[CONCLUDED] [NINJA WEEK 2013 GIVE-AWAY] Collateral [DE] & Battle Royale [Play]

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Lone Crusader

The Savage Ninja!
Super Moderator
Premium Supporter
Nov 24, 2011
Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
Ninja Week is upon us and I've got another give away for you all. :oohyeah:

Kudos go out to Che for this give away for the Steelbooks he's donating for it. :scat: :thumbs:

/2 steelbooks are up for grabs./

Collateral [DE] & Battle Royale [Play].

To Participate:
Only one post per member.
Tell us is there any place in the the world you would like to be, where would it be and what would you like to be doing while you were there? It could be right where your at now or maybe some distant far away land looking for treasure and calling yourself Indy.

At the end of the give away I'll gather your names and numbered post and put it in a Random Generator to come up with the lucky winner. :thumbs:

This give away will end in 1 day. 9pm Central Time on 2/7/2013.
Battle Royale
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I would like to be relaxing at a cafe in Venice watching Alfred sip on a glass of wine with my sexy girlfriend who loves cats. No but seriously I really want to visit Italy.
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