Looking for editions from around the world? Join an HDN Group Buy!

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Premium Supporter
Apr 12, 2009

Welcome all existing and new members!

Not all retailers ship to all locations, and obtaining limited edition Steelbooks and other editions can be time-consuming, costly and nerve-wracking for collectors. Hidefninja.com has several very reliable and seasoned traders who assist our members daily in obtaining these editions, so they can be added to collections around the world.

A Group Buy host assums the responsibility of managing the member lists, obtaining items for you from stores online or face to face,and then securely packages and ships them to your door. It's usually a much cheaper alternative to third party marketplaces, especially if just recently sold out.

To access our moderated, monitored Group Buy forum registered members must have 20 non-spammy posts. Joining a group buy is a 2-way commitment, so we ask that members carefully consider the group buy hosts time and their own before requesting to be added to a list. All Group Buys help support the hidefninja.com community to expand and maintain features and explore exclusive opportunities to members.

*Remember you need 20 non-spammy posts to participate in group buys.


For MONDO X Steelbook Group Buys, visited the MONDO X Steelbook forum here

Thanks for your support!

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