Blu-Ray Wishlist (Your picks!)

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Apr 12, 2009
What movies are you wishing for? Post 'em here!

Mine are:

Jurassic Park
Rosemary's Baby
Xanadu (yes I said it-guilty pleasure and em, Olivia Newton John);)
The Entity
Demon Seed
Schindler's List
Many others.

What about you?
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Pulp Fiction
Ghost and the Darkness
My Girl (for wife)
The Ring
Schindler's List
Tron 80's
The Incredibles
Empire of the SUn
Catch me if you can
Name of the Rose
Jungle Book
A Tale of Two Sister
Ju On
Shrooms (region 1)
Creature from the Black Lagoon

wouldn't you try importing shrooms?, i know the UK copy is only partially region locked, the the film itself plays fine on a Region A player, but the extras do not
The Sandlot
Mighty Ducks 1-3
3 Ninjas
Surf Ninjas
Space Jam
The Burbs
Jurassic Park
Hook (Rufio in HD would be epic)
Karate Kid III
A League of Their Own
Harold Lloyd Movies e.g. The Freshman, Safety Last, The Kid Brother, Speedy...

and of course Shaq's masterpiece, Steel, in a SteelBook

papillon.(total classic)
battle royale.
lady snowblood,blizzard from the netherworld.
lady snowblood,love song of vengeance.
i think i have more chance winning the lottery 10x then getting snowblood on blu,lol
Indiana Jones 1-3
Star Wars

After those two it doesn't matter what else comes out. :D

Horhay, I know there is a lot of debate about which Star Wars will be released(original or the one with effects added in). Which one do you prefer?
===== QUOTE Horhay ====

Indiana Jones 1-3
Star Wars

After those two it doesn't matter what else comes out. :D

===== /QUOTE ====

Horhay, I know there is a lot of debate about which Star Wars will be released(original or the one with effects added in). Which one do you prefer?

At this point, whatever they choose to give us!

Posted from my BlackBerry using BerryBlab
Ha! So it was YOU dressed like Chubaka at the Star Wars convention? Just kidding:) I know there are many waiting for these!
- Lord of the Rings: Extended Edition Trilogy
- The Incredibles
- Finding Nemo
- Jurassic Park Trilogy

and I hope they all have collectible packaging (steelbook/ironpack)
I believe I looked into A Tale of Two Sisters when I first found out the UK had it and it is region 2. As for Shrooms Bailey, I would consider buying it but since I'm not in a rush I will wait for an American release. If it never comes I could be screwed but I won't lose sleep over it.

After watching 2 Hammer films last night I gotta think that these flicks would look awesome on Blu-ray. I just love the looks of the sets and the on-location scenes they use are incredible. I wish they would take that UK region 2 "Ultimate Hammer Collection" DVD box and make it region 1 Blu-ray. Now THAT would be da bomb.
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