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Bring The Good Times Home
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Jan 3, 2013
Use the Ninjas for rating (copy and paste)

Half Ninja = Terrible


1 Ninja = Poor

2 Ninjas = Ok

3 Ninjas = Good

4 Ninjas = Very Good

5 Ninjas = Excellent

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The Last Jedi (2017)


Rewatched it yesterday. First time I just wasn't sure how I felt. Now I am.

It's enjoyable, but it's just far too politically correct for my taste. All women are stable leaders. All men are either evil, cowards or stupidly impatient figures who can't control their testosterone.
And yes, yes. I get it: animals are cute and we should treat them kindly.
Kingman: The Golden Circle

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From a dude who never even heard about Kingsman in any form to a dude that just can't get enough. Just love this movie, and am hopeful for a 3rd edition! Very well conceived and written, and the acting is suberb. Love the set's, and cinematography. Battle scenes are purely Kingsmanesque, which is to say 'in your face and without restriction'.
The Mummy (2017)

Just watched this last night and still don't know what to think of it. As a Tom Cruise movie, basing it soley on his performance, I would probably rate it higher than this, but as a 'The Mummy' movie, especially coming from UNIVERSAL, I can't be as generous. I won't give anything away if you haven't seen it, but it almost seemed too 'busy'. There were elements of it that I really loved, but right when I was about to be all in, I don't know, it seemed perhaps disjointed? At the end of watching this I considered 3 Ninja's, but immediately felt that was too kind. 2 seems too low so I'll go with.....

2 and 3 quarters.jpg
Baywatch (2017)
Don't really understand all the hate. I thought it was an OK film to just put on and not get too involved in. Really helped by the fact it stars Kelly Rohrbach who is absolutely gorgeous! The play off between Rock and Efron was good fun. Yeah, didn't mind it.

Get Out (2017)
This was one that I downloaded because people I know were hyping it up massively. It seems that I don't really understand where all the hype came from because I thought it was awful. I knew it was in the genre of thriller and horror, but there is nothing thrilling or scary about this film at all. It seemed like there was alot of build up and then the ending of the film was rushed. Having seen it I can definitely say that I am not upset about not getting the steelbook.

Thor Ragnarok (2017)

Very enjoyable film, alot more than The Dark World. The story between Loki and Thor is fun to see continue, and it was also interesting to see how Hela fit into the picture. Enjoyed Mark Ruffalo and the Hulk featuring a bit more. Goldblum was a showstealer, I loved him. Another great addition to the MCU.

Cast a Giant Shadow 1966

One of my rare trips into a political film and surprisingly good. Wasn't familiar with the subject matter at all. And a lot of surprise guest appearances from well known stars (of that time)
Goodbye Christoper Robin (2017).

A great-if-a-little-unbalanced movie about fatherhood & our relationships with our fathers, & about how such a tremendous professional success can lead to such a devasting personal failure. The issue lies with its balance, trying to juggle childlike wonder at the creation of the stories with a message on the futility of war doesn’t always hit.
The Thing (1982)
Actually my first time watching this, it has always sort of eluded me when picking what to watch. Quite good cult film, I enjoyed it. Although the special effects obviously isn’t quite up to date, the suspense absolutely is. Never boring. Pluses for Kurt Russell and Norway as part of the storyline. ;)


Justice League (2017)
Honestly, I don’t quite get the hate. I didn’t have high expectations, mostly due to the reception but also because (except for Wonder Woman) DCEU has always been a step or two behind MCU in everything. But I still enjoy Man of Steel and BvS: Ultimate Edition (minus Martha part) a lot. And many troubles were known about this movie from the start, with the change of director, reshoots, Mustache-gate and lack of character build-up with standalone movies. All these problems aside, I found it entertaining and fun. Yes, it still suffers from lack of build-up and background. It still hurts a bit to know the potential the DCEU and especially Justice League has, and see it not be reached. The lack of depth does hit me at times, they definitely should have put more time into the universe instead of rushing it and the end product would’ve been much better.

I’m probably a bit biased because I love Justice League, and seeing especially Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Flash together on the screen is big no matter what. Despite its lack of depth, rush and not the greatest villain, I enjoyed it and had a lot of fun. Given the reception and the problems it has had, it was much better than I expected. It doesn’t reach its potential but I think Wonder Woman and Justice League is at least a step in the right direction for DCEU. I disagree with the hate, this is not a turkey!

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Actually my first time watching this, it has always sort of eluded me when picking what to watch. Quite good cult film, I enjoyed it. Although the special effects obviously isn’t quite up to date, the suspense absolutely is. Never boring. Pluses for Kurt Russell and Norway as part of the storyline. ;)

Have to disagree on your comment about the Things special effects. Astonishingly realistic and way better than modern CGI. Even after all these decades it's packs a punch. One of the rare times a film delivers in every front from acting to script to effects.


Ulysses 1954
This is the restored German blu-ray which has multiple language tracks. All subtitles are removable and some sequences are still in their original italian dialogue. Never seen or heard of this before and it's very very good. Starring the 101 year old Kirk Douglas.


The Defiant Ones 1958
A superb film with two convicts on the run played by Tony Curtis and Sidney Poitier. Surprisingly brutal and asks a lot more questions than it answers.
As much a comment on the penal system as it is on race. All the stunts you see in the film were done for real by the actors concerned and I can believe it was a punishing shoot judging by what you finally see on screen. Again a german blu-ray. No subtitles for the film just german and English language tracks.

There is one scene in which the two convicts encounter a boy and when he sees Sidney Poitier's character, he reacts like he's just met Freddy Kruger. I don't think it was meant to be funny but more a comment on race but it does come across an black humour (no pun intended). If you ever watch the scene concerned you'll know what I mean. In fact that's probably the only light relief in the entire film. .


Volcano 1997
Over the top disaster flick which holds up well today. This is the German futurefax which is a german print with multiple language tracks and removable subtitles.


Invasion of the Invasion Snatchers 1958
Superb sci fi chiller from the director of Dirty Harry and this film certainly makes my day. Only one slight snag with the film. Spoiler ahead.
In the final sequence how does his girlfriend get converted when it's make clear they have to be in close proximity to a pod. And they are near none and it's never made clear what happens to the original bodies. They are not taken over but reproduced so I would expect the duplicate to be there with the dead original. Just a minor pointl
Anyway great film and one of the rare times a sequel appears as good as the original. Again the recent german media book with both German and English language tracks and English and German subtitles. All the above discs region B....
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Have to disagree on your comment about the Things special effects. Astonishingly realistic and way better than modern CGI. Even after all these decades it's packs a punch. One of the rare times a film delivers in every front from acting to script to effects.
Sounds like you like it even more than I did. :) Don’t get me wrong, I had no problem with the special effects and I generally think 80’s special effects usually are great and charming. But to me I didn’t see the alien as very realistically looking based on today though.

The Birds (1963)
The Master of Suspense, again. Weird, mysterious, nerve wracking and exciting. Loved it.
(I like 1-10 scale better so I’ll go over to that if nobody minds)