Steelbooks Giveaway


Premium Supporter
Aug 27, 2021
Hi everyone

I'm cutting down on steelbook (or generally special movie editions) collecting and I thought I could giveaway some of my editions.
You'll see the offered editions in the spoiler tag below. I'm an open steelbook collector, so all the editions but one are already opened.

The rules are as follows:
- Everyone is only allowed to make one post.
- Your post must include a list of the offered editions, from most to least favorite. For example like this: 1. Inception, 2. The Last Samurai, ... , 11. Fight Club
- The post has to be made until Wednesday 26th of July, 18:00 Central European Time (CET)
- There are going to be three winners, chosen randomly. The first winner will get the first four editions of his list, the second winner will also get four editions from the remaining ones regarding the order in his list, and the third winner will get the remaining three editions.
- The winners only pay for the shipping


- Batman '89 4K Steelbook (Titan of Cults Edition, comes with the pin but without the plastic box)
- Batman Returns 4K Steelbook
- Batman V Superman Steelbook
- Inception Steelbook
- Star Wars Rogue One 4K Steelbook
- The Last Samurai Steelbook
- King Kong 4K Steelbook
- Fight Club Metal Pack (sealed but with a tear)
- La La Land Mediabook
- Spider-Man Homecoming DigiPack (Target Exclusive)
- Shenmue 3 Steelbook (discless)

Btw. I'm also selling some of my premium Editions, so check out my sales thread.
Very generous giveaway! Much appreciated. :)

Here's my list:

1. The Last Samurai Steelbook
2. King Kong 4K Steelbook
3. Fight Club Metal Pack (sealed but with a tear)
4. Star Wars Rogue One 4K Steelbook
5. Batman V Superman Steelbook
6. Inception Steelbook
7. Batman '89 4K Steelbook (Titan of Cults Edition, comes with the pin but without the plastic box)
8. Batman Returns 4K Steelbook
9. La La Land Mediabook
10. Spider-Man Homecoming DigiPack (Target Exclusive)
11. Shenmue 3 Steelbook (discless)
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Reactions: spider-bat
Fantastic idea and, yes, very generous. Much appreciated opportunity! My list below:

- Inception Steelbook
- Star Wars Rogue One 4K Steelbook
- The Last Samurai Steelbook
- La La Land Mediabook
- Batman '89 4K Steelbook (Titan of Cults Edition, comes with the pin but without the plastic box)
- Batman Returns 4K Steelbook
- Batman V Superman Steelbook
- King Kong 4K Steelbook
- Fight Club Metal Pack (sealed but with a tear)
- Spider-Man Homecoming DigiPack (Target Exclusive)
- Shenmue 3 Steelbook (discless)

Good luck to everyone!
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Reactions: spider-bat
Very nice of you bud, cheers.

The Last Samurai Steelbook
King Kong 4K Steelbook
Inception Steelbook
Spider-Man Homecoming DigiPack
La La Land Mediabook
Star Wars Rogue One 4K Steelbook
Batman '89 4K Steelbook
Batman Returns 4K Steelbook
Batman V Superman Steelbook
Fight Club Metal Pack
Shenmue 3 Steelbook (discless)
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Reactions: spider-bat
Just want to say, very generous of you and thank you for even considering this!!

1. Fight Club Metal Pack (sealed but with a tear)
2. Inception Steelbook
3. La La Land Mediabook
4. Batman V Superman Steelbook
5. King Kong 4K Steelbook
6. Star Wars Rogue One 4K Steelbook
7. The Last Samurai Steelbook
8. Batman '89 4K Steelbook (Titan of Cults Edition, comes with the pin but without the plastic box)
9. Batman Returns 4K Steelbook
10. Spider-Man Homecoming DigiPack (Target Exclusive)
11. Shenmue 3 Steelbook (discless)
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Reactions: spider-bat
Wow very kind. Thank you.

Inception Steelbook
Star Wars Rogue One 4K Steelbook
The Last Samurai Steelbook
Batman '89 4K Steelbook (Titan of Cults Edition)
Batman Returns 4K Steelbook
Batman V Superman Steelbook
King Kong 4K Steelbook
Shenmue 3 Steelbook
Fight Club Metal Pack
La La Land Mediabook
Spider-Man Homecoming DigiPack
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Reactions: spider-bat
Thanks for the generous giveaway. It is very kind of you to do this. Much Appreciate! Please see below.

1) Batman '89 4K Steelbook (Titan of Cults Edition, comes with the pin but without the plastic box)
2) Batman Returns 4K Steelbook
3) The Last Samurai Steelbook
4) Inception Steelbook
5) Batman V Superman Steelbook
6) Star Wars Rogue One 4K Steelbook
7) King Kong 4K Steelbook
8) La La Land Mediabook
9) Spider-Man Homecoming DigiPack (Target Exclusive)
10) Fight Club Metal Pack (sealed but with a tear)
11) Shenmue 3 Steelbook (discless)
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Reactions: spider-bat
Thanks for this incredible giveaway, very generous of you.

Here's my list :

1) The Last Samurai Steelbook
2) La La Land Mediabook
3) King Kong 4K Steelbook
4) Fight Club Metal Pack (sealed but with a tear)
5) Batman '89 4K Steelbook (Titan of Cults Edition, comes with the pin but without the plastic box)
6) Batman Returns 4K Steelbook
7) Spider-Man Homecoming DigiPack (Target Exclusive)
8) Star Wars Rogue One 4K Steelbook
9) Inception Steelbook
10) Batman V Superman Steelbook
11) Shenmue 3 Steelbook (discless)
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Reactions: spider-bat
Thanks for the great giveaway!

1. King Kong 4K Steelbook
2. Fight Club Metal Pack
3. Inception Steelbook
4. Batman V Superman Steelbook
5. Star Wars Rogue One 4K Steelbook
6. The Last Samurai Steelbook
7. Batman '89 4K Steelbook
8. Batman Returns 4K Steelbook
9. Shenmue 3 Steelbook
10. La La Land Mediabook
11. Spider-Man Homecoming DigiPack
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Reactions: spider-bat
Thanks for the great giveaway! :)

1. The Last Samurai Steelbook
2. Fight Club Metal Pack
3. Batman Returns 4K Steelbook
4. Batman '89 4K Steelbook
5. Star Wars Rogue One 4K Steelbook
6. King Kong 4K Steelbook
7. Batman V Superman Steelbook
8. Inception Steelbook
9. Shenmue 3 Steelbook
10. La La Land Mediabook
11. Spider-Man Homecoming DigiPack
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Reactions: spider-bat
Thank you for the giveaway!!

This is my list:

1. The Last Samurai Steelbook
2. Inception Steelbook
3. Fight Club Metal Pack (sealed but with a tear)
4. King Kong 4K Steelbook
5. Batman V Superman Steelbook
6. Star Wars Rogue One 4K Steelbook
7. Spider-Man Homecoming DigiPack (Target Exclusive)
8. Batman '89 4K Steelbook (Titan of Cults Edition, comes with the pin but without the plastic box)
9. Batman Returns 4K Steelbook
10. La La Land Mediabook
11. Shenmue 3 Steelbook (discless)
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Reactions: spider-bat
Alright so the participation time has ended!
Here are the randomly chosen winners.

First place: @BaleHardy
According to your list you will receive:
- Fight Club Metal Pack (sealed but with a tear)
- Inception Steelbook
- La La Land Mediabook
- Batman V Superman Steelbook

Second place: @YellowCake
According to your list and the remaining editions you will receive:
- Star Wars Rogue One 4K Steelbook
- The Last Samurai Steelbook
- Batman '89 4K Steelbook (Titan of Cults Edition)
- Batman Returns 4K Steelbook

Third place: @Patr0n
According to your list and the remaining editions you will receive:
- King Kong 4K Steelbook
- Spider-Man Homecoming DigiPack (Target Exclusive)
- Shenmue 3 Steelbook (discless)
