Man of Steel (4K+3D+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (WeET Collection Exclusive No. 21) [Korea]

Aug 25, 2011
Hong Kong
Release date: December 22 27, 2023
Purchase links: Box Set - Full Slip A1 - Full Slip A2 - Lenti B1 - Lenti B2 (Pre-order on November 23, at 2 PM - Korea time)
Price: $257 (Box Set) - $58.99 (Individual Editions)
Note: SteelBook is embossed

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Jokes aside, I agree about the details and finish, but sometimes the color can pop more on a lenti (depending on how the light hits it).
Front of A1 looks amazing. Back of B2 looks ok too

Can someone post the videos from Facebook please. I can’t play them. Wana know if they transition or not
The slips are just normal lentis and the magnet transitions to the ML o-ring lenti image. A little weird but not too bad. I think.
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What do you mean by transition? That the image doesn't change as you move it?
Transition means one image changing (or "transitioning") into a different image, like the OC magnet if you look on WeET's fb. The 2 lenti slips just have 3D depth movement.
I've got this Black Panther from them and just the head moves. The camera has made the colours looks really bright on it though. If you have it in hand it's as dull as dishwater.

Do you prefer them to change?
I do personally, but it wholly depends on the transition. If it's something clever and meaningful, yes. If it's looks daft, or they've just slapped another random image there that doesn't suit, no. You should only do it if you've got a good idea, not for the sake of it, which WeET did with Spider-man Homecoming.
I've got this Black Panther from them and just the head moves. The camera has made the colours looks really bright on it though. If you have it in hand it's as dull as dishwater.

View attachment 568305
That's just 3D depth, where you get movement of the image, showing different angles. It's still the same image though. Yeah that's not a good lenti or image imo. Don't tarnish all lentis with that same brush, some are very good.
Some lentis are better than Full slips and some full slips are better than lentis. Swings and roundabouts.
Depends on so many variables
Still waiting on someone to post the lenti gif videos here :coffee:
Think B2 is speaking to me the most. Still undecided. Will be a spur of the moment decision and if I’m up in time!
Lol it's the best of the 4 slips imo, but do not take that as an endorsement. I do not plan to get this release. I have the Manta FS, but may be persuaded by blufans DL, depending on the art.