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Bring The Good Times Home
Premium Supporter
Jan 3, 2013
Use the Ninjas for rating (copy and paste)

Half Ninja = Terrible


1 Ninja = Poor

2 Ninjas = Ok

3 Ninjas = Good

4 Ninjas = Very Good

5 Ninjas = Excellent

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INSURGENT 000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png

(@AlienKing agreed was very disappointed with the sequel, I don't know how the first movie can be so good as I must have watched it four or five times but this is a let down. Thinking of cancelling my BB Steel, the WWA that seems to be everywhere is very poor artwork choice I think The Amaray Copies actually have nicer Slipcovers. Plus it seems with BB there's so much issue with their steel, can you say spine slash ?)

TRON: Legacy 000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png + 000 Ninja.png

I watched this movie again, but this time in 3D and I am just amazed at how they made such a master piece of a si-fi movie. The 3D scenes are really well done with nice depth and the whole feel of the movie and this digital world is just breathtaking what they can do, the feel of the movie is just intoxicating…This is a another masterpiece from Disney which once again managed to bring me into another world and just lose myself in the movie. This is movie Magic. Disney Masterpiece.

Kingsman: The Secret Service 000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png

Another movie that I watched again since it was released on Blu-ray and I have to say that my second viewing was as exciting and Fun as my First one. Caught things that I didn't get with first time I saw it as this is non stop talking and action, so this is the type of movie that warrants a second viewing and this is just a Kick-Ass movie(no Pun Intended)...and with the FAC package :drool:

CINDERELLA 000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png

I just thought that making this movie to reflect the Classic Story was a very wise move. This movie is as Enchanted as it can be, the director captured the essence of the Classic tale and turned it into a breathtaking, magical, romantic fairy tale that is it. This movie has heart and Soul. It took a long time for us to wait for this Classic Story to properly make it to the Big Screen and with Disney's Magic it finally Happened. I saw it Twice in 2 weeks already and I am just once more loosing myself into the World of Disney, a World that you can escape within and loose all your worries, A World I wished I'd live in...

The Drop 000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png

I guess this is the week that I am watching movies that I have already seen. This is also my second viewing, I love thriller where the Main Character has a calmness vibe that emanates from him yet he does get things done. This movie has a Great Cast, James Gandolfini, Noomi Rapace(Prometheus), and the main actor one of my Favorite Actor Tom Hardy. This is a movie not to miss really nice Crime Drama movie. I have been waiting for a steel for this, but the FNAc is really aweful from the pic, I just hope it will get a release as it deserve a proper steel release, if not I'll have to go with the Amaray.

The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png

This sequel does justice to its first movie which is just endearing. Much more of a Busy feel as opposed to the first movie which has a more relax vibe, this movie is Vibrant and lots is happening. But for a sequel I think they managed to make a nice one out of it. Very sweet movie.

Trouble With the Curve 000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png000 Ninja.png

This is probably the 4rth or 5th time I see this movie since it was released. Clint Eastwood is just phenomenal in this touching Drama Sport like movie. It is not a movie that you need to love baseball to enjoy it. Amy Adams and Justing Timberlake as well as John Goodman provide such an amazing supportive cast and this movie is just an amazing Story. It pulls you in and it is just a great watch, very well done, a movie that you enjoy and get pulled into the storyline, a movie that you forget all that is around you and enjoy the story for what it is, just a great movie.

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@bloodsnake007 Really? You enjoyed it? How? :p I mean it didn't excite me. It was all just 'meh' for me. It was predictable.

@Actarus At least someone shares my view :LOL: But yea, no steel for Insurgent. May be a slipcover...when it's on sale :p

Anyways, watched this crazy f**king movie yesterday...
Enemy (2013) - [URL='https://www.hidefninja.com/community/attachments/000-ninja-png.178389/'][URL='https://www.hidefninja.com/community/attachments/000-ninja-png.178389/'][URL='https://www.hidefninja.com/community/attachments/000-ninja-png.178389/'][URL='https://www.hidefninja.com/community/attachments/000-ninja-png.178389/'] I don't like giving a perfect score for movies but this movie deserves it. I[/URL] was[/URL] speechless[/URL] after[/URL] watching this movie. :wow::OMG: Best mindf**k ever!

Also watched in the past weeks...
Run All Night (2015) - [URL='https://www.hidefninja.com/community/attachments/000-ninja-png.178389/'][URL='https://www.hidefninja.com/community/attachments/000-ninja-png.178389/']

Upside Down (2013) - [URL='https://www.hidefninja.com/community/attachments/000-ninja-png.178389/'][URL='https://www.hidefninja.com/community/attachments/000-ninja-png.178389/'][/URL][/URL]
This is 40 - :ninja::ninja::ninja:
Tremors - :ninja::ninja::ninja:
The Terminator - :ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja:
The Death of "Superman Lives": What Happened? - :ninja::ninja::ninja:
Terminator 2: Judgment Day - :ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja:
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines - :ninja::ninja:
A Boy and His Dog - :ninja::ninja::ninja:
Terminator Salvation - :ninja::ninja::ninja:
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Ant-Man - 1N.png 1N.png 1N.png 1N.png HalfN.png I taught there wore too many jokes in it but still a good movie.

Halloween (Rob Zombie) - 1N.png 1N.png 1N.png 1N.pngHalfN.png Really great remake of an classic flick.

Halloween 2 (Rob Zombie) - 1N.png 1N.png 1N.pngNot as great as the first one but definitely worth a watch.

Cannibal Holocaust - 1N.png 1N.png 1N.png 1N.pngI cant recommend eating kebab while watching this :D but other wise GREAT movie :thumbs:

The Equalizer - 1N.png 1N.png 1N.pngFor me this goes in the same category as John Wick, superhuman vengeance machine kills all, that´s it.

Fury - 1N.png 1N.png 1N.png 1N.png HalfN.png AWESOME!!! movie :thumbs:

Sex Tape - 1N.png 1N.png 1N.pngCameron Diaz looked kinda hot in this :) Other wise same old, same old, made a sex tape, lost it, have to get it back, so typical weekend stuff ;) :D

X-Men DOFP Rogue Cut - 1N.png 1N.png 1N.png 1N.png 1N.pngFirst cut was great and this added a nice little twist to it :thumbs: :thumbs:

I Spit On Your Grave (2010) - 1N.png 1N.png 1N.png 1N.pngGreat little movie about camping :p :D

Pixels - 1N.png 1N.pngI think its safe to say that Adam Sandler has past his prime, those two ninjas came just because i recognized so many characters from my past and qbert was awesome :thumbs:

Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 - HalfN.png Really? Did we really need a sequel? Really?

Ted 2 - 1N.png 1N.png 1N.png 1N.png HalfN.png As good as the first one :thumbs: :thumbs:

Wet Hot American Summer - 1N.png 1N.png 1N.png HalfN.png It was fun to watch this after the i saw the netflix series, cast looked so young in this compered to the series :D

Staten Island Summer - 1N.png 1N.pngKinda funny teen summer comedy.

Minions - 1N.png 1N.pngBANANA!!! Not for me.

Frozen - 1N.png 1N.pngToo much singing for my taste.

Lego Movie - 1N.png 1N.png 1N.png 1N.pngCould have used some R-rated jokes but still a funny movie :thumbs:

Middle Men - 1N.png 1N.png 1N.png 1N.pngIf you haven´t seen this yet, go and watch it :thumbs: Full of con-men, mobsters, drugs, and por*stars.
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Whiplash - :ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja:
Blow - :ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja:
Man of Steel - :ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja:
Wet Hot American Summer - :ninja::ninja:
Elysium - :ninja::ninja::ninja:
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night - :ninja::ninja:
Kingsman: The Secret Service - :ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja:
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Self/less - :ninja::ninja: Ryan Reynold's superb performance flushed away because of a completely unimaginative action movie surrounding it.
The Gallows - :ninja: Horrible, horrible, horrible. The only reason I give it stars/ninjas at all is because it's so bad I actually had at least occasionally fun mocking it with my friend.
Ant-Man - :ninja::ninja::ninja:I can only imagine what Edgar Wright would have done with his vision if they had just let him to.
Easy A - :ninja::ninja:Emma Stone is amazing.
Ted 2 - :ninja::ninja::ninja: If you enjoy Seth MacFarlane's tastelessly tasteful humor and liked the first one, you will enjoy Ted 2 too.
Paper Towns - :ninja::ninja::ninja:Cara Delevingn is a future star, gotta love her. Can't wait to see her in Suicide Squad. Movie itself wandered a bit too much without any direction, but still quite enjoyable teen drama.
Mission: Impossible - :ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja:Brian De Palma's classic pretty much defines to me what Mission: Impossible is supposed to be - heavily atmospheric
with a good touch of humor and breathtaking operations.
Mission: Impossible II - :ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja:I don't like it that much as a Mission: Impossible film, John Woo's style is too special and recognizable for that (but I love it). Still, if you don't take it completely as a MI film and ignore some minor flaws (Ethan Hunt's really weird behavior, some ridiculous things in the plot), it's hell of a ride with really brilliant action, taken that you enjoy Woo's movies. I do.
Mission: Impossible III - :ninja::ninja::ninja:
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol - :ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja:
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation - :ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja:
I've seen it twice already, this year's supreme king of action movies so far. It successfully combines the good features of the best MI movies: Ghost Protocol's casual humor and fast pace, but without forgetting the lunatic plot and the excellent tone of the first movie. This is what we want. At the age of 53, Tom Cruise is still the best.
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Since the last time I posted

Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation

Fantastic Four - posted details in other thread

The Man from U.N.C.L.E. - posted details in other thread
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