The Eternals - In theaters November 5, 2021


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Dec 28, 2012
3.25 star(s) Rating: 3.25/5 4 Votes
Title: The Eternals (2021)

Genre: Science Fiction, Action, Adventure

Director: Chloé Zhao

Cast: Angelina Jolie, Richard Madden, Salma Hayek, Kit Harington,

Release: 2021-02-12

Plot: The story of a race of immortal beings who lived on Earth and shaped its history and civilizations.
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Tickets on sale today.

Box office-wise this is either going to be the surprise biggest movie of the year or a dud. No in-between #hyperbole
Just got back and I liked it

No idea why it's being ranked as the worst MCU film thus far (I can name one that was released this year that's worse alone)

Jolie absolutely steals the show with her character, I had major reservations about the MCU bringing the likes of her and Hayek in (almost like there's been that many of these films now they're running out of actors) but thankfully Jolie smashes her role

Look forward to seeing more of these characters

(There's 2 post credit scenes btw so stay right till the end)
Liked it.
Little bit overlong IMO, but overal, it's a good introduction to all these new characters. As @tommyh84 said, Jolie truly steals the show. Never imagined we would see her as a Marvel superhero, but she's definetely good for it!
This whole movie opens further more the cosmic aspect of all the Marvel universe. The infinity saga was more down to Earth, but we can see that they are trying to open it up to infinity and beyond (Ha!). Bring it on!
I enjoyed this, NOT your typical Marvel but numbers BUT I can also see why people might dislike it....slow burner, a few characters you could remove and not only not miss but it would have a baring on the overall plot.
Am also in no rush to see it again... not that it's bad, but just doesn't have me clamouring for a rewatch as quick as many other MCU do.
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Also enjoyed it. I was expecting a bit more from it but it also goes a direction I wasn’t expecting with some surprises I wasn’t expecting. Loved the final act where it goes mental. But I just don’t agree that Jolie steals the show, for me she was the weakest link but her character was kinda cool and her fighting was awesome. Tbh no one really stood out for me in an amazing way. Hayek, chan and the speedster were my favourites. Oh and the old Indian dude lol. Visuals were pretty amazing

I am interested to see where this goes and what comes next because their impact is pretty damn huge
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I also just got back from watching it tonight. I actually really enjoyed it.

The 2.5 hrs didn’t feel overly drawn out to me, it felt like it went quicker to be honest.

Thought there was some solid story, great character depth and exploration in just one film.

I’d watch it again for sure.
How is it still in cinemas?
Glad you are getting to go.
All MCU should be seen on the big screen
It was the very last showing at the cinemas, it wasn't IMAX but it was still a decent sized big screen. I was surprised that the theater actually filled up too being the last showing. Man oh man there were line after lines waiting for Spider-Man, now I know what I have to look forward to tomorrow. I sure hope it's as good as the hype.
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