Blu-Ray Wishlist (Your picks!)

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Premium Supporter
Apr 12, 2009
What movies are you wishing for? Post 'em here!

Mine are:

Jurassic Park
Rosemary's Baby
Xanadu (yes I said it-guilty pleasure and em, Olivia Newton John);)
The Entity
Demon Seed
Schindler's List
Many others.

What about you?
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My non-horror ones (All uncut and uncensored) are:

"Thriller: A Cruel Picture".

The original "Sartana" movies.

John Woo's "Hard Boiled". With better PQ and subs than Dragon Dynasty's.

John Woo's "The Killer". With better PQ and subs than Dragon Dynasty's.

"Drunken Master". Subbed, not dubbed.

"The 36th Chamber of Shaolin". With better PQ and subs than Dragon Dynasty's, if that's possible.

"Drunken Master II". An edition with better PQ and subbed, not dubbed.

A whole slew of classic Shaw Brothers martial arts movies.

The Japanese edit of Kill Bill Vol.1.

"Gone in 60 Seconds". "The original, none of that Angelina Jolie bullsh*t!"

Hitchcock's "Vertigo".

Hitchcock's "Rear Window".

Hitchcock's "Strangers On A Train".

"Raiders of the Lost Ark".

A cheaper and domestic release of Korea's "A Bittersweet Life". Subbed not dubbed.

Korea's "A Tale of Two Sisters". Subbed not dubbed.

Jackie Chan's "Police Story". Domestic, with better PQ, and subbed not dubbed.

Jackie Chan's "Police Story 2". Domestic, with better PQ, and subbed not dubbed.

Jackie Chan's "Snake in Eagle's Shadow". Subbed not dubbed.

Jet Li's "Fist of Legend". Subbed not dubbed.

"Iron Monkey". A release better than what we already have.

"Once Upon A Time In China I". Subbed not dubbed.

"Once Upon A Time In China II" Subbed not dubbed.

"The Kentucky Fried Movie".

An edition of "Robocop" with better PQ.

"Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair".


Almost any dated and stereotypically 80's movie from of course the 80's. The hair styles, clothes, and music.

The first "Terminator" movie with excellent PQ.
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Not sure if anyone suggested this one yet... but what about Driving Miss Daisy... to this day that movie is the only one I can think of that I actually shed a tear after watching.
anyone see "a serbian film" is it as sick as I hear? are there two versions? {ex: cut & uncut?}
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