John Wick: Chapter Two - In theaters February 10, 2017


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Dec 28, 2012
[CONTAINER][MOVIE1]Title: John Wick: Chapter Two

Genre: [GENRE]Action[/GENRE]

Director: [DIRECTOR]Chad Stahelski [/DIRECTOR]

Cast: [ACTOR]Keanu Reeves, Ian McShane, Bridget Moynahan, Laurence Fishburne and more...[/ACTOR]

Plot: In Development - Sequel to 2014's well received actioner starring Keanu Reeves. The continuing adventures of former hitman, John Wick.[/MOVIE1][POSTER1]



Per this post at Firstshowing, one of the most badass action flicks will see a sequel. This fan is pleased :D


Yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm back…again. Last year, plenty of people found a lot to love about the locked and loaded action thriller John Wick starring Keanu Reeves. The action was slick, the story was cool, and Reeves was perfect in the role. Now it sounds like we might get Wicked all over again as Chad Stahelski & David Leitch spoke with, and they revealed that John Wick 2 is in development right now. However, saying that the sequel is in development doesn't mean it will definitely happen, but at least the duo has been having some kind of discussion about it, though we're not sure if that includes the studio yet.

Some of this talk could just be chalked up to the fact that John Wick hits Blu-Ray and DVD today, so talk of a sequel would help move some units probably. But Stahelski and Leitch elaborated a little bit about how they're approaching the idea of a sequel:

"We have ideas for days and without blinking twice we know we can outdo the action from the original. It’s the matter of story and how much you like the character. That’s always the most important. If there’s great action but you have a character that no one likes and doesn’t have charisma you’re not going to watch it. Look at any great action star, whether it’s Harrison Ford or Liam Neeson or Robert Downey Jr., pick a name, you love the guy first. Good action, bad action, you just love them in action. So we want to make sure we have a story and a character that everybody loves and then we’ll dress it with action that we promise will be awesome."

We're just glad that the directing duo is smart enough to not just pump up the action, and they want to stay true to the character and story. As for whether or not Reeves is up for another outing as John Wick, Stahelski says, "If we could work with Keanu Reeves for ten movies you’d have a really cool career." Considering how much people loved John Wick, we're betting Reeves would be down for more action, but that's only if the script is up to par. Remember, Reeves didn't want anything to do with Speed 2: Cruise Control, which was probably a pretty smart decision. Stay tuned to see if John Wick 2 ends up happening.
One of my most anticipated movies of the year and it did not disappoint. There is way more action in this movie than the first and it does expand the universe and world quite a bit. The story is very straight forward and villains are predictable, but that's not why you'd watch this movie.

The action is why you watch this movie and it's incredible. Better and more action than the first movie. The first 45 minutes or so, there isn't too much action (similar to the first movie), but it ramps up near the middle and is basically non stop action. It's too early to decide, but this might be the best gun based action movie of all time. Keanu handles all the action and weapons expertly and his one on one fights with Common are very intense and brutal. The ending conflict with the big bad was a tad underwhelming, but I completely understand why it had to happen. And the setup for the next potential movie is very good.

A few reviewers have compared this movie with the Raid 1 and Raid 2 movies and I'd agree with them. John Wick 1 is a cleaner, tighter movie and John Wick 2 is an expansion pack heavily loaded with action. If you're a fan of John Wick 1 or love action movies in general, you need to see this movie in theaters as soon as possible. It's only February, but this will make my top 5 movies of the year already.
Thanks for sharing! Sounds like it was worth the wait and all the hype. :D

Initially I wasn't a huge fan of the first one (I'm not even sure why to be honest), but after rewatching it the other night I finally understood what all the fuss was about, so I'm super excited to see the sequel, especially after reading you review. :thumbs:
Thanks for sharing! Sounds like it was worth the wait and all the hype. :D

Initially I wasn't a huge fan of the first one (I'm not even sure why to be honest), but after rewatching it the other night I finally understood what all the fuss was about, so I'm super excited to see the sequel, especially after reading you review. :thumbs:

Same here, and even still I'm not a huge fan as it just seems a bit like stuff I've already seen before in one capacity or another. Still some good fun tho. But I find it funny how there was always the tag line of like Reeves' best since Matrix. I mean while its probably the best acclaimed movie since then, but acting wise its not like he has some hard acting job in it. Physically perhaps ... mentally, nah.
Same here, and even still I'm not a huge fan as it just seems a bit like stuff I've already seen before in one capacity or another. Still some good fun tho. But I find it funny how there was always the tag line of like Reeves' best since Matrix. I mean while its probably the best acclaimed movie since then, but acting wise its not like he has some hard acting job in it. Physically perhaps ... mentally, nah.
I think that's why I wasn't too impressed at first as well... there wasn't really anything new or unique about it. I definitely had a lot more fun with it on rewatch though and enjoyed it for what it was. Reeves certainly isn't the best actor out there, but damn he's had some cool/entertaining roles! He seems like a real genuine and down to earth guy away from the limelight too, so I have a lot of respect for him in that sense, especially after all the stories I've heard about his past etc. Would love to have a pint with him! :coffee:
I think that's why I wasn't too impressed at first as well... there wasn't really anything new or unique about it. I definitely had a lot more fun with it on rewatch though and enjoyed it for what it was. Reeves certainly isn't the best actor out there, but damn he's had some cool/entertaining roles! He seems like a real genuine and down to earth guy away from the limelight too, so I have a lot of respect for him in that sense, especially after all the stories I've heard about his past etc. Would love to have a pint with him! :coffee:

the colors and tones from the director are what really help make the movie a bit different. has this weird similarity to like Drive even if they are both on different ends of the table ... but point being they are both sitting at the same table. :p
Alyssa and I saw this on Friday Night! :drool: And I fu**ing LOVED it! :cool:

Here's my post I shared on IG :thumbs:

"Last night the wife and I got down with the Wickness! The Man. The Myth. The fu**ing badass LEGEND! John Wick Chapter 2 is more than just popcorn entertainment, it's a wild and unforgettable experience that grabs you and does not let go! Definitely one of the BEST and most EPIC action packed, Gun-Fu filled scenes ever put to film! It's an Action Love Song written with a ******* bloody pencil! Do not miss this, I highly recommend it! "

WARNING: This post contains MAJOR SPOILERS for John Wick: Chapter 2

Via Screenrant

How John Wick 2 Sets Up Chapter 3


In 2014, John Wick became a sleeper action hit, wowing moviegoers with its innovative gun-fu set pieces and intricate world-building. The underground assassin society begged to be explored further in followups, and John Wick: Chapter 2 delivered on the promise of its predecessor in highly entertaining ways (read our review). Not only was the action next-level, director Chad Stahelski and writer Derek Kolstad expanded the franchise’s mythology in ways that felt organic and natural, never forcing something for the sake of making a sequel. The critical (and, hopefully, commercial) success of Chapter 2 means that a third installment should be on its way soon – though the studio hasn’t officially given it a green light.

The first John Wick was very much a self-contained story, showing the former hitman get revenge and avenge the murder of his beloved puppy. In contrast, Chapter 2 is a bit more open-ended, teasing fans with a tantalizing cliffhanger that presents a very uncertain future for John and his unnamed pit bull. Here’s how John Wick 2 sets up Chapter 3.



John’s motivations for returning to the fold in Chapter 2 are not as emotional and personal as they were in the first film, but they’re nonetheless intriguing. Word of his comeback spread through the criminal network, and old acquaintance Santino D’Antonio comes to ask John to fulfill a blood oath they made many years ago. Santino helped John with his mythical “impossible task” (which allowed Wick to leave the assassin life), and now it’s John’s turn to aid Santino. John is tasked with murdering Santino’s sister, Gianna, so Santino can have her seat at the High Table.

Of course, John is successful in his mission, but then the tables are turned. Instead of simply honoring the arrangement and letting John go in peace, Santino makes public his intention to extract vengeance for his sister’s death and places an open $7 million contract on John. Wick is then forced to fight for his life against a sprawling lineup of hitmen, killing a plethora of people in a multitude of brutal ways. His blood-soaked quest leads him straight to Santino, who has taken refuge at the Continental Hotel, where conducting business is strictly forbidden. But at this point, John does not care about the rules and makes a truly shocking decision.


In the Continental lounge, after Santino taunts John by saying he can essentially stay at the Hotel indefinitely, John – right in front of Hotel manager Winston – pulls out a gun and shoots Santino in the head, explicitly violating one of the two basic laws of the assassin culture (the other being fulfilling blood oaths). It’s a choice that has severe consequences for John, something he very well understood when he pulled the trigger. Those who saw what happened to Perkins in the first film know what’s in store for Mr. Wick – it most likely involves a dinner reservation for one.

In Chapter 2‘s final scene, John is summoned by Winston, who reveals that the price on John’s head is now doubled. Winston is taking the contract international, and has excommunicated John from all Continental locations and benefits. As a courtesy, he gives his old friend one hour to escape, but John is going to literally be fighting against the world on his own now. John warns Winston that no matter who comes for him, he will kill them all, and then runs to safety with his dog, paranoid that anyone watching him in New York could be an assassin plotting to collect the bounty. The man who wanted nothing more than to just get out and live in peace is now in deeper than he’s ever been.

Where Can The Story Go?


Should John Wick: Chapter 3 come into fruition (and, there’s nothing suggesting it won’t), the obvious route for Stahelski and company to go is to pick up right where they left off, having the whole film be about John as a globally-wanted man with a death sentence and examining how he can correct the situation. This could make for a refreshing change-of-pace, as Wick will be trying to survive with extremely limited resources. In the first two installments, he had full access to all the perks that come with Continental membership, including a tactical tailor and his very own Q who sets him up with much-needed artillery. Now, however, if John shows his face at any of the Hotels, he’s a dead man walking.

Even though John Wick is the most lethal hitman in history, he will still need some help if he is to ward off everyone who is coming after him. A possibility there could be the Bowery King, Laurence Fishburne’s enigmatic character from Chapter 2. Stahelski is hopeful Fishburne would return in another film should the opportunity present itself, and the Bowery King is mysterious enough to warrant another appearance. In fact, the director claims to envision him as an “integral” part of his idea for a third movie, so it would be a shame if we never saw the crime lord again. Based on his interactions with John, it’s clear the two have a tumultuous history, but they did join forces and could do so again depending on the situation. The Bowery King and his personal army were very much off the grid, and could give John asylum if he was in a giving mood. But since Wick has so little to offer in return (he’s more desperate than he was in Chapter 2), would the Bowery King be so charitable?


If John is out of friends in the United States, he could look elsewhere for aid. Stahelski mentioned in an interview with us that the story could possible shift gears to the Middle East or Asia, two regions he is a fan of. There’s still a lot about John’s past audiences do not know, so it’s plausible he has some contacts in foreign lands who can lend a helping hand. Setting the third installment in a different country, after Rome took center stage in Chapter 2, could be a wise creative choice and give the filmmakers more interesting locations to use for whatever set pieces they have in mind for the next outing. Given how heavily martial arts inspired the action of John Wick, this would also be a great way to pay homage to its influences and roots, opening the door for mind-blowing action.

Even if John is to find an ally or two, he faces a task even more impossible than the one he previously accomplished. If he’s able to kill Winston, it doesn’t necessarily mean the contract will be lifted. So unless Wick single-handedly mows through everybody in the assassin network (which would stretch the realm of believability), he’s going to have to find some way to get the account canceled before someone gets the better of him. That has a lot of potential to be a compelling narrative, placing the protagonist in a perilous situation that’s without precedent. As long as the dog is safe and secure, fans would happily be on board for that.



“John Wick vs. The World” looks to be the main pitch for John Wick: Chapter 3, and if the results are anything like the first two entries, viewers will be in for a treat. They’ve set themselves up nicely for a film that can further escalate the stakes while at the same time revealing more about the larger universe. Granted, it’d be hard to see how this potential plot could be topped in a fourth entry, so perhaps now is the time for Stahelski to go for broke and cap off a thrilling action trilogy unlike anything we’ve seen – with John ideally finally getting to live a tranquil existence with no worries about who may come to visit. Time will tell, but there are a number of possibilities for the filmmakers to go, and audiences can’t wait to see what they have in store.
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I don't think you have enjoyed a single movie released in the past year. I thought this was one of the rare sequels that surpasses the first. I can't wait to see this again and also am super happy that John Wick Chapters 3 and 4 are in the works.

I liked Arrival and the Neon Demon!
John Wick just... it didn't work for me. The first film had such a streamlined narrative that there was nothing to impede the film's pacing or structure. John Wick isn't a character- the first film didn't succeed because the character is fleshed out- it succeeded because it provided a very clear motivator to a very black and white revenge tale... the ridiculousness of it only added to the over-the-top nature of the classic revenge plot.

John Wick doesn't work as a character- so his interactions with people on a level that attempts to be any deeper than forwarding the plot seem to fall short. The pacing of Chapter 2 isn't as solid, as is the editing, plot, and supporting cast. This film's embellishment in their world building seems to have overtaken the actual narrative as what is important here, and that's cumbersome because it's now in the way- instead of adding to the actual story of the film...

It's not an awful movie, I suppose- I just really wanted to like it after having been a fan of the first one. :/
I liked Arrival and the Neon Demon!
John Wick just... it didn't work for me. The first film had such a streamlined narrative that there was nothing to impede the film's pacing or structure. John Wick isn't a character- the first film didn't succeed because the character is fleshed out- it succeeded because it provided a very clear motivator to a very black and white revenge tale... the ridiculousness of it only added to the over-the-top nature of the classic revenge plot.

John Wick doesn't work as a character- so his interactions with people on a level that attempts to be any deeper than forwarding the plot seem to fall short. The pacing of Chapter 2 isn't as solid, as is the editing, plot, and supporting cast. This film's embellishment in their world building seems to have overtaken the actual narrative as what is important here, and that's cumbersome because it's now in the way- instead of adding to the actual story of the film...

It's not an awful movie, I suppose- I just really wanted to like it after having been a fan of the first one. :/

It took me about 5 minutes to understand what you were trying to say. Hats off mate.
I don't know why John Wick doesn't work as a character for you. For me it's about the character AND his revenge.
I haven't seen the second movie yet. But maybe you are just overanalyzing chapter 2 because of the high expectations?
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It took me about 5 minutes to understand what you were trying to say. Hats off mate.
I don't know why John Wick doesn't work as a character for you. For me it's about the character AND his revenge.
I haven't seen the second movie yet. But maybe you are just overanalyzing chapter 2 because of the high expectations?

Well- what works so well about the first John Wick is that the lines are very clearly defined, and the only real driving force that you need to know about John's motivations is his need for revenge.
Chapter 2, in my opinion, doesn't do a good job of motivating the narrative enough- the first act doesn't have the thrust to drive John Wick like his revenge motivator in the first film, and then on top of that- the film takes around 40 minutes for the plot to actually "start". The reason why John Wick doesn't really work as a character is because he wasn't designed to work as a character. Think of someone like Indiana Jones- great films- but the character isn't deep because it doesn't need to be- the actions of the protagonist are drawn out by their actions, when you try to delve deeper in to a character that is motivated by such 1-dimensional motivators such as Indiana Jones (or John Wick in this instance) you get clumsy character moments like the entirety of The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull... it just doesn't work.

Again, I reiterate that the movie is still a fine action film- it's just a lot messier. It's the same kind of conundrum that plagued The Raid 2 as opposed to The Raid.