41-Megapixel Phone

Lone Crusader

The Savage Ninja!
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Nov 24, 2011
Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
Nokia’s Insane 41-Megapixel Phone Was Used to Make a Commercial About Nokia’s Insane 41-Megapixel Phone
Here's how you know your phone's camera is powerful. If it has 41 freaking megapixels. Here's how you know to trust your powerful camera phone. If it's used to make a commercial about itself. Yep, the Nokia 808 PureView was used to make a commercial about the Nokia 808 PureView. A clever way to see how good (and ridiculous) the camera is.
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As an ex-photogrpaher I can tell you mp's mean sh1t all when the tiniest little image sensor is what's capturing the pictures. There is a reason full frame 35mm camera's still exist and heck even full format Haselblad's still exist.

Camera phones are just camera phones at end of the day. These are just marketing ploy's to sell things. That video you see before you has been heavily edited with pro software and tech with a guy that probably has 20 years experience and looks nothing like the video that actually came out of the camera phone.

Just think most of the dslr's today dont even have a 35mm sensor. There mostly just crop sensors that have 1.4 - 1.6x sensors and now imagine how tiny the image sensor is inside these camera phones...

All I'm saying is dont get sucked into the 41mp hype... it really doesn't mean squat.