The Fall Guy - In theaters May 3, 2024


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Dec 28, 2012
4.00 star(s) Rating: 4.00/5 6 Votes
Title: The Fall Guy (2024)

Genre: Action

Director: David Leitch

Cast: Ryan Gosling, Emily Blunt

Release: 2024-03-01

Plot: A Hollywood stuntman moonlights as a bounty hunter to make ends meet.
A fun movie but with a lacking, telegraphed plot. Blunt and Gosling’s chemistry and charisma carry the movie. It’s a love letter to stunt performers with some entertaining action sequences. If you liked the tone of the trailer I recommend checking this out in theaters, otherwise catch it on streaming.
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Watched this last night.
I'm going to be blunt (little pun intended). For me, I found the film unbelievably average.
It's fun but in super generic way.
As others have mentioned in above posts, the whole film is carried by the chemistry between Blunt and Gosling, they really do hold the film on their shoulders.
For a film about stunts and stunt performers, the stunts are really shockingly dull, like literally the most boring part of the film. It's so bizarre. No set pieces stand out as super innovative in their design, nor even particularly exciting. It's shocking really. Yes, there are lots of falls, jumps, car doughnuts, crashes and punches, but they all lack any real excitement or creativity.
The film lacks vitality & scope is what I'm trying to say.
Which is so weird given it's target.
The script is very ordinary with no real depth and has some ultra shallow characters.

To be honest, when I was watching, I wondered if this was a parody. It kind of lives on that line. Almost as if they went for a Barbie type sense of humour, by that I mean, a very fine line between serious and joking.

That's not say it isn't fun. It is, it's just perhaps one of David Leitchs weaker films.
Wick, Bullet Train, DP2, Hobbs & Shaw. All better imo.

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Man. I completely disagree with @TheWildEye. I thought it was fantastic! (spoilers below)

To kick off with a oner like that!? *Slow clap* :OMG:
The chemistry between Gosling and Blunt is obviously the best part. They work so well together and play off each other with ease.
The humor was great (I am still laughing about the unicorn). The Music was great. Loved the split screen scene. Very well done.

This truly is a love letter to the stunt community.
The only thing that I thought was a little weak was the ending. Almost tries to go too big when the smaller stunts and scenes seems to work a little better in this film. But it's a minor gripe to a really great film and will most likely be in my top ten for the year.

And to disagree again... Its one of Leitch's best films. haha (but I loved everything he's done so far). :naughty:
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Man. I completely disagree with @TheWildEye. I thought it was fantastic! (spoilers below)

To kick off with a oner like that!? *Slow clap* :OMG:
The chemistry between Gosling and Blunt is obviously the best part. They work so well together and play off each other with ease.
The humor was great (I am still laughing about the unicorn). The Music was great. Loved the split screen scene. Very well done.

This truly is a love letter to the stunt community.
The only thing that I thought was a little weak was the ending. Almost tries to go too big when the smaller stunts and scenes seems to work a little better in this film. But it's a minor gripe to a really great film and will most likely be in my top ten for the year.

And to disagree again... Its one of Leitch's best films. haha (but I loved everything he's done so far). :naughty:

That's why movies are so great - we can all have an opinion and debate but you can't possibly believe that any one of the stunts in The Fall Guy (a film about stunts and stunt men) are as inventive or groundbreaking as say... absolutely anything in any of the last four Mission Impossible films for example?
That's why movies are so great - we can all have an opinion and debate but you can't possibly believe that any one of the stunts in The Fall Guy (a film about stunts and stunt men) are as inventive or groundbreaking as say... absolutely anything in any of the last four Mission Impossible films for example?

Mission impossible films have always been the best in terms of their stunts (And I think we find it even more impressive that Tom is doing them himself). It's very hard to beat.

But I do commend Ryan with amount of stunts that he did in this too. The MI films always use a big set piece and create scale and tension to amplify the stunt which is why they always feel so grand and intense. Fall Guy is a much different style of film, every stunt is done with humor in mind first rather than scale (and like I said in my review when they tried for scale at the end... it didn't work as well).

I thought the Garbage Truck scene was pretty inventive. I also loved both of the fights in the apartment (The Sword fight especially).
But yeah they don't quite match Mission. And thats ok for me. It was still one of the most fun movies to come out this year.
Mission impossible films have always been the best in terms of their stunts (And I think we find it even more impressive that Tom is doing them himself). It's very hard to beat.

But I do commend Ryan with amount of stunts that he did in this too. The MI films always use a big set piece and create scale and tension to amplify the stunt which is why they always feel so grand and intense. Fall Guy is a much different style of film, every stunt is done with humor in mind first rather than scale (and like I said in my review when they tried for scale at the end... it didn't work as well).

I thought the Garbage Truck scene was pretty inventive. I also loved both of the fights in the apartment (The Sword fight especially).
But yeah they don't quite match Mission. And thats ok for me. It was still one of the most fun movies to come out this year.
This is a very accurate description. You hit the nail on the head.
Overall, I did enjoy it. I didn't leave without being entertained and thats the main thing after all.
Finally watched it. For the most part I enjoyed it. And same as @Noodles I don’t think I would’ve enjoyed as much if it wasn’t for those two.
Some scenes just drag especially the end. But I still laughed a few times even though the plot is ridiculous I thought it was going to be funnier. Tbh all the humour is on Goslings shoulders, he carries that as much as he can.
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Incredible film, awesome real stunts, fun action. The in-movie director even says she wants to shoot a real car flip and jump, etc, not do it with CGI as offered. David Leitch a former stuntman and stunt coordinator himself finally made an ode to his profession, and started the whole movement to get stunt performers an Oscars category.
I'm rather irritated there wasn't more people in the theaters for this, because it sends the studios the wrong message, that real SFX movies like this aren't popular, and they should continue making green screen CGI cartoons.
I'm rather irritated there wasn't more people in the theaters for this, because it sends the studios the wrong message
  • Haha
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