[WINNER CHOSEN] [Ninja Week '15 Give-away] Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Futurepak

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010

What animal most scares you? Tell us why!

Contest ends March 1, 2015.

1. @terry44
2. @bigfub
3. @harry
4. @meaner
5. @rj531
6. @Ricardo13
7. @C.C. 95
8. @Towser
9. @tokaman
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i'm afraid of jellyfish i must say. the problem is that whil swimming you can't really know or see what's going on under water. ;)

many thanks for the give-away!
The truth is... I'm terrified of cockroaches, especially the big and flying ones. They're horrible and incredibly disgusting.

Thanks for the giveaway!
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Squid! Giant squids, little squids. They're so fudkin gross. I think they're everybody's fears rolled into one gross slimey, eight tenticled, ink squirtng wet suffocating fat blanket. Some of them have teeth. I'd face of against a shark any day Vs. letting a squid near me. Dirty fighters. Thanks for the sweet giveaway (and this gross look on my face thinking about squids)

Snakes Indy like me not a fan and one day they are gonna get on a plane you just know it.
Huntsman Spider - always had a phobia of even small spider but that... That spider would give me a heart attack! EEK!

Thanks for the giveaway!
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