Non-Stop (Blu-ray SteelBook) [UK]


The 'Negative' Ninja
Premium Supporter
Feb 12, 2012
Release date: June 30th, 2014
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Some of my favourite movies got slated. Movie reviews mean absolutely nothing, see the film and form your own opinion. Robocop got slated but went to see it couple days ago and enjoyed it. People, especially critics, are far too up their own arse with movies these days, they nit pick on everything, people just can't enjoy movies anymore. Trust me, ignore every movie review from everyone ever, you'll enjoy more movies this way
Some of my favourite movies got slated. Movie reviews mean absolutely nothing, see the film and form your own opinion. Robocop got slated but went to see it couple days ago and enjoyed it. People, especially critics, are far too up their own arse with movies these days, they nit pick on everything, people just can't enjoy movies anymore. Trust me, ignore every movie review from everyone ever, you'll enjoy more movies this way

Amen to that! :thumbs:

Don't get me wrong though, I never listen to critics opinions on films I always make my own mind up :) A lot of people are way to serious and nit-pick so much when it comes to movies, if a movie entertains me then I'm happy. Doesn't have to be a classic to warrant me giving it a good marking (take a look at some of my reviews for here and you'll see what I mean)

What I can't stand is when someone posts an opinion then someone else says no you're wrong about it

Don't get me wrong though, I never listen to critics opinions on films I always make my own mind up :) A lot of people are way to serious and nit-pick so much when it comes to movies, if a movie entertains me then I'm happy. Doesn't have to be a classic to warrant me giving it a good marking (take a look at some of my reviews for here and you'll see what I mean)

What I can't stand is when someone posts an opinion then someone else says no you're wrong about it

Agreed mate, everyone's entitled to their own opinion.

What I believe RickB84 meant (or maybe that's what I read into it it as it refelected a little bit of my views) is that relying solely on a movie critic's "review" to judge a movie is ill-advised. He might not have chosen the right words to express his point of view :p

What I personally do is "ignore" (read: avoid like the plague :hilarious: ) movie reviews until AFTER I've watched the movie, that's the best way IMO to avoid having anyone influence one's viewing experience. Form your own opinion THEN read reviews if you wish and see if you agree or not. Just cos I don't agree with someone's opinion doesn't mean I have to mock it. :thumbs:
one of the worst films i have been subjected to my eyes felt violated . Any film that features a u.s. air marshal who is afraid of flying shouldn't be made do not blind buy this poorly acted , comical dialogue turkey . they could gold plate and diamond encrustit, still not worth buying it just because it's a steelbook you can'polish a turd
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It's too easy to go in with preconceived ideas when you read some reviews, to the degree that you've set yourself up for disappointment before you've seen the film and given it a chance. (Prometheus anyone? Which btw, I did enjoy - but I'm not a die hard Alien fan).

I very rarely read reviews, just rely on the occasional film trailer I see or word of mouth from people and forums (most of the time), and with life being busy and hectic (as it is for everyone these days) I often miss out on films at the cinema and occasionally the blu-ray release passes me by too.

For instance, I only saw the first Kick Ass film about a year ago - I remember hearing it was good/alright from friends etc but never got round to it. Because I knew nothing about the film, I didn't expect anything amazing, but I found I really enjoyed it. I love finding a good film that way, like you're surprised a really good film managed to just pass you by.

Also reminds me of when I saw Lost In Translation. Can't put my finger on what it is about that film, but something really resonated with me when I saw that and again it was a film that I don't even know why I bought it originally....
i didnt mean to have a go or anything at anyone lol but yeah i dont even listen to even my best friends opinion, we like a lot of the same movies but theres a lot of times ill recommend one that he hates and vice versa, everybodies taste is unique, a lot of people will miss out on movies they would love because people tell them its crap. You can take peoples opinion of the movie on board but never let it stop you from seeing a film completely
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Agreed mate, everyone's entitled to their own opinion.

What I believe RickB84 meant (or maybe that's what I read into it it as it refelected a little bit of my views) is that relying solely on a movie critic's "review" to judge a movie is ill-advised. He might not have chosen the right words to express his point of view :p

What I personally do is "ignore" (read: avoid like the plague :hilarious: ) movie reviews until AFTER I've watched the movie, that's the best way IMO to avoid having anyone influence one's viewing experience. Form your own opinion THEN read reviews if you wish and see if you agree or not. Just cos I don't agree with someone's opinion doesn't mean I have to mock it. :thumbs:

I wholeheartedly agree that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

I only collect Steelbooks of movies I really like so I wouldn't blind buy a Steelbook without reading a review or two, simply to get an idea of how the movie has been received before potentially wasting my money on something I would only watch once.

Obviously reviews aren't the be all and end all because it's just someone's opinion (many of my favourite Arnie movies have average ratings) but if multiple reviews are favourable I take that as a positive sign that may sway my decision and if the reviews are generally dire I would avoid it.

On the flip side, I totally understand people who buy the movies to complete their collection but for me, the movie has to be good enough to earn its place in mine :thumbs:
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I don't listen to all reviewers out there but there are a few that I trust to be along the same lines as how I see movies and they were both were negative about this movie, adding to that was a trailer that looked pretty generic to me.

When it comes to buying movies, there are those I have to buy on release days (which these days, has been influenced morre and more by if they have a nice steel) and those that, regardless of the review I may take a punt on if it has dropped in price - which is why I have 1000's of BD's and even more DVD's.
I found the first 5 or 10 minutes a little tedious, but once the movie hit it's stride it was enjoyable enough. Yes its implausible, but the acting and action made up for it. I even forgave the CGI. Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night...
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Professional reviewers hate almost everything, especially action or blockbusters.

If its not a foreign language film or an old fashioned drama it will almost certainly get panned by all critics.

From what ive seen of neeson thus far i expect this to be enjoyable at the least.
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It certainly wasn't terrible, but it wasn't really not-terrible either. It exists in a state of being known only as "okay". It was trying to be this mysterious action flick but that sort of "oh my god who's the villain??????" thing made a u-turn from interesting straight into sort of predictable (as in, more so than it would have been). We never really get to know te characters either, Liam Neeson just plays the same guy he always plays, Julianne Moore is just...there, there's some guy who I have no idea about like ??? anarchist ??? cop ??? we just dont know, who has a Heartwarming Character Arc at the end that's barely set up/will barely mean anything? /?

Don't get me wrong, it was still an okayish movie. Don't think I'd buy a steelbook of it, though.