year.

I don't think anyone could disagree that Senna is by far the greatest ever F1 driver. I'd also love to pick up the Senna CE at some point, but I don't see much chance of a price drop anytime soon.

Wish I could comment on Sky's coverage, but unfortunately my wallet won't allow me to be both a collector and a Sky owner. :(
I am a big F1 fan been following it since I was a boy, love McLaren, Hamilton just pips Button for overall package I expect results from Lewis this season.

Really looking forward to this season as I think it will be closer than the last 3 years. It will be interesting to see how good Vettel is now the cars are more even. I hope Webber brings his A game this year as he's a likable driver.

I hate Ferrari with a passion and love the fact that the are struggling Massa will always be an also ran he has never had the skill to be No1. Alonso is the 2nd most arrogant driver ever in the history of F1 only beaten by Senna. I honestly think he should have been baned for life after what he done while at McLaren, it was a disgrace what he done to Ron Dennis

Not a lover of Schumacher or Rosberg but its good to see them challenging again, mixes it up well.

I am in the minority when it comes to Senna I dont think he deserves the Greatest title ever. Google the stats its all there in black and white.

I love the fact it will be in HD this year Finally :oohyeah: but I think sky has a way to go with presenters and format, I wonder what your thoughts on the Sky Pad are its a bit cringe worthy is it not.
I'm a massive Alonso and Button fan, not a big Hamilton fan but like Vettel appreciate they are both cracking drivers. I think ounce for ounce Alonso is the best driver. However he is not in the best car.

Australia results I usually take with a pinch of salt as its such a different race to the rest. Malaysia will be interesting and when we'll know more about everyone!

Really chuffed JB got the win! Top lad!
I ended up missing half of today's day race due to my TV deciding to pack up moments before it started. :(

Caught the last half though and am also glad that JB won! :oohyeah:
Fair play to JB he deserved the win. :scat: Disappointed in Hamilton though, :( that said McLaren look good but Malaysia will be a better course to measure the performers on ;)

Best moment in the GP ...when Massa made an arse of it again and then they panned to a garage shot of Schumacher and the face he pulled was pure class funny as hell :hilarious:
Best moment in the GP ...when Massa made an arse of it again and then they panned to a garage shot of Schumacher and the face he pulled was pure class funny as hell :hilarious:
Watching a repeat of the highlights this very minute and I just saw what you were referring to. :p
So did anyone predict that result? I certainly didn't. EEK!

Was a good race and whilst not an Alonso fan, he deserved the win 100%. Personally a Hamilton fan so was disappointed in his performance, mind he was hampered by 2 TERRIBLE pitstops, the commentary was going on about him not being let out because of incoming car but they missed the point that if the rear jack guy had done his job at 1st not 4th attempt, then that wouldn't have been an issue. Perez has more than justified his position yet again and one wonders if that small "off" was deliberate or not.

Just felt like continuing. Vettel's race was crippled by his own poor driving as he slewed into front end plate of Marrusia (?), ie tyres were gone. Button was unlucky to be hit by the HRT, Schumacher had a dreadful race after a great qualifying. Massa won't last the season imo, he will be gone by Silverstone. Sadly he seems to be getting worse each race although he was being used as a "tester" for Alonso, Ricciardo was doing faster times.

Glad I haven't got Sky in a way as saved 50 mins when the rain came down. Used not to like highlights, seemed seamless to me though.
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Only just seen your reply Surf, but very well said my friend. I think you're right about Massa... I very much doubt he'll last the season at the rate he's going!

Looks like Bahrain could still be cancelled this year...
I always find Bahrain pretty boring anyway if I'm honest... it lacks the usual atmosphere, among other things.
Have you been watching the F1 on Skys new F1 channel? I can't fault it at all, perfect all the way through. No adverts during the race is also a major factor.

It being in HD as well makes it even more of a pleasure to watch :D
Have you been watching the F1 on Skys new F1 channel? I can't fault it at all, perfect all the way through. No adverts during the race is also a major factor.

It being in HD as well makes it even more of a pleasure to watch :D

I don't have that channel unfortunately, so I've had to stick to just watching the highlights on BBC. :(

In other news...

Lewis Hamilton will suffer a five grid-slot demotion for Sunday's Chinese Grand Prix due to a gearbox change on his MP4-27.
I don't have that channel unfortunately, so I've had to stick to just watching the highlights on BBC. :(

In other news...

Lewis Hamilton will suffer a five grid-slot demotion for Sunday's Chinese Grand Prix due to a gearbox change on his MP4-27.

He didn't do too bad by it mind, and to think he was running with that dodgy g/box in Malaysia too. Great to see full race on BBC. I recorded it on HTPC and then did some time shifting so started at 9 not 7, still watched the whole race. Rosberg thoroughly deserved win though would have been nice to have seen him dicing with Jenson, shame about that p/stop.

Miss the Forum even though I never contributed, shame that's not there. Will it return when circus returns to Europe ??