iPhone 5 Coming in September, Two More iPads By the Year End

Lone Crusader

The Savage Ninja!
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Nov 24, 2011
Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
Tablet News
The crazy rumor of the day comes from the Apple world, that’s supposed to give us an iPhone 5 in August and two new iPads by the year end, according to Digitimes. The site is famous for publishing reports that sometimes come true, but they also have a pile of speculations that didn’t.

The usual inside sources seem to claim that Apple’s supply chain is preparing for the iPhone 5 launch in the first month of fall. As far as the new iPads go, we’ll have a 7 inch iPad apparently and in Q4 an even better slate will emerge. Pegatron Technology, the iPhone 4S assembler will also handle the new iPhone, while the 7 inch iPad Mini is supposed to debut in August and no other details were published regarding the device. Foxconn will assemble it, but that was predictable info.

While this all may sound like something you already knew, the really amazing piece of info here is the fourth generation iPad, that will come in Q4. This one is a mystery 10 inch iPad, that will most likely switch to a quad core CPU, maybe the Apple A6. I have to remind you that last year we heard the same rumors about two new iPads in 2011 and we ended up with only one, so take the info with the usual grain of salt.
its fun to see every year what the rumors are.
some jump all over them.

I know im waiting for number 5 at least.