(WINNER CHOSEN)[NINJA WEEK'14 GIVEAWAY] Alien Anthology (Play Exclusive) [UK]

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Apr 12, 2009
Hello Everyone,

In this contest you will have an opportunity to win this black, sleek Alien movie Steelbook, formerly released as a Play Exclusive. As a HUGE Alien fan, I am excited to donate this for Ninja Week 2014!


To get in the running for this sealed edition, post a pic of your favorite space, alien, invasion, or disaster flick and why it should get a sequel.

Have fun and good luck during Ninja Week 2014 at hidefninja.com! :scat:
Wow! Thanks, DB.

Mine is District 9, and this is only in terms of the sequel. I feel it deserves a sequel done by the same team, giving us a follow up on Wickus and Christopher Johnson.
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District 9. It was such a unique film, with an original plot and seriously thrilling action. The atmosphere was fantastic! I was really let down by Elysium because I was expecting so much more from this director... :)

I know everybody hates this but it's my favorite.

I know it will never get a sequel, But I would like to find out if Humanity comes back
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Ohhhh... I hope I win! I've always wanted this SteelBook! :D

I have a lot of favourite space/alien movies, but one the I absolutely loved that was critically panned was Ivan Reitman's EVOLUTION. I thought it was entertaining and hilarious; a Ghostbusters with aliens instead of ghosts.

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CLOVERFIELD. I loved what was set up in the movie and would love another flick that goes deeper into the story of just what the f**k really happened but also expands the story even further.


Thanks for the give away!
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Wow! What a great giveaway and question! My answer is District 9


I think District 9 should have a sequel because the ending left me wanting to know more. Would Christopher Johnson return to keep his promise.. and would Wikus's wife try to find him. Such a great movie that deserves a sequel. Thanks for this, DB & HDN! :scat:
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