Please please sign this petion

Saw something about this on Facebook the other day, but quickly scrolled passed because it made me feel sick just reading the headline (as I do again no). Would like to say the petition will make a difference, but I can't recall any petition I've signed in the past doing so. Either way, I've signed... no harm in trying!
flogging a dead horse. This is the UK, it's next to impossible to get jailed for any kind of cruelty in the UK these days. Every week I read about some animal or animals being badly treated and yet the owners are never punished. Once last month some owner in my part of the world wasn't even prosecuted even though he allowed 10 farm animals to die. And it goes on and on........ For justice read the work Joke.......
Thanks for setting up the thread @DADDYCOOL187 and thanks for the tag @Scary Hair

I've signed it too

I haven't heard about this but the second I started reading I was angry. I'm an animal lover and a huge dog lover/ owner and I hope and wish this reaches 150,000 so they get what they deserve and treated the same way they treated the bull dog by some beast Bronson looking mofo
flogging a dead horse. This is the UK, it's next to impossible to get jailed for any kind of cruelty in the UK these days. Every week I read about some animal or animals being badly treated and yet the owners are never punished. Once last month some owner in my part of the world wasn't even prosecuted even though he allowed 10 farm animals to die. And it goes on and on........ For justice read the work Joke.......

Worth a try . More people see recognise thire faces the better . Next time someone with a phisical , psychological problem , child , old person . Well right now I do not think thire will be a rock large enough to hide under . Also the low life no regard for life despencer of justice .

Bring On Dredd sentance is LIFE !! .
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And also bear in mind people especially old people are being treated a hundred times worse.You just have to read what's been going on in care homes and hospitals here. People have become like Daleks "What is compassion, the word does not compute" Being a complete bastard seems to be the norm these days.
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I've signed the petition.
That was a horrible & sadistic thing those two did. :angry:

If nothing can be done regarding their sentance I hope at the very least the petition raises awareness of who these people are so they can't hide from what they did.
And that's the same lame excess a lot of these sickos use if they ever get into court. I had a bad childhood, someone stole my teddybear, I was forced to eat too much ice cream when I was young etc...... Most people get some trauma in their life but they don't go around taking it out on animals. they are sickos period and they should be dealt with accordingly.....