Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (3D+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (Best Buy Exclusive) [USA]


Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
Release date: April 4, 2017
Purchase link: Best Buy
Price: $29.99

Best Buy Exclusive:
4-disc set with exclusive SteelBook packaging (Blu-ray 3D + two Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD + SteelBook packaging)

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Sorry for confusing your brain, then. ;)
I prefer RO over TFA any day. That is not to say TFA is a bad movie (I do enjoy it, too), but it certainly lacks the originality I was expecting in a new installment of the "Episodes". It's kinda funny to compare what little and circumscribed story RO was based on and how it turned out and how much more narrative freedom Episode VII had and what they actually came up with. Despite the tight storyline corset RO felt fresher and more inspired than TFA, at least to me.

I felt like Rogue One was missing the most important thing to drive "A Star Wars Story": Characters.
The main reason why The Force Awakens works so well is because the film is driven by the characters and the interactions that said characters have- it also helps to have new cast additions that are charismatic as hell.

Rogue One felt like a drag, not because the tone was dark- but because every character felt empty, underdeveloped, and pointless. That, and the film is straight-up boring for the first hour and 20 minutes- without characters to drive the plot forward, the film just feels like it's slogging through each location because it has to in order to progress the plot. By the time the film gets to the last act, the excitement of the battle of Scaraf comes not from the climactic end of all the strife and turmoil of the crew- but it feels like a flashy child waving their arms around screaming "HEY LOOK! IT'S DARTH VADER! DO YOU REMEMBER DARTH VADER?", "HEY LOOK! RD-D2 AND C3PO! DO YOU REMEMBER THEM?!?!?", "LOOK X-WINGS! YOU KNOW WHAT THOSE ARE, RIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT??!?". I mean- the film seems to have taken the largest cue from Jurassic Park being to remind the audience of things that they like from better movies, as opposed to giving the audience something new to care about- i.e. characters such as Rey, Kylo Ren, and Finn.

So even if Rogue One had a more original story than The Force Awakens, Rogue One fails in directing, acting, editing, and in a lot of places- the writing.
I mean, I don't think Rogue One is horrible, but it's just the most mediocre film conceivably possible. Which is why I'd rate it at a 5.5/10.
I felt like Rogue One was...
Ha! This just shows how subjective opinions about big-franchise movies are. What you said about "a flashy child waving their arms" is exactly how I felt about TFA--for me, the moment Han Solo shows up, the whole thing heads downhill fast. Whereas even though Rogue One pushes the gimmicks just a bit too far (C3PO and R2D2, and Walrus Man--unnecessary and distracting), I found it much, much more satisfying. After seeing it twice, I'd rank it as one of my favorite SW movies.

As for characters, I felt that RO expects the viewer to use imagination and read into the characters, and that it gives just enough information to do that (except for the pilot, Bodhi, who is the weak link). The character arcs of Jyn and Cassian are nicely done, and their end felt perfect. RO was a little bit more demanding of the viewer than the typical blockbuster that spoon-feeds every detail to you, over and over. And it's also much more aimed at fans who have followed the franchise through the movies, novels, graphic novels, and so forth.

Happy to disagree, though! As long as we keep it to "I <i>like</i> this one better than that one" and not "This movie <i>is</i> better than that one." A good Star Wars movie is one that makes you love Star Wars, and that's different for every viewer. :)
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Anyone who has been to BB this morning, do they have a lot of copies in store? I'm guessing yes.
They had tons at my store! In hand and out of the package looks awesome Love it! You have to really get it in hand to appreciate it!!!!!!And now to wait for my blu fans! :)
Just picked up mine. There were no copies left in the store, that I could see. My pickup copy has a terrible spine slash right across the middle of the title.

I know there are people who genuinely love this steelbook (and I'm very happy for you!), but I have to say that for me it's one of the worst steelbooks I've seen. Seeing it in person hasn't changed anything. I'm probably going to return this one and wait for the Blufans. What are the odds that one will ship before Christmas? :)
I really like this release. I love the spot gloss and the deboss. The inside artwork is good too. My only issue with it is I wish they used the 2x2 disc insert instead of the 1x2x1 with the flap in the middle.
I'm probably going to return this one and wait for the Blufans. What are the odds that one will ship before Christmas? :)

I think the blufans will ship well before Christmas

I reakon GBs will be around July/August for rogue one.
Thats just a guess though and I'm only going by previous releases in the last 12 months

They usually show their art a good few months before the beauty shots of the packages and when the BS are released then GBs usually follow a few weeks to a month or so after