[WINNER CHOSEN] mnementh's Multi-Coloured Swap Shop - Avatar Box with Statue

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Nutter Magnet
Premium Supporter
Jul 30, 2013
Theale, UK

Welcome to mnementh's Multi-Coloured Swap Shop

I have on offer a mint sealed Avatar Boxset with Statue (see pics)


And I'd like to swap it for ...... Well, that's up to you.

Offer your swaps below - 1 Steelbook, Digibook, Futurepack etc. of your choice. (it can be more if you want :) ) Please be sealed and in as good as condition as possible. Please post pics of your swap. I reserve the right to disqualify any item that is damaged. Or you can ring in on 01 811 8055.

Swap closes on 1st March and @Sigill will then do a random draw. Whoever is chosen will swap with me :) Each person will take care of their own half of the shipping.

Have fun and look forward to seeing your swaps

BTW - For anyone that hasn't a clue - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-Coloured_Swap_Shop

All trading rules apply-both traders are responsible for observing forum rules.

Winner: @Asopp
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Poop everything I have I open :ohno: . It about mashed my swead keeping my hands of the 2 in my signiture I HAD to hide them from myself :spoil: .

You SIR are a STAR running your own Swap Shop :notworthy: :LOL:. Your swap one word AWSOMENESS .

Cheggers , Maggie and Noel would be more excited than thay ever where on a Saturday morning :woot: . I was more of a Tizwas addict The Phantom Flan Flinger :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: and Spit The Dog :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: .

Sorry I'v now sent your Swap Shop into dissaray and absolutely confused International members :wacky: THAT WAS THE BEST EVER TIME FOR KIDS T.V. :kiss::kiss:.

Gonna watch this like being back in the 80's Mullets and ALL :drool: .
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Reactions: mnementh
Due to someone having a moan, the winner will now be drawn by a mod, so if you were worried about entering before you can now enter safe in the knowledge that everything is above board
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Reactions: Asopp
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