Crisis at Marvel


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Dec 28, 2012
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My 2 cents from the article;

"“The Marvel machine was pumping out a lot of content. Did it get to the point where there was just too much, and they were burning people out on superheroes? It’s possible,”"


"Feige isn’t the only person showing signs of strain. Marvel’s entire VFX battalion, including staffers and vendors, is struggling to keep pace with a never-ending stream of productions."

This shows I'm right.

"“The year 2023 was the straw that broke the camel’s back,”"

Yep !

"Case in point: the “Blade” reboot. With Mahershala Ali signed on for the eponymous role of a vampire, things looked promising for a 2023 release date."

They are putting out She-Hulk s*it etc but and failing movie like this ! Tho this is not tier 1 ... still.

... and even thinking bringing back "old" avengers like Downey Jr. Ruffalo and Evans is going backwards IMO ... no no no !
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I just want better scripts…better stories. Personally I liked Quantumania, while I thought GoG3 was pretty ho hum (Not unlike Strange 2 and the last Thor). Can’t comment on the Disney series, since i last subscribed 2 years ago….eventually I’ll sign up for 2 months, power through the content and cancel, because Disney has to be teh worst value of all the streaming services (unless you have kids).
The Infinity Saga really was a monumental series of movies that set the standard for what an interconnecting franchise could achieve..... But everything since then has just fallen flat for me.

Bringing back RDJ and Scarjo would negate the impact of their story arcs/sacrifices and kinda cheapen their characters.

I almost wish they'd pumped the breaks after Endgame. Took some time to recalibrate before doing a hard reset, instead Marvel Studios seem to be undoing all their hard work.
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There's so many problems with the post Endgame MCU that pretty much all the complaints people make online are accurate. The poor writing/direction/CGI, the focus on lesser or uninteresting characters, modifying characters from their comic originals, the obsession with everything being interconnected and being essentially a teaser for the next product, the hubris to think that TV shows throughout the year would have the same kind of "special event" pull that the movies had on normies, the all or nothing ultimatum they have people with the expectation that everyone will watch everything they produce, the focus on self aware self parody where nothing is taken seriously, the introduction of endless universes so nothing has any gravity or meaning anymore, the pandering to small online minorities instead of to the actual audiences, the trademarked Disney+ padding that takes a 40 minute concept and drags it out over a couple of months, lack of a clear focus for the MCU as a whole, the way that the superheroes are now seen as a little more than celebrities and we see the MCU through the eyes of a Marvel stan rather than as a fly on the wall to superheroes, etc etc.

And that's before you even get to them flippantly and sexistly saying they want more women than men to make up for all the male characters they had up to Endgame?? There are great female characters, great male characters, great white characters, great black characters...we don't need them to be segregated.
I don't have a problem with more women being given plum roles or even headlining a film but DO NOT pussify men. Don't turn men into sniveling idiots or punchlines. Don't elevate women at the expense of the male species is what I'm saying.

Giving superheroes a rest would help too.
I won't go so far as to say Marvel lost me, but I have to concede that my excitement over a new film has gone the way of the dodo bird. I used to collect every steel from these films, but after Multiverse of Madness, which just confused the heck out of me, I beg off. I did buy Black Widow, which is awesome. Will get Guardians 3 eventually when there's a version I like. Pretty sure it will be rereleased and rereleased and rereleased and........
But those are 'misdemeanor' convictions, that's like a parking ticket. Although 'they' (read 'idiots') do 'cancel' people nowadays just based on allegations, "guilty till proven otherwise", and even then still 'guilty', as in the Kevin Spacey case.
But since I hate Marvel, and what they represent in the cinematic world, whatever hurts them is good by me.
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