Hello my NINJAS!
Definitely an experience I'll never forget!
At the HDN Booth, I purchased an extra copy of the Zombieland Exclusive.... WHY? Specifically for this Give-Away! I fu**ing LOVE this place so damn much and I consider it my 2nd home, this is a small way of me giving back!
#1 - Let me know what has been your favorite moment here on HDN (be specific)
For me, (I have so many!) Before Ninja Week 2015 started, HDN released an EPIC and hilarious video to promote the upcoming event!
#2 - If you had to change your username, what would it be?
For me, it would be Frankzilla or Taco_Ninja_Pimp!
And #3 - BONUS! Photoshop my big Mexican head in what ever the hell you want! LOL!
Here are some Previous Pics members (@galareta2332, @spawnshop, @meaner, and @PunkNinja) have created!
Take care and HAVE FUN!
List of Participants:
1. elle82
2. Smelly_Pickle
3. thomasandzoey
4. meaner
5. claudius181991
6. Drunkenmaster
7. bobino66
8. Nightbreed1984
9. Ricardo13
10. Asopp - WINNER!
11. Harty
12. jaws finatic
13. Tacozilla
14. EvilMokey91
15. nicblue
16. zesty
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