Johnny Depp wins defamation suit against Amber Heard

Lenny Nero

Premium Supporter
Oct 1, 2013
There was no thread up till now, and the 6 weeks of live broadcasts were kind of tedious, but I think it's an important win against society judging and subsequently punishing actors by firing/not hiring them anymore, before they were proven guilty.

During the trial, Depp testified that he lost “nothing less than everything” after Heard’s essay was published and that the allegations have controlled his “every waking second.”

“What did it do to me? What effect did it have on me? I’ll put it to you this way: No matter the outcome of this trial, the second the allegations were made against me … once that happened, I lost then,” he said.

Exactly, the minute such allegations are printed, to say it an old-fashioned way, or even spewed online on 'social' media, people tend to believe anything, for some reason. Worse is they act upon it, changing their opinion of that person, up to the point of 'boycotting' their movies.

Example: if I were to say @Flloydo likes to kill kittens, and then another user, whom you never heard of, pops up, and says, oh yeah, '#meetoo', saw Flloydo last winter in an alley in Cambridgeshire rip a poor homeless kitty apart, and drink its warm blood! Because every subsequent 'truth teller' has to pound on, and make his story more shocking.
Then a third 'comes out', says he was living on the same street some 10 years ago, and there were raped dead kitties laying around all the time, must have been Flloydo.
Now Flloydo is known as a raping, murderous kitty vampire. Without any proof!

But about a year or so into the relationship, Depp said Heard became volatile and instigated arguments over small matters.

He accused her of having a “need for conflict.”

“It’s hard to explain, but the argument would start here, but it would roll around and become this circular thing of its own,” Depp said. “You’d get back to the beginning. … Now it’s heightened even more and it’s still circular. There’s no way in or out.”

This is kind of funny, doesn't Depp know women in general? My mother was like that, my sister is like that, my first girlfriend was like that. They're all going in circles in any argument, and it escalates with each round, till you're accused of everything in the world, but murdering the Pope!
All you can do, to be a 'man' about it, is agree it was your fault, apologize numerous times, and beg forgiveness for days afterwards, preferably with gifts... :rolleyes:

In his statement Wednesday, Depp said he is "overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and the colossal support and kindness from around the world."

"I hope that my quest to have the truth be told will have helped others, men or women, who have found themselves in my situation, and that those supporting them never give up," he said. "I also hope that the position will now return to innocent until proven guilty, both within the courts and in the media."

Amen, brother! I truly hope this senseless tyranny of anyone being accused of anything stops being propagated and believed, until proven.
It used to be one could sue a newspaper for printing baseless, biased accusations, sometimes win, and at least that deterred some.e publications, or made them check for proof or facts, before doing that. But now they 'create' the facts in the media, and one doesn't even need any official agency, by just posting it online.

Depp sued for $50 million, was awarded 8,350,000 (2 out of 10 to be paid to Heard on one counter sue account she won).
But he could've starred in at least 1 more Pirates movie during these years, likely even 2, which would bring him more than $50 million, and that's not accounting for other films and advertising contracts he could've done.
You should see her statements, she again promises all the proceeds will be donated to charity ...after she pays her lawyers most of it.
Plus she still needs to pay the 7 mil she pledged to donate.

And she contradicts herself by mentioning Freedom of Speech, yet she blocks any negative comment only people that love and support her can comment.
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@Billy Talent not allowing someone to reply to your posts isn’t curtailing someone’s freedom of speech.

I watched bits and bobs of the trial. Judging from what I saw it was just a very toxic relationship, which was damaging to both of them. Depp is probably going to salvage some sort of career, I don’t think Heard will. Aquaman 2 will likely be her last blockbuster and she could be edited out if her screen time is only 10mins. WB are in a tricky position.
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I'll never understand why this needed to be televised; neither really came out looking good tbh.

Yes, Amber Heard probably won't recover from this career-wise, but the biggest ramifications of this trial is that other victims of domestic abuse - both men and women - will be more hesitant to come forward or file a police report knowing the possibility that all of your personal sh*t will be put out on front street during a (possible) trial.
I'll never understand why this needed to be televised; neither really came out looking good tbh.

Yes, Amber Heard probably won't recover from this career-wise, but the biggest ramifications of this trial is that other victims of domestic abuse - both men and women - will be more hesitant to come forward or file a police report knowing the possibility that all of your personal sh*t will be put out on front street during a (possible) trial.

This !
I've been following the case everyday since it started, I wanted to post on her about this but feared it would start problems with he said/she said. Amber is just nothing but a liar through and through and her legal team really sucked too. Poor Johnny at what he had to go through, of course he also had his ins and outs with drugs and alcohol, but damn I would too if I had to endure a monster such as Amber. Sadly I seriously doubt that Disney will ever take Johnny back after all this.
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I've been following the case everyday since it started, I wanted to post on her about this but feared it would start problems with he said/she said. Amber is just nothing but a liar through and through and her legal team really sucked too. Poor Johnny at what he had to go through, of course he also had his ins and outs with drugs and alcohol, but damn I would too if I had to endure a monster such as Amber. Sadly I seriously doubt that Disney will ever take Johnny back after all this.
Amber was in trouble the moment Kate Moss took the stand.. On so many levels Kate Moss's testimony was seriously damaging. As for Disney I think Depp is the least of their problems right now
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Amber was in trouble the moment Kate Moss took the stand.. On so many levels Kate Moss's testimony was seriously damaging. As for Disney I think Depp is the least of their problems right now
Oh yeah Kate just wiped the floor with her but it was more when Amber got on the stand herself, she screwed herself with all the lies after the proof was already there yet she still lied. Camille Vasquez (Johnny's Lawyer) just blew threw and exposed all of Amber's lies while Amber was on the stand, I mean it couldn't be any clearer that Amber was lying. Amber will be lucky if she's not sued for perjury.
@Billy Talent not allowing someone to reply to your posts isn’t curtailing someone’s freedom of speech.

I watched bits and bobs of the trial. Judging from what I saw it was just a very toxic relationship, which was damaging to both of them. Depp is probably going to salvage some sort of career, I don’t think Heard will. Aquaman 2 will likely be her last blockbuster and she could be edited out if her screen time is only 10mins. WB are in a tricky position.
It's blocking freedom of speech! A simple case of she can dish it but she can't take it.
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Maybe both will profit of it afterwards, because they proofed themselves to be people with emotions and glamour here or there - there´s no perfect life and I don´t see they damaged that high society everything is brilliant thing. Exceptions confirm the rule.
She wants to appeal the verdict now, imho if she does and loses again she's going to absolutely destroy her career. If she's smart she should just drop it and then, maybe she land some B-Roll movie or something. At this point she'll be lucky if she's not sued for perjury for all the lies she told all under oath. She ain't too smart if you ask me. :bag:
Well her dating life is pretty much over, nobody's gonna want to be with her knowing she will probably hit them! ""OH I didn't pummel you I just hit you""!!!! :rofl: :wtf:

Dunno about that, I'd still have a go :naughty:

She wants to appeal the verdict now, imho if she does and loses again she's going to absolutely destroy her career. If she's smart she should just drop it and then, maybe she land some B-Roll movie or something. At this point she'll be lucky if she's not sued for perjury for all the lies she told all under oath. She ain't too smart if you ask me. :bag:

Well that's quite obviously not going to happen is it
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I honestly hope that Depp keeps his promise and will not be working with Disney again. This company has fired him immediately without hesitation just because someone said something, no proof whatsoever, and now we know that the alligations were indeed wrong, same thing with Warner Bros.
In the case that he chooses to not make these companies any more money this trial could be the beginning of some positive change in the whole cancel culture b.s. - it probably won't be, but it could be a start.