#008 The Thing (1982) (Blu-ray Mondo x SteelBook) (Target Exclusive) [USA]


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Release date: July 28, 2015
Purchase link: The Thing (Mondo SteelBook)
Price: $24.99
Group buy: apsmith21
Note: Region free

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I wonder how they choose which movie gets made into a Mondo release? It sounds like Mondo's 008 and 009 be exclusive only to BB Canada? So does that mean the Target Mondo releases for Flash Gordon and Shaun of the Dead are exclusive to USA Target stores?
I'm intrigued to see what we get for 008 considering the fact that there seems to be more excitement for 009 from those in the know :p
-"It's got to be Jurassic Park. Please let it be Jurassic Park. That Mondo artwork has been kicking around for a while now and with JP being a Universal release... and Jurassic World right around the corner... a Mondo x SteelBook release for Jurassic Park would be amazing!"- @tridon
It's confirmed it won't be this release but it sounded like it may be around the corner.
I kind a wish they would focus on stuff not being done. We just had zavvi Jurassic Parks being followed by HDzeta Jurassic Parks.
If they announced a Mondo Avengers steelbook, I would laugh myself silly.
How about something off the beaten path like, say, IT FOLLOWS or (the still steelbook-less) BIRDMAN?
I kind a wish they would focus on stuff not being done. We just had zavvi Jurassic Parks being followed by HDzeta Jurassic Parks.
If they announced a Mondo Avengers steelbook, I would laugh myself silly.
How about something off the beaten path like, say, IT FOLLOWS or (the still steelbook-less) BIRDMAN?

2 good suggestions there bud , id like to see them happen ,and maybe prediator , back to futures and maybe hot fuzz to go with shawn of the dead
but what wreck has mentioned around forum there maybe plenty of mondos coming
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How about something off the beaten path like, say, IT FOLLOWS or (the still steelbook-less) BIRDMAN?
I'd absolutely love Mondo steelbooks for 'It Follows' and 'Birdman' but there has to be Mondo posters/artwork for the two films before they can give them the steelbook treatment. I'm surprised they haven't done anything for 'It Follows' yet especially as that film seems right up their alley. They could have put together something for 'Birdman' but if so I've not seen it.
I'd absolutely love Mondo steelbooks for 'It Follows' and 'Birdman' but there has to be Mondo posters/artwork for the two films before they can give them the steelbook treatment. I'm surprised they haven't done anything for 'It Follows' yet especially as that film seems right up their alley. They could have put together something for 'Birdman' but if so I've not seen it.

yeah i think u are correct in there being no mondo artwork for these , they will have to get there paintbrushes out sharpish and do them
But it became a cult classic, also I think as of right now all of the releases besides Boybood have been catalog releases.
All the more reason for them to jump on stuff like (off the top of my head) John Carpenter stuff (Vampires, The Thing), Stuart Gordon stuff (Re-Animator, From Beyond), how about a decent LEGEND, or KRULL.
...Or (Oh Pleaaaase!- BUCKAROO BANZAI!!)
Basically, stuff in their wheelhouse that no one else is going to do- and let's face it- the stuff they will be able to aquire the rights to do.
Rights are not cheap. And Mondo isn't exactly a Fortune 500 company. (And also- studios can just say "we don't like your stuff. No.").
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All the more reason for them to jump on stuff like (off the top of my head) John Carpenter stuff (Vampires, The Thing), Stuart Gordon stuff (Re-Animator, From Beyond), how about a decent LEGEND, or KRULL.
...Or (Oh Pleaaaase!- BUCKAROO BANZAI!!)
Basically, stuff in their wheelhouse that no one else is going to do- and let's face it- the stuff they will be able to aquire the rights to do.
Rights are not cheap. And Mondo isn't exactly a Fortune 500 company. (And also- studios can just say "we don't like your stuff. No.").
Stupid question : since they do a poster of the movie, sell it and make money with it, don't they ''own'' the right already ? So they can make the steelbook ?! o_O
Stupid question : since they do a poster of the movie, sell it and make money with it, don't they ''own'' the right already ? So they can make the steelbook ?! o_O

Mondo purchases the ancillary right to distribute posters, it is not necessary that it also includes the rights to distribute Blu Rays. However for the Mondo X releases they obviously have the ancillary rights to both.
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