[WINNER CHOSEN][Ninja Week'15 Give-away] 3 Steelbooks-Paranormal Activity 3, Anchorman & True Grit!

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Apr 12, 2009

Welcome to the biggest ever #ninjaweek #bestweekever at hidefninja.com!

Prize donated by @Naughtius Maximus

Paranormal Activity 3 1 DE
Anchorman 1 UK
True Grit 1 UK


To enter:

1) What drives you most crazy when you go to the theater?

2) Do you think ghosts/the paranormal are real?

Good luck new and current hidefninja.com members and enjoy the rest of Ninja Week 2015!

Remember to check out the front page of our site often for the newest Blu-ray reviews, theatrical reviews and news and interviews!


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1.I hate it when they don't turn the lights off for the film and someone has to get up and tell them. That's happened a few times to me and also rustling of everyone eating food on a quiet scene of a film (usually the opening of the film or quieter moments) I'm usually quiet myself. Paranormal activity films were some of the hardest films to watch at the cinema without making a noise eating or everyone breathing and coughing with those intense quiet night scenes.

3. I kinda do but not in a weird way. I've never seen anything or felt anything but a part of me thinks there is something. When my mum was young her dad passed away and after a while they got rid of his stuff especially from the bathroom were his aftershave and stuff was, she told me one night she woke up and could heavily smell his aftershave weeks after the chucked it all out and believed it was him.
Another time we were out one night (when all my mates started driving years ago) and we went to these ruins of a castle near where I live and we met a group of paranormal/ ghost hunters with all the kit set up (was really strange) any way we was chatting to them for a while and one of my mates was silent the whole time, when we left we got in the cars and half way through our journey home (he was still quiet) one of my other mates asked what's wrong and he claimed to see a little girl in the woods and then she vanished (this was like 11.00pm). Now my mate who see this don't Belive in this kind of stuff and don't lie but he was so freaked out and he was convinced it was a ghost. That f*cked us all up that night on the way home. I personally think because of the situation we was in and the people we met his mind was playing tricks on him but who knows (That freaked me out a little writing that and my eyes welled up a little- spooky)

Thanks for the giveaway
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Thanks for this!

I can't stand that every time I go to order pretzel bites, they are either stale or not made! :l

And yes, I do think there are other forces out there that we can't see or explain.
1. People talking/discussing the movie DURING the movie.
2. Idunno, I'm open to it, but haven't experienced it. So in the middle haha.

thanks for the giveaway :)
1) People texting during a movie
2) Yes, but not what is shown in films. Also I think most cases can be explained and I believe that the power of suggestion is very strong
A guy much taller than me in front of me. I am not sure, but maybe ghosts indeed are for real.

Thanks for the great giveaway,
1: People talking, bringing their babies to r-rated films at night, constantly getting up to go to the bathroom during scenes, and using their cell-phones.

2: They may be real but not in the way films, television or paranormal "experts" portray them.

Thanks for the great giveaway!
I hate when people insist on talking throughout a film especially horror films when everyone is going don't go in there which kills all the suspense.
I do believe the paranormal and ghosts are real but as a few have said not as how it is portrayed in films.
Thanks for the giveaway.

1. Same as the most..other people! :) The talking, munching/crunching sound of people etaing etc etc
2. No, sorry I am too logical. If it was meant that we shoudl know we would!
1. Teenagers laughing, talking, texting on their phones and don't give a damn about the movie they've paid money to see!
2. I don't, I think. o_O

Thanks for the giveaway!
Great giveaway and question :thumbs::thumbs: thank you.
I've been wanting the pa3 steelbook for ages:joy:

1 seat kickers and people putting their feet up on the back of your chair
images (3).jpg

2 - I'd like to think it's all true, makes it more fun to believe in that stuff when you're watching films like the conjuring :ohno::ohno::rofl:

When my niece was around 3/4 years old she would play in her bedroom and talk to someone, we'd ask her who she was playing with and she said it was a little boy and he was her friend. My sister would find her shoes on top of her wardrobe and wonder how they got there, she would also come home to find her stereo on and the windows open.. She did a little research and found out that there used to be a small boy living with his parents in her flat a few years before, the little boy sadly had died in the bath tub.. She moved out after that, my niece still remembers the playing with him. I've never seen anything myself but like I said, it's fun to believe it's possible, who doesn't like a good ghost story:D
Things that real annoy me in the cinema:

1, a group of Whiney ten wage girls squealing and laughing every 20 seconds even when the film isn't funny.

2, people kicking the back of my chair!

Yes I do believe in ghosts/paranormal as I have had an encounter once with my late nan :D
Thanks for the giveaway!

The people that talk and whisper throughout the whole movie making comments about every little scene. Annoys the hell out of me.

I don't believe in any of that stuff.
1. When there's a group of immature teenage girls that sit in front or directly behind me and won't stop giggling
2. I do believe in the paranormal, I've had some experiences that have felt too real to not be!
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