Lucky Number Slevin

Lucky Number Slevin in a Steelbook?

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A case of mistaken identity lands Slevin into the middle of a war being plotted by two of the city's most rival crime bosses: The Rabbi and The Boss. Slevin is under constant surveillance by relentless Detective Brikowski as well as the infamous assassin Goodkat and finds himself having to hatch his own ingenious plot to get them before they get him. Revenge is a dish best served cold.


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I really enjoyed this film. The twist is great even though most reviewers will have you believe they saw it coming a mile off; usually during the opening credits but sometimes during the previews before the film if they're really smart :hilarious:
Extremely underrated film imo, this would be an instant buy for me!
Of course I would buy it! This movie so great, everything is fascinating. It has great dialogs, a great cast and a great story. It's a little treasure.
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Saw this a couple of weeks ago. Great film, I did not see the twist coming, was so perfectly played out so that most people didn't notice. Some great lines that stick out also.