Multi Titanfall

Jan 29, 2009

According to article it is Xbox One and PC. With a 360 version being developed by someone else. Game uses cloud a bunch apparently.

Leaker appears to be claiming it is a 1 year timed exclusive..

- Xbox One, PC
- Xbox 360 version developed by someone else
- Planned to target current gen, but realized that they couldn't run it
- Started to look into next gen and the answer they got from Microsoft intrigued them
- They said they needed to focus on fewer hardware. In the future they are open to more. They don't specify if it would be this project or another.
- Plan to use Microsoft's Cloud for dedicated servers and physics and AI calculations
- Campaign Multiplayer, "traditional" multiplayer mode, and a "One-Player Mode".
- Spring 2014 Release Date
- There are a good amount of screens. In my opinion it visually looks pretty nice.
- First person shooter
- "Mech" and ground combat
- "Mech's" are called Titans.
- They want these Titans to feel fast. They can dodge etc.
- If you don't want to pilot the Titan you can have it follow you, killing people as it goes along.
- Player characters are called Pilots (male and female)
- They are extremely agile. Can run on walls, multiple jumps.
- They can take down Titans. Jumping on them and shooting the "brain".
- You need to be cunning as a pilot. "Hit and fade" tactics is the term the game director uses.
- Pilots come equipped with a variety of weapons. Pistol, Assault Rifle, Anti-Titan Rocket Launcher, data knife used to hack AI characters into joining you.
- There are AI enemies on the maps.
- You survive longer than in COD. Making it more welcoming to newcomers.
- Source Engine. Building new engine = too much time.
- Source gives them 60 fps
- Modified Source - "Rewriting major portions of it".
- Article talks about the process of forming the team, being fired, prototyping ideas etc. I recommend reading it.
- Going for a District 9 or Blade Runner vibe.
- Integrate memorable single player moments into a multiplayer game.
- Storytelling style will be more Left 4 Dead.
- Humans segregated between Earth and frontier planets. Corporation trying to take the resources of these frontier people.
- Progression system. No details yet


A lot of the article has to do with Respawn's origins, actually.

So here's the exclusivity mention: They thought working on PS4, Xbox One and PC would prove too difficult for a small team, so they decided to focus on one console instead of two. (er...). "Not to say we won't [go multiplatform] in the future, but for our first game we wanted to focus on making the best game we could."

GI points how that the Xbox One has 5GB of GDDR3 ram available to devs, whereas PS4 has 8GB DDR5 ram, and asks if that's a problem for Respawn. He says they're having trouble even using the 5GB efficiently with all the new architecture tricks. (that is to say, even if they had 8GB they wouldn't know how to use it properly at this stage of development)

GI: "What XBox One lacks in RAM, it potentially makes up for in cloud computing." Talks about how the game will have unlimited dedicated servers for the game, offloading "a few dozen AI" and physics, says the game would be impossible without the cloud and wouldn't have attempted it. Still dealing with unfinished hardware and software, so it's "still a little rough going at times."

"Thanks to the more open maps, healthy mix of enemy AI and real players, and the ultra-powerful titans, the gameplay loop in Titanfall is more accommodating to newcomers."

"Seeing a match play out on three different player screens in a short demo after the the target gameplay video, the average time of life seems drastically increased over the average Call of Duty, Battlefield, or Halo match."

Going to go dig for other gaming news before it gets yanked.

Spoke too soon, there are screenshots towards the end of the article. Smartglass integration, "some level of" Kinect support, Campaign Multiplayer, Regular Multiplayer, and some one player mode that isn't revealed yet.

"Hulking 24-foot tall mechs concentrate heavy fire on anything that moves while lithe soldiers zip across the map with a swiftness normally reserved for superheroes"

"Legions of AI soldiers pour in and out of buildings on a large-scale battlefield as dropships deliver reinforcements from above"

Weapons of soldiers can vaporize multiple targets at once, but the mechs can repel shots back.

Blurs line between competitive multiplayer and single player.

"The titans move at the speed of a regular soldier in many first person shooters and feature an array of heavy firepower that make them formidable adversaries in open space"

Titans best offense is good defense.

Titans can be player controlled or can be commanded to guard an area or follow you around.

More to come...


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From what I read, Microsoft only has a timed exclusive on this for a year. Is that still true? Will this eventually make its way to the PS4?

I've read this in a few places too, who knows if it will eventually make it to PS4. That would be nice, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Crazier things have happened before.
New Titanfall themed console

Microsoft is also banking on people to buy a new console when the long awaited Titanfall releases. Looks amazing and I wish I had the money to spend, haha :hilarious:

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In the main Xbox One thread, most people are saying that it's fake--or likely fake. It seems like there would have been an official announcement by now (just over a month to go).
This has to be a fake. They would have announced it already. They better wait until 2015 to have a new version or price drop. Or I'll feel ripped off with my launch console. I bet they have a Halo 5 one though.