Plain Archive Suggestion Thread


Bring The Good Times Home
Premium Supporter
Jan 3, 2013
Feel free to suggest titles you'd like to cover in their Exclusive SteelBook editions.


"We already have the rights for ZERO DARK THIRTY and FOXCATCHER. We just want to show Megan our Blu-ray packages of Annapurna's films. :) Of course, We hope she likes them."
-- PA
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I know that lot of people doesn't like this movie, but for me SPRING BREAKERS is by far the title of this list with the highest potential for a PLAIN's collector masterpiece.
You're not talking about this are you? That's about as far as from Plain Archive's quality film choices as you can get.

Apparently, Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson and Rachel Korine were all nominated for an "Actress Most in Need of a New Agent" award due to that film.
I know I've stated children of men, and so has a couple of people here. They said on FB and an e-mail to me that they don't have the rights :(

If you take a look at just the steelbooks for PA. The movies are highly rated among critics and for the most part very well-received from the public, but aren't huge box office hits. Agree with MrBMT that spring breakers is the complete opposite of what PA releases.
I know that lot of people doesn't like this movie, but for me SPRING BREAKERS is by far the title of this list with the highest potential for a PLAIN's collector masterpiece.

Spring Breakers wasn't a terrible movie it was just more twisted than I prefer. It's worth watching once but I don't think I'd ever go back and watch it again.
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Okay, here are some films I would LOVE to see get the PA treatment:
  1. Buffalo 66’ - Dir. Vincent Gallo
  2. Fuc*ing Åmål - Dir. Lukas Moodysson
  3. Chungking Express - Dir. Kar Wai Wong
  4. Crash (1996) - Dir. David Cronenberg

Of the previous suggestions it would also be great to see: Children of Men, the Grandmaster & Boogie Nights
I would love to see Plain Archive do Linklater's "Before" series in a trilogy boxset--I know Criterion is in the process of working out the rights to that, but would love to see PA's version.

Moonrise Kingdom; Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang; Shame; Place Beyond the Pines
Would love to see:

- Heath Ledger & Abbie Cornish

A Bittersweet Life

- Omar Sy

Fight Club
-Brad Pitt

- Brad Pitt

American Beauty
- Kevin Spacey

Requiem for a Dream
- Jared Leto

Good will Hunting
- Matt Damon

A Beautiful Mind
- Russell Crowe

Amores Perros

Cidade de Deus and my guilty pleasure....

Spring Breakers
I really dont get it how spring breakers can be seen as a bad movie. There is a subtile layer below the surface most of you must have missed.

That must be it o_O The thing about Spring Breakers is it attracted a lot of young fans of the actresses who wouldn't normally watch "art films". So you have a lot of young people seeing their first art/indie film and going, "Wow, this is deep" and thinking that they "got it" and people that don't like it didn't "get it".

Most of us didn't miss the "subtile" layer. How could anyone? There was nothing subtle about Harmony Korine's direction. The themes were literally repeated over and over again, out loud by characters. Scenes were repeated to pad out the running time. The acting was terrible by pretty much everyone except James Franco. The only other good things about it were the cinematography and Cliff Martinez score.
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That must be it o_O The thing about Spring Breakers is it attracted a lot of young fans of the actresses who wouldn't normally watch "art films". So you have a lot of young people seeing their first art/indie film and going, "Wow, this is deep" and thinking that they "got it" and people that don't like it didn't "get it".

Most of us didn't miss the "subtile" layer. How could anyone? There was nothing subtle about Harmony Korine's direction. The themes were literally repeated over and over again, out loud by characters. Scenes were repeated to pad out the running time. The acting was terrible by pretty much everyone except James Franco. The only other good things about it were the cinematography and Cliff Martinez score.

watch the making-of and the director will tell you what he tried to do with "themes repeating over and over again". the movie tries to work like an electronic dance track, with loops, samples of clips used before, and wants to deliver the euphoria through sound and light. and that's where it conveys best. forget about the non-existent story, it's exaggerated style over content. superficial to the core, but again, that's what this is supposed to be. and like you said, the score is superb, and works great with the cinematography. for me it's one of the best movies of 2013.
i can honestly understand your different opinion on this though. it's just me with my passion for controversial films. ;)

edit: just read this comment at imdb, and it sums everything up very well:

Mr. Korine is a strangely unique director that uses this film to bore you into understanding how a generation growing up with MTV and girls gone wild has deeply mutilated the pursuit of happiness with nihilistic extremity — however his satirical exploration leaves you uncertain whether to laugh, cry out in horror, or stare in disbelief at its overwhelmingly artistic beauty.

I watched this opening night and was shocked at how good of a movie it had turned out to be. I wasn't really sure what to expect when I walked in so it turned out to be a nice little treat, but to my disbelief when I got home I began reading up on it and all I could see were tweets and posts about it being the "worst movie ever made" and "absolutely disgusting soft core porn". I couldn't believe that these people watched the same film I did.

As far as performances go there isn't much here other than Franco. The four girls do a decent job, the most notable being Selena Gomez although her character wasn't in it for a lot of the highly regarded scenes. James Franco is the star of this film. His performance is dark, uncomfortable and most of all hilarious. He hits it out of the park in the movie managing to make people unsure whether to be uncomfortable or laugh. His character is narcissistic and insane, yet you like him. He brings so much humanity to a place it shouldn't be.

Aesthetically, this movie is absolutely brilliant. The cinematography is fantastic. No matter how you feel when you leave this movie there is no denying how well shot it is. The lighting is beautiful and adds this feeling of darkness you might normally find in a well made horror film. Normally I wouldn't appreciate that very much but it was so properly executed with the great editing and slo-mo sequences. No surprise from the sound department either; the sound design and music brought to us by the brilliant Clint Martinez (Drive) makes what seems like a never-ending soundtrack that compliments the visuals masterfully.

Under all that the movie still manages to hit its theme, just in a way that a lot of people will miss and I believe this is the key to enjoying the film. It's meant to be boring. The use of repetition is so excessive it leaves a mark. No matter how much fun these girls are having it feels very dull and boring. This is the point! If you think for a second what you're seeing on screen is supposed to make you feel excited than go watch Project X. You're not intended to feel how the girls feel because they don't understand. Throughout the film you should feel uncomfortable, disgusted and at times sad. This film (to the right audience) should be as much a horror film as it is a dark comedy.

Spring Breakers is a unique experience featuring lots of depth and style. This film will most likely be the most hated and underrated film to come out this year. I apologize on behalf of the general public Mr. Korine.


On a side note:

The film has been said to support **** culture. I know it can be hard to understand for some people but sometimes film - like a person - uses sarcasm. This is the case. The film shows lots of naked females having fun, very much trying to replicate spring break culture in Florida however the film isn't a mockery of spring break, it's about the marginalized kids who have been brought up on Disney princesses and MTV. The kids who grew up with role models like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. The film isn't meant to focus on girls losing their innocence but instead girls searching for something and realizing it isn't what they thought it was.

Spring Breakers is going to cause a lot of disagreement regardless. After reading this you will love or hate it all the same; what I won't stand for is people being unwilling to look past the surface and see this film for what it really is.

from imdb thejoshl
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I like that now with a group of 7 films done and another 3 that are coming at some point we have a real idea of the kinds of movies they put out. Small Art House movies like Melancholina and Rust & Bone up to medium budget Critically acclaimed films such as The Wrestler & Zero Dark Thirty.

Here is the kind of Art House/Critically Acclaimed movies that I think would be in PA's wheelhouse. These are also films with one exception that have never even had a Steelbook made for them. I would be very excited if PA released any of the films below. These are the kind of movies they would realistically make that I really enjoyed!
1. A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints t
2. Winters Bone b
3. Win Win win
4. True Romance r
5. Rushmore
6. The King of Kong: A Fist Full of Quarters of kon
7. Wag the Dog the dog
8. Somewhere
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There Will Be Blood
Clockwork Orange
The Shining
Taxi Driver
The Big Lebowski
Inglorious Basterds
The Seventh Seal

I think my list is pretty much wishful thinking, however, I think The Seventh Seal & Incendies would make for wonderful releases, and releases that would fit with the PA ethos.
Open Your Eyes (Abre los ojos) (1997)
Love Me If You Dare (Jeux d'enfants) (2003)
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007)
City of God (2002)
Life Is Beautiful (1997)
Good Bye Lenin! (2003)
The Others (2001)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Donnie Darko (2001)
12 Monkeys (1995)
Let the Right One In (2008)
Battle Royale (2000)
Thirst (2009)
Il Postino: The Postman (1994)
Malizia (Malicious) (1973)
Run Lola Run (1998)
La Femme Nikita (1990)
Drunken Master (1978)
The Raid: Redemption (2011)
Ong-bak (2003)
Ichi the Killer (2001)
Audition (1999)
Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
Dark City (1998)
The Cell (2000)
Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
Tell No One (2006)
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008)
Death at a Funeral (2007)
I'm Not Scared (2003)
Star Wars (1977)
Most of my picks have already been mentioned but I hope PA continues with quality films that have a unique visual style but weren't commercially successful.
So, I'll nominate some family films that have PA potential.

Or just my favourite Wes Anderson film. ;)
Or David Fincher's best film (imo).

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