Blu-Ray Player thats...

Aug 9, 2011
Hello guys,

For Xmas im wanting a new Blu-Ray player. It would be really cool if you guys could help me out with these.

Im wanting to do the Blu-Ray player hack so I can watch all regions. Also I want the price to be affordable like 150 dollars or less.

It would be great if it could play 2D and 3D.

Lastly, I want it to be a good player thats good quality. The PS3 is great with Blu-Rays, so something that looks good movie wise.

The problem is, getting a region free player that also does 3d and less than $150 is not out yet.

You can get a nice player that does region free for that just not 3d. If you have a ps3 it got the 3d upgrade. You lack on audio, but if you dont have a home theater 5.1 set up then it wont really matter then until you do.
I would be careful with that if I was you. My player isnt wifi but can connect via ethernet. However I would never do so ... sometimes players you connect online try to download new firmware. Many times blu-ray players that are region free are region free by mistake, or by hack etc. So you could get online with it only for it to update and you lose your region free capabilities.

I say you either go BIG or go SMALL in regards to getting a region free player.

You can get a great region free like Oppo for like $500 and not have much to worry about. Or you can get a player like that one from best buy I recommended for like $79 ... well now its $59 last I saw the link.

You could gamble and connect it online if you like ... has netflix streaming and a few other things. Its not a bad player by any means, its just not elite etc. I use that and my ps3 in the man-cave. I got a high end in another room.
Sounds good!

I will give that Best Buy player a go.

Thanks for all your help.

PS: Whats the link? I clicked the link that was on the thread for the player, and it said page can't be found.