WINNER CHOSEN 100 Movies - 1 Winner


Super Moderator
Premium Supporter
Dec 28, 2012


@jaws finatic

DURATION: Ninja week from March 25 till March 31

ELIGIBILITY: All registered members, regardless of post count




1- Thank this post (by clicking on the green icon in the lower right corner of this post) or give it a thumbs up.

2- Reply below why should you win and tag a friend or more.

3- Have fun!

TERMS: One post/entry per person. You can chat with each other but only your first entry following the above requirements is eligible.

Winner pays shipping. Given the size of the prize, if the winner resides in the Americas, I'll help her or him ship locally, same thing goes if the winner is an EU resident. For anywhere else, we’ll work something out.

Good luck everyone!

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1. Done.
2. Why not. I can say I am sure I would not want all of them and the ones I don't want I would pass on to others who do. So would be cool to get some and also give some away as well.
3. ?
4. Ready player one, Suicide squad, John Wick, Iron man, DCU movies.
5. I don't use Twitter or Instragram.
6. Done.
1. Done
2. I should win because my wife just divorced me and I've started collecting steelbooks ever since! It would help expand my growing collection.
3. I don't have any friends on here haha so idk how to tag anyone :/
4. Star Wars, Transformers, Batman, The Avengers, Ready Player One, John Wick, Aquaman, Justice League, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman
5. Done
6. Done!
Thanks for this opportunity if that doesn't disqualify me! You guys are awesome!!
Thanks @Apollon and everyone else involved all Ninja Week for providing this amazing opportunity.

WINNING this prize would be the only way I could explain adding 100 movies to my collection without my wife leaving me for good.
What an insane give-away :woot:

I think I don't deseve it more than anyone else here, don't have a reason why I should.
Good luck to everyone, at least you know it'll find the right home in this great community of fanatics :D
No real legitimate reason why I would deserve this more than any other Ninja, but it would sure be an amazing boost to my collection and properly fill out my shelves!

Thank you for this amazing giveaway!

I should win, like everyone else does. We are here to have fun, thus it does not really matter who wins. But why shouldn't it be me...?

Thanks for this awesome giveaway!!!