The Walking Dead Action Figures - Insider Chat


Steelbook Avenger
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Feb 26, 2011
Lincolnshire, UK
This thread is dedicated to talking about the McFarlane "The Walking Dead" figures (and statues). There's someone very well connected in this thread. ;)

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This Fall The Walking Dead comes to the toy store with McFarlane Toys action figures of Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Zombie Biter and Zombie Walker. Available for purchase November 2011.
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Thanks again for all the responses @spawnshop! I do hope the vocal community is able to steer us towards new TV Series waves. And new comic Glenn is the figure I've wanted since Series 2 was announced but then turned out to be a riot gear version. Alternate Neganized head to boot!! Him and TV Series Dale were my top wants and you guys made em. :D
@ spawnshop

In case I would create a online petiton to save the 5" TV line, who would be a target person to have it addressed, how to contact ?
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The big head figure in my LootCrate was Daryl. Not liking the head more than my 5in Daryl's head.

I went to TRU on Saturday and found Michonne x2, Beth x1 Gravedigger Daryl x1. I'm not diggining Beth's head sculpt and paint. Michonne as a figure is solid, but don't like the dark rings under her eyes. The figures were $17.99. So I only got the Beth and Michonne. I was originally going to get the Gravedigger Daryl dirt variant from this wave, but because of the price increase, stopped by my Walgreens and picked up the v1 from S7.5 at "regular" price. I likely won't be getting be getting disemboweled Dale, so T-Dog will be my last TV 5in figure.













Picked up the two comic Jesus figures. They are fantastic.
I don't like the casting choice for Jesus on the show... needs to be taller and older.

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As I was watching The Walking Dead mid season premiere I realized there was an emptiness as I watched these amazing characters in action. It hit me that the 5" TV line had now become synonymous with my passion for the show. I watch the show with constant hope of one day seeing certain characters become a part of this amazing line. Now to look at it and realize I will never see a Sasha in my collection as she becomes such a strong member on screen. It honestly hurts. I swear I feel like I'm going through a really rough break up.

With that said, as Bob said, nightmares end! So either this 7" line flops and drags down all chances of any TWD line with it. Or it flops and we go back to what was working so well. I've seen an overwhelming amount of complaints from fans across all media. So I know Todd has to be seeing it as well. However, at this point I'm willing to bet he's taking it all with a grain of salt. I bet he is hanging on the idea that our minds will change when we see these figures in person. But that isn't the point. For most fans this isn't even about the 7" line. It's deeper than that. It's what has been taken from us, not what's been given. So when those figures hit shelves that's when I urge fans to voice their compliants, prove to McFarlane that waving a shinny new toy in our faces doesn't change the issue. Time well tell, but I believe we can make a change here. And, if boycotting these 7" figures helps prove that point then sacrifices will need to be made. No matter how great these figures turn out to be I for one will not support it until this injustice is written right!! As the show wages into All Out War so should us collectors!

I hear you! I watched the latest two episodes on the weekend and couldn’t help but think about new action figure potential. I never really consciously thought about it at the time but it was a lot of fun to watch the show and wonder at which new characters or outfits would appear in the latest series.
I can't tell you how much I'd like a bloody Rick in t-shirt with hatchet and have been wondering whether the ‘TV series’ 8 Ricks head would fit nicely on the ‘Comic Series’ Ricks body to replicate that somewhat. Has anyone tried that?

I know that there was some talk about the odd exclusive here and there, which would work well enough for new characters like Negan and Jesus but without a regular series and release of regular characters, it’s hard to imagine that I would be so easily engaged.

I’ve seen the constant feedback on McFarlane’s fb page and am really surprised at the tenacity of the fans and imagine that McFarlane might be too?

Anyway the latest series looks good, apart from Beth’s hair colour - eek, so I’ll pick them all up. T-Dog looks especially excellent, I actually can’t believe how good he turned out. Now, if only I had a decent Shane to hang out with him and Dale...
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I must admit I keep add to the feedback on the McFarlane FB page just to let my voice known! Just that I want the 5" line to stay and that there are many characters both existing and future that could be made into action figure form. I feel the decision to axe the TV line was very short sighted of McFarlane. They didn't consider I feel ways they could keep the line going such as concentrating on human characters and smaller waves per year focussing on key characters. An example of jumping the gun was with the Gareth figure, everyone thought he was going to be a major character and then got bumped off earlier than expected. His place could have gone to someone who had been around longer then if Gareth remained for a substantial period of time he could be then made. There is a lot of demand for the figures and I feel Todd should listen to the voice of the people. Focus on fan favourites such as S1 Glenn, S2 Shane, Sasha, Rosita and then Negan, Jesus.

@spawnshop any news on whether McFarlane are going to be doing TV 5" exclusives or changed their minds regarding the TV wave? Also what was originally planned for Series 10? It would be interesting to know.
@kassle I second this question. The fans are certainly making their voices heard. It worries me some of the sarcasim I've seen in Todd's responses almost like he thinks we're all in the wrong. However, I can't imagine an outcry this intense falling on deaf ears. Surely the final decisions don't fall on just one man. @spawnshop I need you to run a hostile take over of McFarlane Toys! You have our support! Lol jk jk.
Todd is too busy making penis jokes. It's extremely embarrassing at this point.

Agreed, I would think that no response is better than the endless stream of ”my wife’ prefers 7 inch” puns. It may be a joke but its mistiming makes me wince every time I see it. Who does it benefit? Certainly not frustrated customers who are trying to make their voices heard.
It does his reputation absolutely no favors - anyone know a good PR firm we can refer him to? - See, I can make jokes too!
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The fact he's usually saying it to attractive women whenever they ask him legitimate questions is even more cringe inducing. I wonder if he would behave that way in a meeting with AMC executives? If not then he shouldn't be talking to fans, collectors & consumers of his products like that either. It's not funny or cute. Just creepy.
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@spawnshop - the obvious question, without asking you to tip your hand too much.

Is there any shift in the decision to end the 5" line? there anything you would recommend we do/keep doing? You were instrumental in keeping us vocal about Beth, knowing our posts were getting to the right places.

@kassle I second this question. The fans are certainly making their voices heard. It worries me some of the sarcasim I've seen in Todd's responses almost like he thinks we're all in the wrong. However, I can't imagine an outcry this intense falling on deaf ears. Surely the final decisions don't fall on just one man. @spawnshop I need you to run a hostile take over of McFarlane Toys! You have our support! Lol jk jk.

I guess what i would say is, and this is from me, not the company, be more constructive with the 5 Inch request, such as you have with the petition. Make suggestions, like Collector Club or Online Store, or Pre-Order.
Personally, i think the spamming of every single Todd post (non-WD) is a bit ridiculous and not fair to the non-walking dead fans. Every forum or board strives to 'stay on topic', and I think the Walking Dead fans should respect this as well, which they haven't. Again, this is just my personal opinion.
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You shouldn't be getting upset at TWD collectors just because we're passionate about the abandonment of this line. If anything McFarlane should be thrilled that so many of us consider this such a big deal that we're going out of our way to makes our thoughts heard on such a matter. Would you rather us just not give a **** about your products and move on entirely? We are fighting to GIVE YOU OUR MONEY. If Todd getting TWD comments on non-TWD posts is the least of your problems, I think you guys have it pretty good. Besides, everyone was mostly being civil and making very well thought out points about everything. Once whoever is handling your fan page & Todd started making cheap, snide comments it started to get a little ugly.

As for what's fair vs. not fair, I don't really think it's fair to ask fans & consumers to invest in a particular line & scale for almost 5 years, have them spend thousands of dollars on their collections only to end it entirely halfway through. That's just my personal opinion.
I appreciate you responding, as always @spawnshop - we are working on the petition. I wish some of the wording was a little different (and that we could add options like suggesting the Collector's Club, TRU-only, Online Store, etc), but it was put together by a fan when the news hit and it's where the signatures started (and it seems the petition sites don't allow alterations to a petition once it has received signatures).

I think it's almost like a political issue at this point. The people (buyers) haven't felt heard or had their wants addressed. So the voices get louder and angrier. I do think it's the natural course of these things, if the politician (or CEO, in this case) doesn't work with the people or make any changes made in an effort to address their loyalty. And I can appreciate how that would be annoying/frustrating on the inside. It feels like a Catch .22 at this point.

Oh well. As always, thanks for the reply. :)
I'm hopeful if one of the "Big 3" retailers (TRU, Target, Walgreens) approaches Todd about an exclusive 5" wave or two that he'll be open to it.

It would be pretty easy to divvy up character choices in a way, in which none of the scales would be harmed, only enhanced. 5" could include people that just won't likely ever make it into 7": Tara, Gabriel, Lori, Shane, Rosita, Aaron, Sasha, etc...along with a mix of characters who would sell in any/every scale, due to the fandom's investment: Constable Rick, Wolf Carol, Negan, Jesus, etc.