[WINNER CHOSEN] [NINJA WEEK '15 GIVEAWAY] Shaun of the Dead Vinyl (Mondo)

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Premium Supporter
Feb 28, 2011
This giveaway is now closed!

On behalf of HDN, I present to you one of many prizes which has been kindly donated by @roseart for Ninja Week 2015!

The prize is a copy of Mondo's Shaun of the Dead OST vinyl.

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To enter, just answer this simple question...

If your town/city suddenly became overrun by zombies, where would you hide out?

One entry per member
Winner: A winner will be announced on March 1st
Shipping: TBC

Thank you and good luck! :thumbs:

If you're not already a Premium Member, then there's no better time than now to upgrade your membership and have access to even more giveaways - become a fully fledged Ninja today!
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There's a cinema just down the road from me. It probably wouldn't be the safest option. Heh. But I'd love to hide out there - treat myself to a movie or two and some popcorn. It'd get old after a few hours but I think it'd be very fun at least initially :)
Thanks for the give away.

I live in Leicester and the city centre is built on top of miles & miles of underground tunnels so I'd hide under there.
My town is so boring that i would stay at my house and hide out in my living room, at least there would be some movies to watch and past the time before my brains would get eaten ;) (if there is anything left to eat :p :D)

Thanks for the giveaway :thumbs:
Great giveaway! :rofl:

If my home town was being overrun by Zombies, id probably stick it outat home, create a barrier and work a planto rescue my friends andfamily.
Locally, I'd probably try to set up shop on top of the local supermarket. I live in a too densly populated area
Awesome giveaway!!

I work so much that I will probably be in the Hospital. Must try to get my loved ones over and barricade in it. I think there are worst places to hide than a Hospital [emoji1] If I would be at home I would do a zombie movie marathon for Inspiration [emoji1]
It's impossible to hide If my city gets affected by zombie epidemic. I live in India. There are people everywhere. So there will be no hiding.

There will be singing first .....

and than.....

Oh!! This is a great giveaway!

We are surrounded by big mountains here so I probably pack my bag, fill it with beer, climb to the top and let the heroes deal with them. :p

PS, this example provides that I don't have a family/kids. ;)
Thanks for the great giveaway!

I'd hide in my bedroom, it has everything I need; bed, TV, Blu-ray player, Xbox One, PC, Sky+. Oh...and a few movies...
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