[NINJA WEEK '15 GIVEAWAY] Alien 1-4 (Steelbooks) [WINNER CHOSEN]

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Lone Crusader

The Savage Ninja!
Super Moderator
Premium Supporter
Nov 24, 2011
Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
On behalf of HDN I present to you a package set. (All German Editions)
  • Alien [DE] - Unsealed/open (Steelbook)
  • Aliens [DE] - Unsealed/open (Steelbook)
  • Alien³ [DE] - Unsealed/open (Steelbook)
  • Alien Resurrection [DE] - Unsealed/open (Steelbook)
Courtesy of AcIDc0r3.

Rules: Answer this question: If you were one of the crew members aboard the Nostromo and aside from what you already know what a Xenomorph is capable of, if another crew member was brought back with an alien organism attached to their face plate on their helmet; would you let them on board even in an attempt to help them considering you know them personally?
Winner: I'll determine the winner by using a random number generator hosted at Random.org.
Shipping: Winner will pay own shipping.

Giveaway to end Saturday, February 28th.

Winner: @Joanie Mason
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Thanks for the give away.

Not a chance I'd let them on board with one of those things stuck to their face.
Best Ninja week ever!! Good luck everyone and may the odds be ever in your favor!
Congratulations Joanie, your the lucky winner!

I'll send you a PM later to get your address and all. :)
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