PS3 Information Thread (for that news that doesn't quite fit anywhere else)

Apr 17, 2009
San Diego, CA
I decided to make this thread so I could post information if a company just makes a single announcement that isn't anything concrete on a single game.

That way there's not 100 useless threads started, that are never replied to... :) :)
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Resident Evil movie director to branch in to videogames?

Film director Paul W.S. Anderson has expressed interest in branching in to videogames at some point in the near future, in addition to continuing his work on movies.

Anderson, who been at the helm of many game-movie adaptations over the years including Mortal Kombat and Resident Evil, told the chaps at MTV: "In the future I want to be developing intellectual properties that will occupy both spaces simultaneously.”

"I've been actively involved in the gaming world for 15 years now, talking to developers ever since 'Mortal Kombat', so I think I have a very good appreciation for what their needs and what their concerns are. I think I really do know how to join the two medias together in a successful way, and that's what I'll be working on in the next few years."

Anderson is currently working on the fourth Resident Evil flick, titled RE: Afterlife, which is pencilled in for release in early 2011.
Activision Snaps Up Goldeneye Game Domain

It seems as if the world's biggest publishers have had a busy week this week snapping up domains for unannounced and undefined games.

If Activision's latest domain hunting antics are anything to go by, it looks like they have a Goldeneye game up their sleeves.

Superannuation were at it again as they spotted that Activision had snapped up the domain for
Chances are that it's a remake of the classic Goldeneye title are slim, you know, with all the licensing issues, but if reports from last year are anything to go by, it could be an all new Goldeneye title.

Although those reports only mentioned a Wii version of the title, Activision aren't one for creating Wii exclusive titles... you know, because of much higher attach rates on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. That and Eurocom did work on the port for Treyarch's last Bond title, The Quantum of Solace.

In other Bond news, Activision also snapped up the domain,, perhaps paying more credence to the HMV slip from earlier this week regarding James Bond: Bloodstone.

Activision have already promised more Bond for this year, so time will tell if these pan out to be genuine titles, rather than just conjecture.
US Supreme Court to Weigh in on State Videogame Regulation This Fall

In the fall of this year, the US Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether the state of California can ban the sale or rental of violent videogames to children. The Supreme Court will review the Sacramento federal court’s decision to throw out the original ban which was deemed to have violated a minor’s constitutional rights under the First and Fourteenth amendments.

If passed, California's law would have prohibited the sale or rental of violent games to anyone under 18, creating strict labelling requirements for videogame manufacturers in the process. Retailers who violated the act would have been fined up to $1,000 for each infraction of the law.

The law never took effect however due to constitutional concerns, and was challenged shortly after it was signed by Governator Arnie Schwarzenegger. California lawmakers endorsed the law in part, by citing research studies (since dismissed by federal judges) suggesting that violent games can be linked to aggression, anti-social behaviour and desensitisation to violence in children.

"None of the research establishes or suggests a causal link between minors playing violent video games and actual psychological or neurological harm, and inferences to that effect would not be reasonable," Judge Consuelo Callahan said in the Sacramento ruling. Callahan also stated that there are less restrictive ways to protect children from "unquestionably violent" videogames and courts in other states have thrown out similar laws.

The videogame industry's response argued that approval of California's videogame restrictions could cause other states to limit minors' access to other material under the pretence of "please, won't someone think of the children!"

The court will hear arguments in the Schwarzenegger v. Video Software Dealers Association case 08-1448 this fall.
I thought they already do this...Rick got asked for ID when he bought BFBC2.


haha. I remember once when I was younger, like 16, I went to get this Marilyn Manson VHS and they carded me. It was so annoying, I sulked around the store for like an hour until I found some guy that would pay for it for me. lol.
The just-released Split/Second demo, now available on Xbox Live to all Gold subscribers, teaches you the most important thing about driving a race car through America: how to dodge massive explosions. One in 253 race car drivers meets their maker like that every year, you know.

PS3 owners will be able to join in on May 11th and hurtle through the Airport Terminal level in race mode, triggering environmental destruction and aeronautical disaster on the way to the finish line. Split/Second hits retail on May 18.
I thought they already do this...Rick got asked for ID when he bought BFBC2.


That was hilarious!

Also, is he really still wasting our tax money on this bs? didn't his previous bill and this one get shot down the first time?

Talk about someone who needs to fix his priorities. He has a budget crisis at hand and is worrying about video games what a douche.
The just-released Split/Second demo, now available on Xbox Live to all Gold subscribers, teaches you the most important thing about driving a race car through America: how to dodge massive explosions. One in 253 race car drivers meets their maker like that every year, you know.

PS3 owners will be able to join in on May 11th and hurtle through the Airport Terminal level in race mode, triggering environmental destruction and aeronautical disaster on the way to the finish line. Split/Second hits retail on May 18.

Nice! Though it's lame that you have to wait if you on a ps3 or regular live membership. Paid memberships are lame.

lol. I never had a problem with that when I was younger. Spray paint was a different

What were you doing with spray paint? ;)
Hydrophobia will come to PS3, says developer

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Podcast GameHounds spoke with Rob Hewson, Pete Jones and Deborah Jones of Dark Energy Digital in its latest episode to discuss the upcoming downloadable "episodic" shooter, Hydrophobia. Announced as an XBLA exclusive, it appears that Hydrophobia will one day make its way to PS3 as well. Around the 59 minute mark, one of the podcast's hosts asks, "Will there be a version for PS3?," to which the developers respond, "Yes, there will be." No further details were probed, nor offered.

A number of high-profile XBLA games have made a delayed appearance on PSN, including Braid and the upcoming Castle Crashers. Based on anecdotal evidence, it appears Microsoft's exclusivity typically lasts for over a year -- meaning PS3 owners will likely have to wait quite some time before seeing Hydrophobia on their system of choice.
PS3 doesn't intimidate Ninja Theory anymore

Who’s afraid of the PlayStation 3? Ninja Theory sure isn’t, that’s for sure. Speaking to the chaps at NowGamer, the company’s chief designer, Tameem Antoniades, has declared that the firm now has a better grasp of the system thanks to its efforts with the 2007 release, Heavenly Sword.

Chatting about the firm’s upcoming PS3 project Enslaved, Antoniades commented, “When we went into this project instead of starting from scratch with absolutely nothing we had a much clearer idea of what we wanted to do and how we could do it,” he said.

“The PS3 didn’t scare us anymore because we were so used to it, so it’s been a lot smoother.”

“I think a lot of the games that were announced back then were tainted by that negativity about the price of the console and the things people were saying about it,” he continued.

Enslaved is pencilled in for release later this year, and features a script penned by Alex Garland of 28 Days Later/Sunshine fame.
PS3 doesn't intimidate Ninja Theory anymore

Who’s afraid of the PlayStation 3? Ninja Theory sure isn’t, that’s for sure. Speaking to the chaps at NowGamer, the company’s chief designer, Tameem Antoniades, has declared that the firm now has a better grasp of the system thanks to its efforts with the 2007 release, Heavenly Sword.

Chatting about the firm’s upcoming PS3 project Enslaved, Antoniades commented, “When we went into this project instead of starting from scratch with absolutely nothing we had a much clearer idea of what we wanted to do and how we could do it,” he said.

“The PS3 didn’t scare us anymore because we were so used to it, so it’s been a lot smoother.”

“I think a lot of the games that were announced back then were tainted by that negativity about the price of the console and the things people were saying about it,” he continued.

Enslaved is pencilled in for release later this year, and features a script penned by Alex Garland of 28 Days Later/Sunshine fame.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo now I'm interested!