The Beatles vs The Rolling Stones


Bring The Good Times Home
Premium Supporter
Jan 3, 2013



This debate has been going on ever since they crossed paths. Who's the greatest band of all time? The Beatles or The Rolling Stones? The Apple or The Tongue? The Bad Boys vs The Badder Boys.
Let the Royal Rumble begin!
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I've never been big into either band, but i can handle the stones more than the beatles. It's more about black sabbath for me for classic rock.
Never been a fan of either but from friends and colleagues i no they like beatles more...
Beatles. They never outstayed their welcome. Stones have become a joke and should have retired 30 years ago...... They've become so famous for their private life people forget they used to write songs.... The way they are going they will become a parody before too long if they haven't already.
I have to go with The Beatles. Never listened much to Rolling Stones but have started to and I really like them as well but it's an easy choice for me.

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