2013 Steelbook™ Wishlist

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My Top 10
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Field of Dreams
The Great Escape
Last of the Mohicans
Lawrence of Arabia
Sound of Music
Starship Troopers
Star Wars (each with its own SB)
Tora, Tora, Tora
I'd love to see:
Avengers JP
Hulk JP please vertical!!!
Iron man JP
Just to have a uniform set ;)

I'd also really like to see:
The illusionist
The prestige
I think there are so many ways to be creative with these two.
Could easily be on my favorites list if done well
Before Sunrise/Sunset/Midnight trilogy!!!
the first two didn't have any blu ray release yet & the third one just premiered last night at Cannes. please Warner blu, make this happen :D
Next to American Psycho and The Machinist, I'd also like to add Space Jam!
Individual releases for Star Wars, Rocky and big horror franchises like Friday the 13th, Halloween etc.

28 Days Later (movie itself would look horrible, but imagine the artwork possibilities)
Equilibrium (Canadian one is pretty bland, this title deserves some TLC)
Finding Nemo for the UK
Maybe some Westerns such as The Good, The Bad & The Ugly and so on

Honestly, I just want to see new titles in the UK in general. Rocky times for this hobby.
Id like to see
Close Encounters as well.. with Jaws and ET making the jump to steel CEO3K seems likekly
2.Crying Freeman with embossing
Mortal kombat with embossing
Superman the movie.. nice to coincide with a Man of Steel steel.
The Mask
The Shadow
Masters of the universe
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The Transformers: The Movie (1986)
Walking Dead Season 1
Walking Dead Season 3
Resident Evil: Damnation
Romero "Dead" films - Return, Dawn, Day, Land, Diary (individual SBs)
28 Days/Weeks Later (individual SBs)
I would love an Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn steelbook to go with the Evil Dead UK steelbook. Plus I think if they used the artwork from this DVD release it would be an awesome steel. :drool:

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schindlers list
star trek: into darkness (even though it's not out yet, the steel for the 1st is pure sex)
predator - with a much better transfer than the 2 previous blu's
commando - classic arnie :)
Past Movies:
Individual releases for Star Wars
Individual releases for LOTR Extended Editions
X-Men 1 and 2
Kung-fu Panda 1 and 2
Shrek 1 and 2
The Dark Knight Rises - Premium Collection (White)

Future Movies:
Iron-man 3
Man of Steel
Star Trek Into Darkness
Thor 2
Lots of good ones already listed but I second more Disney ones...

Really glad Argo will have one but I'd like to see Django Unchained, Lincoln and Silver Lining Playbook get the sb treatment too.

I'm sure some or all of the summer blockbusters will get the sb treatment.
Since new movies releasing in 2013 no one has really seen yet except for the ones already released in January... I will list of my previously released movies I would like to see on steel and movies released to date in 2013:

Zero Dark Thirty
Gangster Squad

& Previously released....

The Punisher
Spy Game
Underworld 1, 2, 3 single releases
X-Men 1, 2, 3, single releases
Casino Royale (proper release)
Quantum of Solace
The Kingdom
Miami Vice
28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later
The Italian Job
Personally, I'd love to see these:

The Evil Dead (2013)
(500) Days of Summer
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
There Will Be Blood
Bad Boys II
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