[WINNER CHOSEN]# 2 Bloodsnake & MGD's EPIC Kindle HD7/Steelbook Give-Away!!!

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Feb 10, 2013
Boston, MA
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This year we wanted to do something special for Hi-def Ninja, so Three Prizes will be up for grabs! Check it out!


1st place (Grand Prize) - Kindle Fire HD 7 (8GB) - Black


2nd place
- Rise and Dawn of the Apes (Blu-Ray Slipcover (US) and Steelbook (MX)


3rd place - Godzilla/Pacific Rim Sanborns Exclusive Double Pack (MX)


*Each Prize will include some delicious Hot & Spicy treats from The Mexican Wonka!!! :hungry:
Mexican Wonka!.jpg




3. WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON MARCH 1st - (Details below *)

* The Winner will NOT be selected by your usual Random.org. This will be more special than that! Once the Give-Away has come to an end, all the names of the participants will each be placed in balloons and pinned to a cork board. Franky will then blindfold his wife Alyssa! :naughty: and she will be tasked to throw a Dart! 3 Darts, 3 Popped Balloons, 3 Winners! And it will be in Order.

This event will be filmed to announce the WINNERS on youtube! :yt:


If you could create your own film, what would it be like? It can be short or long just tell your story and have fun with it! :D

Bloodsnake's Example:

"There was once a Ghetto Neighborhood by the name of Digitalbabeville, there lived a Candy Pimp that would slap his Ninja hoes Harry and Earthscope for always coming up short. Ricker was a dealer that would sell cotton candy in the alleys, and the day came... The Candy Pimp sent his hitman PKAVFC. He rolled up in his Mr. Bean G-Ride rapping as he pulled out a 9 and started blasting Rickers ass, :sing: "Straight outta Candyland! Crazy muthaf**ka name Pablo, from the Collecting Gang named NINJAS with ATTITUDE!"


Message from Frankie (Bloodsnake) and Matthew (MGD)

We want to thank @Wreck, @digitalbabe, @apsmith21, @tridon, @PunkNinja and the rest of the HDN community! Both of us appreciate all the support from everyone to help put this event together. We wouldn't want to do this at any other forum!

In the words of Bloodsnake, "HDN FU**ING ROCKS!" :cool::woot:

Now go enjoy Ninja Week 2015!


List of participants:

Dan Kyte
PKAVFC - Winner*

Ask - Winner*

metal hunter
Joanie Mason
Raggle Fraggle!
jaws finatic
claudius181991 - Winner*



Grand Prize - @claudius181991

2nd place
- @Ask

3rd place

Enjoy! #BestWeekEver #NinjaWeek #HDNFU**INGROCKS

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Cheers for the contest this is bloody awesome anyway I've written three stories that I would love to be made into shorts

The Santa Claws
A Kid wakes up on Christmas morning after being woken by a noise emanating from somewhere in the house. It's very early. He hears noises coming from downstairs and sits bolt upright on the bed listening for more sounds. He looks outside through the window, Snow is falling. Then he hears a thud. The boy, jumps out of bed and investigates. Walking along a dark landing he then stands at the top of the stairs looking down them, listening out for more noises. Very Eerie. He hears another thud and a rustle of paper. Curiosity takes over and the boy and keen to see what's going on, investigates further. We follow him slowly walking down stairs in the dim light.
He makes his way to where the sound is coming from. It's coming from the living room. He opens the door and peers slowly around the door into the dimply lit room. The only lights are coming from the still lit Christmas tree. The boy rubs his eyes in disbelief as he sees Santa dressed in his red robe and red and white hat. His back is clearly visible through the low light available. The boy smiles. The tension is lifted. Santa has arrived.
The boy, clearly excited runs over to the man, still with his back facing us. The boy tugs on Santa's belt a few times to let him know he's there. Quickly, Santa turns to face the boy but as we see his face, its not the jolly old man we know and love but some horrible demon type figure with a terrifying face. The boy reels back in horror and lets out a scream, just has 'Santa' raises his clawed hand and slices the boys throat wide open. Blood spays over the Christmas tree, the lights flicker and go off, and the film cuts to black to the sound of jingle bells.

The Body in a Carpet
Three students find a gypsy caravan with a man giving away free rolls of carpet while returning to their student digs one day. They cant believe their luck and cant wait to bring it home with them to help decorate their shared space. When they reach the flat, they unrolled the carpet to discover a body concealed inside. The body is small but quickly grows. The students stand and stare, mouths wide open etc whatever it is, it quickly attacks the students, limbs and blood everywhere. The scene is like that of a slaughter house. Cut scene, to a couple walking passed the same gypsy caravan but now its in a different area. The gypsy offers them free carpet and the couple excitedly smile......Fade to black!

Julie Burnham lives in a small, grubby 1 bedroom ground floor flat in the Rhondda, South Wales. It’s a poor, deprived area with a high crime rate and little comfort. It’s November, the days are short, the nights are long and as Autumn quickly changes into Winter, it’s cold, it’s oh so cold. Julie doesn’t live alone. She has two children, Daniel her 10 year son and Kirsty, her 6 year old daughter. Julie loves her kids, she would do anything for them. Although she has friends, she doesn’t see them often. She’s a bit of a loner. The kid’s Dad is a waster. Trouble followed him from his teens and he was always in and out of prison for theft. Times hasn’t changed and once again he’s behind bars, this time for something far more serious. He’s left Julie and the kids to fend for themselves.
Times are hard for Julie and the kids, she looks much older than her 28 years suggests. She was pretty once but poor health due to stress and her living conditions have taken their toll. Every two weeks Julie receives her pitiful government handout but it quickly vanishes. Benefits don’t last long when you have three hungry mouths to feed and both her and the kids are only just scraping by. Thank God the rent gets paid from her housing benefit or she would be in even more trouble. The flat is always cold and very soon it will be getting colder.
To boost her income, Julie worked the street as a prostitute but recently she was attacked by a customer who smashed her face up quite badly. She lost her teeth making her look even older and trade has suffered because of it. No work means one thing, theres even less on the table and harder times ahead for her and the kids. With Winter on the way Julie is scared that her kids will go hungry but with very little money and no sign of work what can she do?

Two weeks go by. It's been hard living on just benefits and now to add to the ever growing feeling of misery;Julie’s money has been stopped. Someone has secretly shopped her for working while claiming. There is no money and the last of the food has just been eaten. Julie is almost suicidal and her heart bleeds when she sees the sad look on the kids faces. The kids are constantly hungry, their stomachs are groaning. She could go to the food bank but recently the food bank got robbed and it’s closed down for the ‘foreseeable future’.
Things are getting desperate, the kids are asking why they are hungry all the time, Julie thinks about ending it all. She runs outside for air, she tries to escape this feeling of utter despair. Outside, Julie breaks down. Weeping into her hands and sobbing uncontrollably she sits at the bottom of the stairs that leads up to the pavement. In the corner of the stairwell she sees a rat. Nothing odd about that in the Valleys, they are everywhere, only this rat is gnawing on the dead carcass of another rat.
Julie stares at the rat feasting and she thinks. A wave of calm comes over her, she realises what must be done to feed herself and her kids.
Days and weeks pass. People around town notice Julie is limping, gradually getting worse, there’s a nasty smell coming from her as she limps passed people. Towns folk are getting concerned about how ill Julie looks. She has become quite the talking point but for all the wrong reasons. She is looking ill but her kids are thriving. Weeks go by, her condition worsens then Julie or her kids are not seen for a week. Now that Julie has become the topic of conversation the question now on everyone’s lips is where is she?
Eventually, Rhian, a friend of Julie's calls round to the flat to see what is going on and to find out if her friend is OK.
On arrival she rings the doorbell but there is no answer. She bangs on the door but there is still nobody coming to answer. Rhian looks through the flat window, she can see a shape sitting on the living room sofa but through the heavy net thats draped across the window it’s unclear who it is. She can only assume it’s her friend Julie. She bangs on the window and shouts her name, there’s still no response.
Rhian calls the Police to report she is worried and she explains what is going on, they quickly arrive.
The Police knock but no one comes. They decide to break the glass in the front door and quickly gain entry to Julie’s flat. The smell is unbearable and both the Police and Rhian vomit in the hallway from the foul stench that fills the stagnant air.
As they enter the living room, the scene that meets them is something from the deepest darkest nightmare. Julie is indeed sitting on the sofa. But that is not all. Rhian, screams at Julie, ‘Oh my God, what have you done?” Julie, looking close to death, looks up at her friend and replies, ‘I had to feed them something, I've been feeding them like this for weeks’ Julie is sitting on the sofa, there is blood everywhere and we see that her two children are both gnawing at her legs while she is still alive. Julie’s kids have become cannibals.
Julie loves her kids and will do ANYTHING for them…..
I always thought it would be cool to have a movie that was set far in the future but instead of the typical apocalypse story rather humans have overcome every obstacle. Famine, war, greed have all be abolished and humans become so advanced that they essentially become immortal. The only problem is that no one has anything left to live for because there are no challenges left to overcome. My story would focus on one character who struggles to find out what humans from the past fought to live for and what made their passion for life.
Decades after the tragedy that was the Frankenstein monster, the Bavarian town where he met his demise sleeps quietly.

A young boy, unaware of the past, plays his game of Archeologist in solitude. Always keeping to himself, his friends are few in this tiny village.

Placing the lantern in front of him, he leans into the side of the hill as he digs, it gives way and he rides the debris into an unknown underground cavern. Getting his wits about him, he see's the lantern still burning partly buried in the rubble. Grabbing the lantern, he does a 360 with lantern extended to survey the area. He thinks he see's a man laying in the corner of the cavern. As he approaches he sees the man with the flat head, skin ashen grey, seemingly dead. But not decomposing? Putting the lantern close to the man's face for a better look, the man's eye's barely open, and close again. The boy, affraid, runs for his life and get's out of the cavern.

Keeping this to himself, he tells his young friend, a girl, about what happened. She insists they go there together, but with food and water because obviously the man isn't dead. Slowly but surely they nourish the 'man' back to strength (human strength), his ashen skin becomes more human and he tells them who he is; the Frankenstein Monster, and how he never meant to hurt anybody. The children check out this story and find that most adults refuse to speak of the terror of the monster.

The kids, realizing he got a bogus rap, befriend the monster and name him Frank. They get him some new clothes, a hat to cover his flat head, maps out of the Bavarian territory, and help him make a new start, in a new world, as a respected member of society.

During his trek, Frank get's hammered by a bad storm where his neck bolts get zapped by lightening, filling him with super human stregth! His awareness is immediate as he reaches for the sky wanting another jolt, which he receives.

Lightening strikes a boulder on a hill, causing it to fall where Frank cannot see. He hears a scream for help and rushes to the scene. There, a maiden is trapped by the boulder which is pinning her against the hill. "Please help me" she begs. Her family, trapped in the storm with her, tries to free her with no success. Frank walks up from the shadows, puts his hand on the boulder and moves it off her wih little effort, saving her life. The father, grateful to no end, takes Frank in to his family, eventually marrying him off to the maiden he saved, and giving him run of his lifes work. Frank becomes known as a man of valor, strength and integrity and lives out his years in peace and tranqility.

Thanks for the giveaway!!!
The year is 2085. Most of the fossil fuels have used up, many countries have become in a state of poverty, and the economic structure has become unstable. Disease has spread out of control with outbreaks in majority of the World.

China is the most powerful economy in the world after acquiring most of the remaining resources from the poorest countries nearby. With a population of nearly 2 Billion people they now have the strongest Army and Air Force they have been developing. This has caused the United States and their closest ally, the United Kingdom, concerned and unease with China's economic power and their secret military capabilities and movements of a pending attack.

Russia is now in a financial crisis. Many people are unemployed, their currency has fallen and crime has increased. The public funds have been spent on new weapon design and the Government has neglected their own civilians in improving the economy. This has caused a lack of tourism, mass rioting and the collapse of their economy. Secretly the Russian Government has been designing new weapons of mass destruction with the ability to launch Nuclear Weapons all over the world. Their intentions are to destroy the worlds powerful cities and leaders and claim their land and resources. Unknown to the world, Russia's nuclear weapons have the ability to launch undetected stealth attack at their hostile nations causing mass destruction. Russia has become a threat to the World Leaders.

Al Qaeda have been planning an attack on the US for 8 decades since the death of their great leader, Osama Bin Laden. OBL's great grandson has vowed to seek revenge on the USA. With resources running low and the country at poverty their threat against the United States is low. To launch one final terrorist attack on American soil to cause mass destruction will honour OBL while he rests in peace deep in the ocean without a burial. This has angered OBL'S son for not providing the proper Islamic tradition for burial.

In China the parents of a young boy discovers he is telekinesis and the ability to communicate with humans and animals telepathically. The parents secretly conceal their son's abilities and powers fearing he would be at risk from the Chinese Government who will take him away and assist with the country's military power.

In Russia the Government are in the final stages of testing their new weapon designs. They inadvertently launch one of their prototype Nuclear Missiles to Chinese Air Space which was detected and intercepted by China's most advanced superior defence systems. China discovered that the Nuclear Weapon was an advanced and newly developed prototype. Russia were confused how the Chinese were able to detect this with their technology. China responded and threatened Russia with their military Arsenal and declare War against Russia unless they share their technology. With Russia's economy collapsing, they had no allies and were no match for War against China's Air Force and infantry. Russia reluctantly agreed to share the technology unless China became their ally and to protect them in War.

The media portrayed this aftermath worldwide which was covered up by both countries claiming it was a missile test. They denied becoming a powerful Ally while Russia shared their technology with China. The US and the UK were concerned and suspicious they were preparing a devastating attack on their nation and the rest of the world.

China's new leader Jin Zeng is the new President. He was always aware that the US Government was wary that if he had become the next President, due to his fearless military and leadership style. He has never forgotten the death of his father, who was the US Chinese Ambassador, when he was killed by a bomb in Washington DC. The US claimed it was a terrorist attack. Zeng believed this was an assassination attempt on himself. When he visited his father the bomb had killed his father instead of him which he believes is due to China's growing powerful nation and becoming next President of the Peoples Republic of China.

Ten Chinese tourists have been mysteriously abducted around the world one by one. The abductors reveal to the tourist that they are Al Qaeda and each tourist were provided a separate task to complete or their family killed. The terrorists chose these tourists specifically with their skills and abilities to complete a specific task only known to them. Unknown to the tourists each of them were building a single piece to create the perfect weapon no person has ever seen. Once complete and ready, Al Qaeda would launch a devastating attack on the US.

While the Chinese tourists were working on Al Qaeda's new weapon, China accused the US of abducting their people and demanded for their safe return or they would declare War. The US denied these accusations but China would not accept no for an answer. Negotiations for peace were taking place with the World Leaders to prevent a war.

With a major war at stake, the US and UK Government launched a major CIA and MI6 joint operation to find these missing tourists. The remaining operatives were sent on the most secretive and dangerous mission, to infiltrate the heart of China and discover why they threatened a war for just 10 people missing.

Back at the Al Qaeda's base camp the Chinese tourist have now completed the weapon. Al Qaeda launched an attack on US soil. The US were completely defenceless at the time in an ambush causing devastating damage to major cities and millions of people left dead. What they saw was not just a normal attack. It was the perfect biological weapon which would ultimately seal the country's fate.

In the confusion of the devastation caused, the US and the UK launching a powerful counter attack with their bombers and jet fighters on China assuming they started the War when it was Al Qaeda. President Zeng has now got the war he had always wanted against the United States. The Battle of the East Coast of China in the Pacific Ocean has began. Hundreds of Aircraft jet fighters fought in the air. Hundreds of planes were shot down and pilots lost their lives.

The US Naval Battleships, Submarines and Aircraft carriers deployed to the East coastline of China to provide air cover and support to their jet fighters. President Zeng was a fearless leader but he was not stupid. He was fully aware of the US Naval vessels and the damage his country could sustain. He ordered Russia to attack the US. Russia launched their superior nuclear weapons to the heart of the bases of their Naval, Air and Barracks, in order to provide Air superiority for China. Once their military was destroyed China would then plan to invade the US with the country's enormous infantry and tanks. Russia will continue to launch their stealth Nuclear Weapons.

Russia launched their missiles and destroyed the US military bases including NORAD and the Pentagon. The US were already aware of an imminent critical attack on their military bases and moved their forces discreetly leaving 25% destroyed. This had left the US vulnerable for attack from Al Qaeda's first attack with little air defence which left millions dead. The US cities begin their evacuation. The President orders their forces to flee and hide while civilians die trying to escape. The President and his cabinet members are now hidden in a secret bunker to command their nation while Naval battleships and Aircraft Carriers group together to upgrade their defences to protect incoming missile attacks from their North American coastlines on the remaining cities.

While war had began, CIA and MI6 infiltrators begin to learn of the ten tourist that disappeared. Through the intelligence gathered the tourist all had something in common that were able to identify this mysterious boy. He is taken to a secret bunker in the US.

With the US crippled in their defence, the UK , Europe sends their military to defend and the US nation and called for all allies to respond. Japan uses the opportunity to avenge the US for the atomic bombs dropped in World War 2. Middle East including Iraq, Pakistani and Afghanistan declare war on Europe for not providing cures and assistance from the World Health Organisation for the thousands dead from the outbreaks. Australia declares war on Japan for attacking their Allies in Europe. China begin an infantry invasion on the US. Canada moves their forces to the US soil while India declares War on Canada on the basis they were helping a country that started the war.

Al Qaeda have invented the perfect biological weapon. The ten Chinese tourists begin to make another piece each. Al Qaeda thought this was there second biological weapon util they discovered something was missing. A crucial part. Russia only cares for themself. China still believe US started the war.

World War 3 has began...

To be Continued...
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:) Thanks for the give-away! :)

My story is one that I tried to write a long time ago:
It's set in the 1970s when 5 male friends - John, Fred, Bob, James and Peter - go on holiday to Spain where John sexually assaults a young Spanish girl then frames Peter for the crime, not out of malice but as his was the first name he thought of.

Peter is arrested, tried where he is found guilty and subsequently sentenced to 15 years in jail. Unable to deal with this prospect Peter commits suicide.

Back home at the funeral John leads Mary, Peter's sister, away to an allotment where he rapes and murders her as he's bored. The last scene is John walking away from the scene saying "it's a shame about Peter, he always got his round in" as he heads to the pub.
Awesome giveaway!

My movie is set sometime in the future where the human race is plagued but an unstoppable alien force who used our own CERN Super collider to travel across space and time. They're strong, fast and without remorse.

We decide to battle this enemy, we have to do something unnatural and create soldiers made from some of the toughest soldiers we have had over time.

These clones will also use cybernetic parts to enhance their abilities but they realize that they don't want to be controlled but should also be the controllers.
Awsome giveaway, and very cool prizes here!!! One is shure, whoever wins any of it will be one lucky motherf*****:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

I always wanted to make a film about two school friends that meet after years. Both of them are grown up, 30 like years. Main lead -> Mike has a family, one kid, nice wife, flat etc. His friend -> Josh looks like he is succesful. Great car, nice coat... Mike is thinking about opening a bussines, and pitches the idea to Josh. Josh offers some help, mainly that he will hook him up with some influential guys.
After a week Josh calls that he found out some guys that will invest in it, but to make it happen Mike has to invest also some money...400.000$. He don't have such money, so he thanks for this help, but he can't afford it.
On this Josh says that ok no problem, but he needs for his services of "helping" 80.000$. Mike thinks that it a joke...but soon he realizes that it will cost him a lot more and his life becomes a nightmare...
with the twist in the end!:):notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:
My movie would be about the end of days and focus on a group of diverse survivors stuck in a bunker. While many movies like this exist and shows like the Walking Dead, this one differs in that there is no internal conflict amongst the survivors. They all get along and work together well to survive. The drama revolves on their survival attempts and their fear of what lurks outside. There will be a mash-up of genres at play here; love story, drama, action and horror. There will be ghosts, zombies, and the dangers of the elements at play (i.e. earthquakes, hurricanes, and snowstorms). And it will all end with most of the survivors dying, save for a young boy and a girl named Adam and Eve, whose names aren't mentioned until the very end.
I’m not particularly creative, so here is a twist on a classic. P.S. Sorry about Cowboy.

Mad Bloodsnake007.

The supplies of candy have been nearly exhausted in the near future following a global war. Law and order have vanished, taking with them Mexico’s Main Force Patrol (MMFP). Ex-MMFP officer "Mad" @bloodsnake007 roams the now depopulated and desolate desert of Azusa in his scarred, black supercharged V-8 Pursuit Special, scavenging for food, drink, and candy. His only companions are his dog called “Cowboy” and a rare functioning firearm known as “the wife”.

The film opens with Bloodsnake007 trying to escape a group of gang members, led by a crazed motorcycle rider named @harry. Bloodsnake007 manages to crash two of the gang member's vehicles and injure Harry; recognizing his defeat, Harry flees. After collecting some candy from the destroyed cars and checking a nearby Mack semi-truck, Bloodsnake007 inspects a nearby autogyro for candy, only to be attacked by its pilot, @earthscope. In exchange for his own life, the pilot guides Bloodsnake007 to a small candy refinery nearby. Bloodsnake007 arrives just as the facility is under siege by a gang of marauders riding a motley collection of cars and motorbikes. The gang leader, known as @tridon, tries to convince the refinery's defenders to surrender the facility in exchange for safe passage out of the area.

A group of defenders attempts to break out of the compound, but the marauders capture, torture, and kill all but one of them, who is rescued by Bloodsnake007. Bloodsnake007 makes a deal with the mortally-wounded sole survivor: he will bring him back to the compound in exchange for a tank of candy. The man dies shortly after they enter the facility, and the facility leader, @PunkNinja, reneges on the deal. His group is on the verge of killing Bloodsnake007 when the marauders return, and Tridon repeats his offer. Bloodsnake007 offers PunkNinja a different deal: he will retrieve the abandoned Mack semi-truck, which is capable of hauling the tanker trailer that the facility inhabitants use to store the candy they refine, in exchange for freedom, his vehicle, and as much candy as he can take with him. The group accepts, but keeps Bloodsnake007's car to ensure his cooperation. Bloodsnake007 sneaks out, joining forces with Earthscope to return to the truck.

After finding the truck, Bloodsnake007 drives it back to the compound, evading Tridon's men. The defenders want Bloodsnake007 to escape with the group, but Bloodsnake007 opts to collect his candy and leave. However, his attempt to break through the siege fails: Harry gives chase in Tridon's nitrous oxide-equipped car and runs Bloodsnake007 off of the road, wrecking his vehicle and severely injuring him. The marauders kill Bloodsnake007's dog with a candy cane, then attempt to siphon the candy from the Pursuit Special's tanks, but trigger an explosive booby trap, which kills some of the attackers. Bloodsnake007, left for dead, is rescued by Earthscope as he is trying to crawl back to the refinery.

With no other means of escape, and with the refinery's defenders preparing to make their escape, Bloodsnake007 insists on driving the repaired truck, now hauling the tank of candy. He leaves the compound in the heavily-armoured truck, accompanied by @apsmith21 and @digitalbabe, he has befriended, and by other inhabitants aboard as defenders. PunkNinja escorts him out in another vehicle. The Tridon and most of his warriors pursue the tanker, leaving the remaining inhabitants free to flee the compound in a ramshackle caravan and buses. Tridon and the other defenders of the tanker are killed during the chase, and the Earthscope is shot down. Bloodsnake007 and the Apsmith21 find themselves alone, pursued by the marauders. Harry boards the truck to kill Bloodsnake007, but a head-on collision with Tridon’s car kills both Harry and Tridon. Bloodsnake007 loses control of the tanker, and it rolls off the road. As the injured Bloodsnake007 carries Apsmith21 from the wrecked tanker, he sees not candy, but sand, leaking from the tank.

The truck and its trailer are thus exposed as a decoy, allowing the other settlers to escape with the precious candy in candy drums inside their vehicles. With Tridon dead, Earthscope succeeds him as their chief and leads the settlers to the coast, where they establish the "Great Northern Tribe." Bloodsnake007 remains alone in the desert, once again becoming a drifter. Years later, Apsmith21, now the Northern Tribe's new leader, reminisces about the legend of the mythical "Road Warrior"(Bloodsnake007) who now exists only in distant memory.
I’m not particularly creative, so here is a twist on a classic. P.S. Sorry about Cowboy.

Mad Bloodsnake007.

The supplies of candy have been nearly exhausted in the near future following a global war. Law and order have vanished, taking with them Mexico’s Main Force Patrol (MMFP). Ex-MMFP officer "Mad" @bloodsnake007 roams the now depopulated and desolate desert of Azusa in his scarred, black supercharged V-8 Pursuit Special, scavenging for food, drink, and candy. His only companions are his dog called “Cowboy” and a rare functioning firearm known as “the wife”.

The film opens with Bloodsnake007 trying to escape a group of gang members, led by a crazed motorcycle rider named @harry. Bloodsnake007 manages to crash two of the gang member's vehicles and injure Harry; recognizing his defeat, Harry flees. After collecting some candy from the destroyed cars and checking a nearby Mack semi-truck, Bloodsnake007 inspects a nearby autogyro for candy, only to be attacked by its pilot, @earthscope. In exchange for his own life, the pilot guides Bloodsnake007 to a small candy refinery nearby. Bloodsnake007 arrives just as the facility is under siege by a gang of marauders riding a motley collection of cars and motorbikes. The gang leader, known as @tridon, tries to convince the refinery's defenders to surrender the facility in exchange for safe passage out of the area.

A group of defenders attempts to break out of the compound, but the marauders capture, torture, and kill all but one of them, who is rescued by Bloodsnake007. Bloodsnake007 makes a deal with the mortally-wounded sole survivor: he will bring him back to the compound in exchange for a tank of candy. The man dies shortly after they enter the facility, and the facility leader, @PunkNinja, reneges on the deal. His group is on the verge of killing Bloodsnake007 when the marauders return, and Tridon repeats his offer. Bloodsnake007 offers PunkNinja a different deal: he will retrieve the abandoned Mack semi-truck, which is capable of hauling the tanker trailer that the facility inhabitants use to store the candy they refine, in exchange for freedom, his vehicle, and as much candy as he can take with him. The group accepts, but keeps Bloodsnake007's car to ensure his cooperation. Bloodsnake007 sneaks out, joining forces with Earthscope to return to the truck.

After finding the truck, Bloodsnake007 drives it back to the compound, evading Tridon's men. The defenders want Bloodsnake007 to escape with the group, but Bloodsnake007 opts to collect his candy and leave. However, his attempt to break through the siege fails: Harry gives chase in Tridon's nitrous oxide-equipped car and runs Bloodsnake007 off of the road, wrecking his vehicle and severely injuring him. The marauders kill Bloodsnake007's dog with a candy cane, then attempt to siphon the candy from the Pursuit Special's tanks, but trigger an explosive booby trap, which kills some of the attackers. Bloodsnake007, left for dead, is rescued by Earthscope as he is trying to crawl back to the refinery.

With no other means of escape, and with the refinery's defenders preparing to make their escape, Bloodsnake007 insists on driving the repaired truck, now hauling the tank of candy. He leaves the compound in the heavily-armoured truck, accompanied by @apsmith21 and @digitalbabe, he has befriended, and by other inhabitants aboard as defenders. PunkNinja escorts him out in another vehicle. The Tridon and most of his warriors pursue the tanker, leaving the remaining inhabitants free to flee the compound in a ramshackle caravan and buses. Tridon and the other defenders of the tanker are killed during the chase, and the Earthscope is shot down. Bloodsnake007 and the Apsmith21 find themselves alone, pursued by the marauders. Harry boards the truck to kill Bloodsnake007, but a head-on collision with Tridon’s car kills both Harry and Tridon. Bloodsnake007 loses control of the tanker, and it rolls off the road. As the injured Bloodsnake007 carries Apsmith21 from the wrecked tanker, he sees not candy, but sand, leaking from the tank.

The truck and its trailer are thus exposed as a decoy, allowing the other settlers to escape with the precious candy in candy drums inside their vehicles. With Tridon dead, Earthscope succeeds him as their chief and leads the settlers to the coast, where they establish the "Great Northern Tribe." Bloodsnake007 remains alone in the desert, once again becoming a drifter. Years later, Apsmith21, now the Northern Tribe's new leader, reminisces about the legend of the mythical "Road Warrior"(Bloodsnake007) who now exists only in distant memory.

thx for the great giveaway.

My film will be about a children that collect Halloween candy on the night of halloween. Then some bully's grab there candy and leave them with noting. They go back home to get a new bag and start collecting candy in the street again. The ring the bell of a scary house and an old lady opens the door. She says that she got just the right thing for the children and grabs a plate with gingerbread man. They look exactly like the bully's They grab them and eat them. The end XD
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